ubuntu mate桌面

If you long for the days of GNOME 2 and just can’t get along with Unity or GNOME 3, MATE is here to save you. It’s an actively developed fork of GNOME 2, and it’s easily installable on Ubuntu.
如果您渴望GNOME 2的日子,但又无法与Unity或GNOME 3相处,MATE可以为您省钱。 它是GNOME 2的积极开发的分支,可以轻松地在Ubuntu上安装。
MATE isn’t available in Ubuntu’s repositories, but the MATE developers offer an official repository for Ubuntu. Unlike some methods that recommend you use Linux Mint’s repository on Ubuntu, this won’t mess up your system.
MATE在Ubuntu的存储库中不可用,但是MATE开发人员提供了Ubuntu的官方存储库。 与某些建议您在Ubuntu上使用Linux Mint的存储库的方法不同,这不会破坏您的系统。
安装 (Installation)
Launch a terminal window from the Dash and run the following command to add the MATE repository to your system:
sudo add-apt-repository “deb http://packages.mate-desktop.org/repo/ubuntu oneiric main”
sudo add-apt-repository“ deb http://packages.mate-desktop.org/repo/ubuntu oneiric main”
This command works for Ubuntu 11.10, Oneiric Ocelot. If you’re using a different version, replace “oneiric” with the appropriate word – for example, “precise” for Ubuntu 12.04, Precise Pangolin.
该命令适用于Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot。 如果您使用的是其他版本,请用适当的单词替换“ oneiric”,例如,对于Ubuntu 12.04,Precise Pangolin为“ precise”。

Next, run the following command to download a list of the available packages:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get更新

Use this command to install the MATE archive’s key. The archive uses this key to digitally sign its packages:
使用此命令来安装MATE存档的**。 存档使用此**对软件包进行数字签名:
sudo apt-get install mate-archive-keyring
sudo apt-get install mate-archive-keyring
Finally, run the following command to install the MATE desktop:
sudo apt-get install mate-core
须藤apt-get install mate-core
Type Y and press Enter when prompted.

You may also want to install the mate-utils package, which contains the screenshot tool and other small utilities. (That’s “sudo apt-get install mate-utils”.)
您可能还需要安装mate-utils软件包,其中包含屏幕截图工具和其他小型实用程序。 (这是“ sudo apt-get install mate-utils”。)
启动MATE (Launching MATE)
Log out from the menu at the top right corner of the panel after installing MATE.

Select the MATE desktop from the list on the login screen before supplying your password.

使用MATE (Using MATE)
If you’ve been using Linux for a while, MATE will feel extremely familiar. It’s the GNOME 2 desktop – last seen in Ubuntu in version 10.10.
如果您使用Linux已有一段时间,那么MATE将会非常熟悉。 这是GNOME 2桌面-上次在Ubuntu 10.10中出现。

If you don’t look too closely, you may think you’re using GNOME 2 again. However, MATE has a different logo and name. The About window betrays its lineage, though.
如果看起来不太近,您可能会认为您正在再次使用GNOME 2。 但是,MATE具有不同的徽标和名称。 但是,“关于”窗口显示其血统。

To differentiate the included applications from the GNOME 3 versions, they’ve also been . The Nautilus file manager is now Caja, the Eye of GNOME image viewer is now Eye of MATE, and GNOME Terminal is now MATE Terminal.
为了使所包含的应用程序与GNOME 3版本区分开来,它们也一直是。 Nautilus文件管理器现在是Caja,GNOME图像查看器的Eye现在是MATE的眼睛,GNOME Terminal现在是MATE Terminal。

There’s a top bar with an applications menu and a bottom bar with a window list – the kind of thing being thrown out by new desktop environments.

The number of bars, their position, and the applets on them are still customizable, of course. Right-click a panel to add applets, customize it, delete the panel, or add a new one.
当然,条的数量,位置和小程序仍然可以自定义。 右键单击面板以添加小程序,对其进行自定义,删除该面板或添加一个新的小程序。

For a more Ubuntu-esque look, you can use the Appearance preferences panel (located under System -> Preferences) and select the Ambiance theme.

What more is there to say about MATE? It’s GNOME 2 – and lots of users are looking for that, if you believe the comments you see all over the Web. If you’re one of them, you don’t have to beg Ubuntu and the GNOME project to change course – just install and support MATE. MATE and Linux Mint are listening to a vocal contingent of users, so it’s no wonder Mint is becoming so popular.
关于MATE还有什么要说的? 它是GNOME 2 –如果您相信在网上看到的评论,很多用户都在寻找它。 如果您是其中之一,则不必乞求Ubuntu和GNOME项目来改变路线-只需安装并支持MATE。 MATE和Linux Mint正在听取用户的声音,因此,Mint变得如此受欢迎也就不足为奇了。
We’ve also covered installing the Cinnamon desktop on Ubuntu – it’s a more forward-looking desktop that’s also associated with Linux Mint.
我们还介绍了在Ubuntu上安装Cinnamon桌面的情况 -这是一个更具前瞻性的桌面,也与Linux Mint相关。
What do you think of MATE? Do you prefer the old GNOME 2 environment to Unity, GNOME 3, and other newer desktop environments? Or have you fallen in love with the newer desktop environments? Leave a comment and let us know.
您如何看待MATE? 您是否更喜欢旧的GNOME 2环境而不是Unity,GNOME 3和其他较新的桌面环境? 还是您爱上了新的桌面环境? 发表评论,让我们知道。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/110052/how-to-install-the-mate-desktop-go-back-to-gnome-2-on-ubuntu/
ubuntu mate桌面