mac 自定义快捷键

macOS has some useful keyboard shortcuts out of the box, but many apps on the market extend what you can do with the click of a few buttons. Most of them follow a simple formula of triggers and actions, allowing you to chain together commands and automate your workflow.
macOS开箱即用地提供了一些有用的键盘快捷键,但是市场上的许多应用程序都扩展了您只需单击几个按钮即可执行的操作。 它们中的大多数遵循触发器和操作的简单公式,使您可以将命令链接在一起并使工作流程自动化。
All the tools on this list do slightly different things, and most of them have way more features than just custom hotkeys. The best part is, they all work well together, so if you can’t get something done with one tool, you can always use another.
此列表中的所有工具执行的功能略有不同,并且大多数工具具有比自定义热键更多的功能。 最好的部分是,它们都可以很好地协同工作,因此,如果您无法使用一种工具完成某项工作,则可以始终使用另一种工具。
BetterTouchTool:将触控板手势变成热键 (BetterTouchTool: Turn Your Trackpad Gestures into Hotkeys)

BetterTouchTool lets you map trackpad gestures to system actions, including custom keyboard shortcuts. Its core functionality is simple: select an app to configure (or “Global” for all apps), add a gesture, and then tell it what you want that gesture to do. BetterTouchTool includes hundreds of different gestures, even more if you have Force Touch, and any action you could think of. Want to execute a shell script by clicking with four fingers? BetterTouchTool can do that.
BetterTouchTool使您可以将触控板手势映射到系统操作,包括自定义键盘快捷键。 它的核心功能很简单:选择一个要配置的应用程序(或对所有应用程序均为“全局”),添加一个手势,然后告诉它您希望该手势执行什么操作。 BetterTouchTool包含数百种不同的手势,如果您具有“强制触摸”功能以及可以想到的任何动作,则可以提供更多手势。 是否想通过四根手指单击来执行Shell脚本? BetterTouchTool可以做到这一点。

It also has bindings for keyboards, the Magic Mouse and normal mice, the Siri remote, and even the TouchBar, all of which you can configure with custom buttons and sliders attached to Applescript actions.
Beyond gestures and hotkeys, BetterTouchTool has a lot of other features, such as:
- Configuring the Haptic Feedback engine with custom clicks and values 使用自定义的点击次数和值配置触觉反馈引擎
- Complete control over how your trackpad functions完全控制触控板的功能
- Windows-style window resizingWindows风格的窗口大小调整
- A built-in web server to trigger actions over the internet内置的Web服务器可通过Internet触发操作
- Floating HTML context menus浮动HTML上下文菜单
- It’s own companion remote app它是自己的伴侣远程应用
BetterTouchTool is not free, but at $6.50, it’s something worth the price. I personally can’t use my Mac without it.
BetterTouchTool不是免费的,但价格为$ 6.50 ,是值得的。 没有它,我个人无法使用Mac。
Alfred:使用热键扩展Spotlight搜索 (Alfred: Extend Spotlight Search with Hotkeys)

The free version of Alfred is a drop-in replacement for macOS’s native Spotlight search. Alfred adds lots of new functionality, such as searching the web from the prompt, using a calculator without having to fire up the Calculator app, or the using Quick Look inside of Spotlight by pressing Shift.
免费版本的Alfred替代了macOS的本机Spotlight搜索。 Alfred添加了许多新功能,例如从提示中搜索网页,使用计算器而不必启动计算器应用程序,或者通过按Shift在Spotlight内部使用快速查看。
With the pro version, called “Powerpack,” Alfred gains even more new features, such as hotkeys, workflows, and terminal integration.
通过称为“ Powerpack”的专业版,Alfred获得了更多新功能,例如热键,工作流和终端集成。
键盘大师:死简单的自定义热键 (Keyboard Maestro: Dead Simple Custom Hotkeys)

