gmail 桌面快捷方式

To become a Gmail power user, you’ll need to master Gmail’s keyboard shortcuts. Keyboard shortcuts allow you to speed through your mail faster than you can click. Gmail even lets you create custom keyboard shortcuts.
要成为Gmail高级用户,您需要掌握Gmail的键盘快捷键。 键盘快捷键使您可以比单击速度更快地浏览邮件。 Gmail甚至允许您创建自定义键盘快捷键。
Gmail’s keyboard shortcuts aren’t enabled by default and don’t appear when you hover over interface elements, so you won’t find them yourself unless you explore Gmail’s settings. This guide will get you up and running quick.
Gmail的键盘快捷键默认情况下未启用,并且当您将鼠标悬停在界面元素上时也不会出现,因此除非您浏览Gmail的设置,否则您不会自己找到它们。 本指南将帮助您快速入门和运行。
启用键盘快捷键 (Enabling Keyboard Shortcuts)
To enable keyboard shortcuts, pull up Gmail’s settings page from the gear menu.

Select the “Keyboard shortcuts on” option on the General pane, and then click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

You can also just click this link to automatically enable keyboard shortcuts.
备忘单 (Cheat Sheet)
Press Shift–? to view the built-in cheat sheet after enabling keyboard shortcuts. You can also consult Google’s list of Gmail keyboard shortcuts.
按Shift – ? 在启用键盘快捷键后查看内置备忘单。 您也可以查阅Google的Gmail键盘快捷键列表 。

基础 (The Basics)
This cheat sheet is overwhelming to start with, so here are some important ones to get you started.
k / j – Goes to a newer or older conversation. This is equivalent to clicking the arrow-button-shaped Newer or Older buttons at the top right corner of each Gmail conversation.
k / j –进入较新或更旧的对话。 这等效于单击每个Gmail对话右上角的箭头按钮的“较新”或“较旧”按钮。

p / n – Selects the previous or next message in a conversation. Press the Enter button to expand the message.
p / n –选择对话中的上一条或下一条消息。 按Enter键以展开消息。
Use keyboard shortcuts to quickly perform actions within conversations:
e – Archive
e –存档
r – Reply
r –回复
a – Reply All
a –全部答复
f – Forward
f –前进
Once you’ve written an email, press Tab and Enter to send it.
You can perform most Gmail actions with keyboard shortcuts, including making a phone call (g then p). Consult the cheat sheet for the keyboard shortcuts you need.
您可以使用键盘快捷键执行大多数Gmail操作,包括拨打电话( 先按g再按p )。 请查阅备忘单,以获取所需的键盘快捷键。
自定义键盘快捷键 (Custom Keyboard Shortcuts)
You aren’t restricted to the built-in keyboard shortcuts. Enable the Custom keyboard shortcuts lab to customize Gmail’s keyboard shortcuts and add your own. (Bear in mind that this is a labs feature and, like all labs features, may disappear at any time.)
您不受限于内置键盘快捷键。 启用“自定义键盘快捷键”实验室以自定义Gmail的键盘快捷键并添加您自己的键盘快捷键。 (请记住,这是一个实验室功能,并且像所有实验室功能一样,可能随时消失。)
You’ll find the Custom keyboard shortcuts lab on the Labs tab in Gmail’s settings. Enable the lab and click the Save Changes button to activate it.
您可以在Gmail设置的“实验室”标签中找到“自定义”键盘快捷键实验室。 启用实验室,然后单击“保存更改”按钮将其**。

The lab adds a new tab to Gmail’s Settings page. From the tab, you can define alternate shortcut keys for the included functions or change the default keyboard shortcuts.
实验室将新标签添加到Gmail的“设置”页面。 在选项卡中,您可以为所包含的功能定义备用快捷键,或更改默认的键盘快捷键。

To disable your custom keyboard shortcuts, click the Restore Defaults link at the bottom of the Keyboard Shortcuts pane. You can also disable the Custom keyboard shortcuts lab from the Labs page.
要禁用自定义键盘快捷键,请单击“键盘快捷键”窗格底部的“恢复默认值”链接。 您还可以从“实验室”页面禁用“自定义”键盘快捷键实验室。
Wondering why Gmail uses j and k for the previous and next message shortcuts? These keyboard shortcuts originated in the Vi text editor for UNIX.
想知道Gmail为什么对上一个和下一个邮件快捷方式使用j和k ? 这些键盘快捷键起源于UNIX的Vi文本编辑器 。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/113719/how-to-use-gmails-keyboard-shortcuts-create-custom-shortcuts/
gmail 桌面快捷方式