If your worksheet takes up more than one page when printed, you can print row and column headings (also called print titles) on every page so your data is properly labeled, making it easier to view and follow your printed data.
Open the worksheet you want to print and click the “Page Layout” tab.

In the “Page Setup” section, click “Print Titles”.
NOTE: The “Print Titles” button is grayed out if you are currently editing a cell, if you’ve selected a chart on the same worksheet, or if you don’t have a printer installed.

On the “Page Setup” dialog box, make sure the “Sheet” tab is active. Enter the range for the rows you want to repeat on every page in the “Rows to repeat at top” edit box. For example, we want the first row of our spreadsheet to repeat on all pages, so we entered “$1:$1”. If you want more than one row to repeat, for example rows 1-3, you would enter “$1:$3”. If you want to have the first column, as an example, repeat on every printed page, enter “$A:$A”.
在“页面设置”对话框上,确保“工作表”选项卡处于活动状态。 在“要在顶部重复的行”编辑框中,输入要在每页上重复的行的范围。 例如,我们希望电子表格的第一行在所有页面上重复,因此我们输入了“ $ 1:$ 1”。 如果要重复多个行,例如1-3行,则输入“ $ 1:$ 3”。 例如,如果要具有第一列,请在每个打印页面上重复输入“ $ A:$ A”。

You can also select the rows you want to repeat using the mouse. To do so, click the “Collapse Dialog” button on the right side of the “Rows to repeat at top” edit box.
您也可以使用鼠标选择要重复的行。 为此,请单击“行上方重复的行”编辑框右侧的“折叠对话框”按钮。

The “Page Setup” dialog box shrinks to only show the “Rows to repeat at top” edit box.

To select the rows you want to repeat, move the cursor over the row numbers until it turns into a right arrow then either click on the one row you want or click and drag over multiple rows. The row range is inserted into the “Rows to repeat at top” edit box automatically. To expand the “Page Setup” dialog box, click the “Collapse Dialog” button again.
要选择要重复的行,请将光标移到行号上,直到变成右箭头,然后单击想要的一行或单击并拖动到多行上。 该行范围将自动插入“在顶部重复的行”编辑框中。 要展开“页面设置”对话框,请再次单击“折叠对话框”按钮。

Once you’ve defined the rows and columns you want to repeat, click “OK”.

NOTE: If you have more than one worksheet selected in your workbook, the “Rows to repeat at top” and “Columns to repeat at left” boxes are grayed out and not available in the “Page Setup” dialog box. You must only have one worksheet selected. To unselect multiple worksheets, click on any other worksheet that is not selected. If all worksheets are selected, right-click on any of the selected sheets and select “Ungroup Sheets” on the popup menu.
注意:如果您在工作簿中选择了多个工作表,则“在顶部重复的行”和“在左侧重复的列”框将变灰,并且在“页面设置”对话框中不可用。 您只能选择一个工作表。 要取消选择多个工作表,请单击其他未选择的工作表。 如果选择了所有工作表,请右键单击任何选定的工作表,然后在弹出菜单上选择“取消组合工作表”。