If the weather is really nice out and you decide to open up windows, it’s easy to forget to turn off the A/C so that you don’t waste energy. However, with a smart thermostat (like the Ecobee3) and SmartThings, you can automatically turn off your thermostat when you open a window.
如果天气真的很好,您决定打开窗户,很容易忘记关闭空调,这样就不会浪费能源。 但是,使用智能恒温器(例如Ecobee3 )和SmartThings,您可以在打开窗口时自动关闭恒温器。
SmartThings is a smarthome product line from Samsung that provides a user-friendly way for homeowners and renters to keep tabs on their house while they’re away from home. It also just makes it easier to control and manage all of your smarthome gear under one app.
SmartThings是三星的智能家居产品线,为房主和房客提供一种用户友好的方式,使他们在出门在外时可以随时查看自己的房屋。 它也使使用一个应用程序更轻松地控制和管理所有智能家居设备。
Using a SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor (which detects when a door or window is open and closed), you can send a signal from that to your smart thermostat and tell it to stop cranking the A/C whenever the sensor is open. It’s really easy to do, but there are a lot of steps involved, so let’s get started.
使用SmartThings多功能传感器 (可检测门或窗户何时打开和关闭),您可以将其从该信号发送到智能恒温器,并告诉它在传感器打开时停止摇动空调。 这确实很容易,但是涉及很多步骤,所以让我们开始吧。
第一步:将智能恒温器链接到SmartThings (Step One: Link Your Smart Thermostat to SmartThings)
SmartThings supports a handful of smart thermostats, including the Ecobee3, a few thermostats from Honeywell (like the Lyric), and some from RCS, Radio, Zen, and Fidure. Unfortunately, the Nest isn’t officially supported, but you might be able to accomplish the same task using IFTTT.
SmartThings支持多种智能恒温器,包括Ecobee3,霍尼韦尔的一些恒温器(如Lyric)以及RCS,Radio,Zen和Fidure的一些恒温器。 不幸的是,Nest不受官方支持,但是您可以使用IFTTT来完成相同的任务。
To link your smart thermostat to SmartThings, open up the SmartThings app and tap on the “My Home” tab at the bottom of the screen.
Tap on the “+” button in the top-right corner.
点击右上角的“ +”按钮。
Tap on “Add a Thing” when the pop-up at the bottom appears.
Select “Climate Control” from the list.
Tap on “Thermostats”.
Select the manufacturer for your smart thermostat. In my case, I’ll tap on “Ecoee” since I have an Ecobee3 thermostat.
选择您的智能恒温器的制造商。 就我而言,因为我有一个Ecobee3温控器,所以我将点击“ Ecoee”。
Tap on “ecobee3 Smart Thermostat”.
点击“ ecobee3智能恒温器”。
Tap on “Connect Now”.
Tap inside the box where it says “Click to enter Ecobee Credentials”. Remember that this process could be different depending on what smart thermostat you have.
在显示“单击以输入Ecobee凭据”的框内点击。 请记住,此过程可能会有所不同,具体取决于您拥有的智能恒温器。
Type in your Ecobee account information and then tap on “Log In”.
On the next screen, tap on “Accept”.
After that, tap on the arrow in the top-left corner to go back.
Next, tap inside the box where it says “Tap to choose” in red.
Place a checkmark next to your smart thermostat and then tap “Done”.
Next, tap on “Select Ecobee Sensors”.
Tap on the remote Ecobee3 sensors that you want to add to SmartThings. For this specific purpose, you don’t need the remote sensors, but if you plan on using the SmartThings integration in the future for more stuff, it could be useful.
点击要添加到SmartThings的远程Ecobee3传感器。 对于此特定目的,您不需要远程传感器,但是如果您打算将来使用SmartThings集成来获得更多功能,它可能会很有用。
After that, tap on “Done” in the top-right corner.
Your Ecobee3 thermostat and its remote sensor will appear in the list of other devices that you have connected to SmartThings.
第二步:创建一个“例程”以自动关闭恒温器 (Step Two: Create a “Routine” to Automatically Turn Off the Thermostat)
After you link your smart thermostat to SmartThings, tap on the “Routines” tab at the bottom.
Tap on the “+” button in the top-right corner.
点击右上角的“ +”按钮。
Tap inside the box where it says “What do you want to do?” and give the routine a name. Hit “Next” when you’re done.
在显示“您想做什么?”的框中点击, 给例程起个名字 完成后点击“下一步”。
Scroll down and tap on “Set the thermostat”.
Tap on “Which?”.
Select your smart thermostat and then tap on “Done”.
Next, tap on “When cooling”.
Enter in a high number, like 85, to turn off the A/C and prevent it from running. Since SmartThings doesn’t let you actually turn off the thermostat, this is the next best option. Tap on “Done” when you’re finished.
输入较大的数字,例如85,以关闭A / C并阻止其运行。 由于SmartThings不允许您实际关闭恒温器,因此这是次佳的选择。 完成后,点击“完成”。
Next, tap on “Automatically perform [routine name]”.
Select “Something opens or closes” from the list.
On the next screen, tap on “Which?”.
Select which sensor you want to use for the automation task. I’m using our patio door sensor, because that’s usually what we open when we want to let cool outside air in. Hit “Done” after you choose a sensor. You can choose more than one.
选择要用于自动化任务的传感器。 我使用的是露台门传感器,因为通常这是我们要让外界的空气进入时打开的门。选择传感器后,单击“完成”。 您可以选择多个。
Under “Does this”, it’s already set to “Open”, so we can leave that how it is. From there, tap on “Done” in the top-right corner.
在“这样做”下,它已经设置为“打开”,因此我们可以保留它的状态。 从那里,点击右上角的“完成”。
Tap “Done” again.
Your new routine will appear in the list and it will immediately become activated.
Of course, to have your thermostat turn back on after you close your windows, you’ll need to create a second routine setting up just the opposite of the first routine and set your thermostat to the regular temperature that you have it set to, but once you have that set up, you can open windows without needing to remember to turn off the A/C!
当然,要在关闭窗户后重新打开恒温器,您需要创建第二个例行程序,该程序必须与第一个例行程序相反,并将恒温器设置为设定的常规温度,但是完成设置后,您无需记住关闭A / C就可以打开窗口!
Title image by auris/Bigstock, SmartThings, Ecobee
标题图片来自auris / Bigstock,SmartThings,Ecobee