Keyboard Maestro is a simple app that gets its job done: automating your system with macros and hotkeys. It’s similar to BetterTouchTool but more streamlined, and with simpler triggers and actions. It follows the same scheme of triggers and actions and supports running Applescript and Automator workflows as actions.
Keyboard Maestro是一个简单的应用程序,可以完成其工作:使用宏和热键使系统自动化。 它与BetterTouchTool相似,但更加精简,并且触发器和操作更简单。 它遵循触发器和动作的相同方案,并支持将Applescript和Automator工作流程作为动作运行。
Hammerspoon:使用Lua控制系统 (Hammerspoon: Control Your System with Lua)

Hammerspoon is probably the closest you’ll get to AutoHotKey for macOS. Mostly, it’s just a menubar app that runs Lua scripts and extends system actions to those scripts through its API. While it’s a little more advanced than some of the other apps we include here, Hammerspoon offers a powerful way to communicate with the system at a reasonably low level—it can intercept USB events directly, control local devices, and even automate your mouse and keyboard.
Hammerspoon可能是您最接近macOS的AutoHotKey的工具。 通常,它只是一个菜单栏应用程序,它运行Lua脚本并通过其API将系统操作扩展到这些脚本。 尽管它比我们在此包含的其他一些应用程序先进一些,但是Hammerspoon提供了一种在相当低的水平上与系统进行通信的强大方法-它可以直接拦截USB事件,控制本地设备,甚至使您的鼠标和键盘自动化。
Hammerspoon doesn’t do anything except sit in your menu bar until you write scripts for it. You can check out their getting started guide for more info.
Hammerspoon除了坐在菜单栏中之前不会做任何事情,除非您为其编写脚本。 您可以查看他们的入门指南以获取更多信息。
自动器和快捷方式:内置解决方案 (Automator and Shortcuts: The Built-in Solution)

If you’re an Automator fan, you’ll appreciate this trick. If you create a new Service, you can launch it with a shortcut in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services. This lets you do anything you can with Automator at a click of a button, instead of having to open the context menu. The best part is that Automator is free and comes bundled with macOS, so there’s a lot of community support for it, as well as many prebuilt scripts and workflows.
如果您是Automator的粉丝,您将不胜感激。 如果创建新服务,则可以使用“系统偏好设置”>“键盘”>“快捷方式”>“服务”中的快捷方式启动它。 只需单击一个按钮,您就可以使用Automator进行任何操作,而不必打开上下文菜单。 最好的部分是Automator是免费的,并且与macOS捆绑在一起,因此它有很多社区支持,以及许多预构建的脚本和工作流。
Automator also works seamlessly with almost every other app on this list, all of which can run Automator workflows.
令人愉快:将控制器用作键盘 (Enjoyable: Use Controllers as a Keyboard)

Enjoyable is unlike the other apps on this list. It only has one function: connect your controller to your keyboard. Just plug your controller in, hit the button you want to bind, and then hit the key to which you want to bind that button. It’s handy for games that don’t support controllers, or just any time you’d like to use a controller to move your mouse around. It works on a reasonably low level—supporting individual button and axis IDs—so it works with nearly every controller out there.
令人愉快的不同于此列表中的其他应用程序。 它只有一项功能:将控制器连接到键盘。 只需插入您的控制器,按一下您想要绑定的按钮,然后按一下您想要将该按钮绑定到的键。 对于不支持控制器的游戏,或者在任何时候您想使用控制器来移动鼠标的地方,它都很方便。 它工作在一个相当低的级别(支持单独的按钮和轴ID),因此几乎可以与那里的每个控制器一起工作。
I connected it to a 15-year-old GameCube controller, and it handled it just fine. Like Automator, you can use it in combination with other tools on this list to do more advanced things.
我将其连接到具有15年历史的GameCube控制器,并且它处理得很好。 与Automator一样,您可以将其与此列表中的其他工具结合使用以执行更高级的操作。
If you want a more advanced tool for mapping controllers, you can check out Joystick Mapper and ControllerMate, though both are paid apps.
如果您想使用更高级的控制器映射工具,则可以签出Joystick Mapper和ControllerMate ,尽管它们都是付费应用。
Image Credit: Shutterstock
图片来源: Shutterstock
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/361724/the-6-best-tools-for-customizing-mac-hotkeys/
mac 自定义快捷键