
One of Spotify’s most powerful features is its recommendation system, which allows you to find great songs you may not have heard yet. Here’s how to discover new music on the streaming service.
Spotify最强大的功能之一是其推荐系统,它使您可以查找尚未听过的精彩歌曲。 这是在流媒体服务上发现新音乐的方法。
Spotify的发现功能 (Spotify’s Discovery Features)
Aside from having shareable playlists generated by both the community and by the company, Spotify has a ton of ways of directly recommending you new music. Since it’s the largest music streaming service, it has extensive data on all the music that you’ve listened to as well as what other users listen to. That’s why it has a robust set of discovery tools that let you find new songs or genres that you might enjoy.
除了拥有社区和公司生成的共享播放列表之外,Spotify还提供了许多直接推荐新音乐的方法。 由于它是最大的音乐流媒体服务 ,因此它具有有关您已听过的所有音乐以及其他用户所听音乐的大量数据。 因此,它拥有一套强大的发现工具,可让您找到自己喜欢的新歌曲或新类型。
Spotify’s discovery features include personalized playlists such as Discover Weekly and Release Radar, suggestions for songs to add to your existing playlists, and radio stations based on tracks, artists, and albums. These dynamically change based on your listening habits or selected songs.
Spotify的发现功能包括个性化播放列表(例如“发现每周”和“发行雷达”),有关将歌曲添加到现有播放列表的建议以及基于曲目,艺术家和专辑的广播电台。 这些会根据您的收听习惯或所选歌曲而动态变化。
每周发现 (Discover Weekly)

The most straightforward way of discovering music on Spotify is via the highly personalized “Discover Weekly” playlist. Every start of the week, you’ll get a playlist filled with 30 tracks that you have never listened to on the platform. These tracks are selected based on what you’ve been listening to over the past week and are custom-made for each user. There are often many smaller artists featured in these playlists that you may not have heard of.
在Spotify上发现音乐的最直接方法是通过高度个性化的“每周发现”播放列表。 每个星期的开始,您都会获得一个包含30条从未在平台上收听过的曲目的播放列表。 这些曲目是根据您过去一周内一直在听的音乐选择的,并且是针对每个用户量身定制的。 这些播放列表中经常有很多较小的歌手,您可能没有听说过。
To access your Discover Weekly playlist, go to the “Discover” section in Spotify. It should be the very first playlist and will feature your Spotify profile picture on the cover.
要访问“发现每周”播放列表,请转到Spotify中的“发现”部分。 它应该是第一个播放列表,并在封面上显示您的Spotify个人资料图片。

While listening to your Discover Weekly, you can add your favorite tracks to your own songs library by clicking the heart button next to them. You can also follow your playlist so you can access it at any time, or set the toggle to “download” so it’ll be available for offline listening on your device whenever it gets refreshed.
在收听“发现每周”时,您可以通过单击曲目旁边的心脏按钮将喜欢的曲目添加到自己的歌曲库中。 您也可以按照自己的播放列表进行操作,以便随时访问它,也可以将切换开关设置为“下载”,以便在刷新设备后即可在设备上进行离线收听。
释放雷达 (Release Radar)

Similar to Discover Weekly, the Release Radar is a dynamic playlist that populates itself based on your listening habits and library.
Every Friday, the playlist is updated with 30 brand new songs from artists that you’re currently following, as well as new music from artists that you might not have listened to. This playlist exclusively features tracks that have been released within the last seven days.
每个星期五,播放列表都会更新,其中包含您当前正在关注的歌手的30首全新歌曲以及您可能未听过的歌手的新音乐。 此播放列表专门播放最近7天内发行的曲目。
If you’re someone that frequently keeps up with new releases, this is a great way to keep track of your favorite artists. It often features special versions, live recordings, and b-sides that aren’t featured as prominently on an artist’s page.
如果您是经常跟上新专辑发行的人,这是跟踪您最喜欢的歌手的好方法。 它通常具有特殊版本,现场录音和b面,而在艺术家页面上没有突出显示。
播放清单建议 (Playlist Suggestions)
Spotify can create dynamic suggestions for what tracks to add to a playlist based on the playlist title and the songs already in it. For example, if you make an album called “Disco Music” and add mostly funk, disco, and soul songs, it will immediately suggest similar songs from other artists during the era.
Spotify可以根据播放列表标题和其中已包含的歌曲,为要添加到播放列表的曲目创建动态建议。 例如,如果您制作一张名为“ Disco Music”的专辑,并添加主要是放克,迪斯科和灵魂歌曲,它将立即推荐该时期其他艺术家的类似歌曲。
To do this, create a Spotify playlist and give it a descriptive title. Add several songs to the playlist that have to do with the genre, mood, or period you’re trying to capture.
为此,创建一个Spotify播放列表并为其提供描述性标题。 将几首歌曲添加到播放列表中,这些歌曲与您尝试捕获的流派,心情或时期有关。

At the bottom of the playlist screen for both mobile and desktop, you’ll see a list of several songs that you can instantly add. Just press the “+” button to add them, or you can also select the song to listen to the track before you add it.
在移动和台式机播放列表屏幕的底部,您将看到可以立即添加的几首歌曲的列表。 只需按“ +”按钮将其添加,或者您还可以在添加曲目之前选择要收听的歌曲。
You can also hit the “refresh” button at the bottom of the screen to get another set of recommendations. The suggestions tend to change every time you add new tracks, so you should also try browsing out of the playlist and going back to it to see an entirely new set.
您也可以点击屏幕底部的“刷新”按钮以获取另一组建议。 每次添加新曲目时,建议往往都会改变,因此您还应该尝试浏览播放列表,然后返回播放列表以查看全新的设置。
Spotify“收音机” (Spotify “Radios”)

Another great way to discover new music is by using Spotify’s radio feature. It allows you to select any song, album, or artist, and generate a series of tracks that are similar in genre, theme, or subject matter that you can continuously listen to for hours.
发现新音乐的另一种好方法是使用Spotify的广播功能。 它使您可以选择任何歌曲,专辑或艺术家,并生成一系列类型,主题或主题相似的曲目,您可以连续听几个小时。
You can find the radio via the additional options button on each song, album, or artist. While playing the radio, you can save the songs you enjoy by pressing the heart button next to each track.
您可以通过每首歌曲,专辑或歌手的附加选项按钮找到广播。 播放广播时,您可以通过按每首曲目旁边的心形按钮来保存喜欢的歌曲。
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翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/541887/how-to-discover-new-music-on-spotify/