android 通知静音

So here’s the scenario: you grab your phone and don’t see anything in the notification bar. But you pull the shade down, and there one is. It’s a mysterious little guy with no icon in the bar.
这样的情况是:您拿起手机,在通知栏中看不到任何东西。 但是您将阴影拉下,就可以了。 这是一个神秘的小家伙,栏中没有图标。
This, in a nutshell, is a silent notification—a notification that shows up with no audible or visual alert to let you know it’s there. Why? Because it’s not that important. It’s passive information; something that you can check on at any point. It isn’t necessarily time sensitive, nor does it require any interaction. It’s just there to let you know something you may want to know.
简而言之,这是一个静默通知,该通知显示时没有听觉或视觉警报,让您知道它的存在。 为什么? 因为不是那么重要。 它是被动信息; 您可以随时检查的内容。 它不一定是时间敏感的,也不需要任何交互。 只是为了让您知道您可能想知道的内容。
Let’s take Maps for example. I’m sure most of us have seen Maps’ traffic notifications—the thing that lets you know how congested the roads are in your area. That’s the perfect example of a silent notification. It’s there, but you really don’t know when it got there, because it didn’t alert you in any way.
让我们以地图为例。 我敢肯定,我们大多数人都已经看到了Google地图的路况通知,该信息可以让您知道您所在地区的道路拥堵程度。 这是无提示通知的完美示例。 它在那里,但是您真的不知道它什么时候到达,因为它没有以任何方式提醒您。

RELATED: How to Disable Android's Traffic Notifications
相关: 如何禁用Android的交通通知
Now, I get why a lot of people don’t like that with Maps (which is exactly why we covered how to disable the notification), but that’s just one example. There are other types of silent notifications available on Android, many of which are generated by the Google App itself.
现在,我明白了为什么很多人不喜欢Maps(这正是我们介绍了如何禁用通知的原因 ),但这只是一个例子。 Android上还有其他类型的静默通知,其中许多是由Google App本身生成的。
For example, let’s say you listen to an artist a lot on Google Play Music. Occasionally, a silent notification may let you know when that artist releases a new album. I love that.
例如,假设您在Google Play音乐上听了很多歌手的音乐。 有时,当该歌手发行新专辑时,无声通知可能会通知您。 我喜欢那个。
The same goes for searches—if you’ve researched an upcoming movie or something similar, there’s a chance you could get a silent notification to let you know when said movie is released. Or if you’ve searched for information on certain sports teams, you may get a silent notification of game scores when those teams are playing.
搜索也是如此—如果您已经研究了即将上映的电影或类似的电影,则有机会获得无声通知,让您知道该电影何时发行。 或者,如果您搜索了某些运动队的信息,则当这些运动队参加比赛时,您可能会收到无声的比赛成绩通知。
Silent notifications represent passive, non-important information that just might be something you want to know, but not something you need to know.
And here’s the best part: with Android Oreo, you can turn almost any notification into a silent notification—as long as the app has been updated with full Oreo support.
这是最好的部分:使用Android Oreo,您可以将几乎所有通知变成静默通知,只要该应用程序已在Oreo的全面支持下进行了更新即可。
RELATED: How to Use Android Oreo's New Notification Channels for Ultra-Granular Notification Customization
相关: 如何使用Android Oreo的新通知通道进行超粒度通知自定义
This is thanks to Android’s new Notification Channels in Oreo. Essentially, these allow you to completely customize compatible apps’ notification settings. For example, I completely disabled the visual notification when taking screenshots by settings the notification priority to low. Android still notifies me when I’ve taken a screenshot, but I don’t get any visual or audible cues about it. Since I take so many screenshots, I’ve longed for the day when I didn’t have to dismiss the stupid notification from the bar after every single one. Thanks, Google.
这要归功于Android 在Oreo中新增的通知频道 。 本质上,它们使您可以完全自定义兼容应用程序的通知设置。 例如,通过将通知优先级设置为低,我在截取屏幕快照时完全禁用了视觉通知。 截屏后,Android仍会通知我,但没有任何视觉或听觉提示。 由于我拍摄了很多屏幕截图,因此我渴望有一天不必在每次发布后都从酒吧解散愚蠢的通知。 谢谢,谷歌。
Unfortunately, there isn’t a blanket way to disable silent notifications, since they’re generated by different apps. The best thing you can do is long-press the notification and edit the app’s settings, after learning which one is generating the notification in the first place.
不幸的是,没有一种方法来禁用静默通知,因为它们是由不同的应用程序生成的。 最好的办法是长按通知,然后在了解哪个人首先生成通知后,编辑应用程序的设置。
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翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/325032/what-are-silent-notifications-on-android/
android 通知静音