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Once upon a time, Android devices and Bluetooth audio devices handled their respective volume outputs independently of one another. Then Google linked Bluetooth and system volume together for a more unified experience. Now Samsung is letting you undo that on the fly.
曾几何时,Android设备和蓝牙音频设备彼此独立地处理各自的音量输出。 然后,Google将蓝牙和系统音量链接在一起,以获得更统一的体验。 现在,三星让您即时撤消该操作。
And that’s really the long and short of the story here: the Galaxy S8 uses Bluetooth 5.0, so you have a lot more control over what happens with Bluetooth connections. This allows users to do things like separate the phone and Bluetooth device volume for much more granular (though arguably more annoying) control. It’s pretty neat.
这实际上就是故事的长短:Galaxy S8使用蓝牙5.0,因此您可以更好地控制蓝牙连接发生的情况。 这允许用户执行诸如将电话和蓝牙设备的音量分开等操作,以进行更精细的控制(尽管可能更烦人)。 非常干净。
It may sound slightly confusing, so here’s a quick breakdown to better explain what I’m talking about here. Let’s say you have some Bluetooth earbuds connected to your phone. When you press either volume button on the headset, it changes the overall media volume on the phone—this is even indicated by a visual notification, like in the screenshot below. This is how stock Android handles Bluetooth volume, and has done so since Android 6.0.
这听起来可能有些混乱,所以这里有一个快速细分,可以更好地解释我在这里所说的内容。 假设您的手机已连接了一些蓝牙耳塞。 当您按下耳机上的任一音量按钮时,它会更改手机上的整体媒体音量-甚至可以通过视觉通知来表示,如下面的屏幕截图所示。 自从Android 6.0以来,这就是Android处理蓝牙音量的方式。

Now, with Media Volume Sync disabled on the S8, you control the phone volume on the phone and the headset volume on the headset. As a result, when you change the volume on the headset, there ins’t a notification on the phone—since the two aren’t synced, the phone isn’t even aware that anything is changing. And that goes both ways.
现在,在S8上禁用Media Volume Sync的情况下,您可以控制电话上的电话音量和耳机上的耳机音量。 结果,当您更改头戴式耳机的音量时,电话上没有任何通知-由于二者未同步,因此电话甚至不知道有任何更改。 这是双向的。
By default, Media Volume Sync is enabled on the S8, so if you want the two to work together, you don’t have to do anything. That’s cool. But if you want to change it, you can do that too.
默认情况下,S8上启用了Media Volume Sync,因此,如果您希望两者一起工作,则无需执行任何操作。 这很酷。 但是,如果您要更改它,也可以这样做。
First, open Settings by pulling down the notification shade and tapping the gear icon.

From there, tap on Connections, then Bluetooth. Alternatively, you can long-press on the Bluetooth button in the quick settings shade to get to this same menu.
从那里,点击连接,然后点击蓝牙。 或者,您可以长按快速设置阴影中的“蓝牙”按钮以进入相同菜单。

Tap on the three dot menu icon in the upper right corner.

With a BT audio device connected, choose “Media Volume Sync”—this menu will be pretty useless without a device paired and connected. To disable Media Volume Sync, simply hit the toggle. From that point forward, phone media volume will be handled on the phone and Bluetooth media volume on the Bluetooth device.
连接BT音频设备后,选择“ Media Volume Sync”(媒体音量同步)-如果没有配对和连接设备,此菜单将几乎无用。 要禁用媒体音量同步,只需按一下切换开关即可。 从那时起,将在电话上处理电话媒体音量,并在Bluetooth设备上处理蓝牙媒体音量。

And if you ever need to undo this, just jump back into the menu and turn it back on, again making sure your Bluetooth device is connected.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/306164/what-is-media-volume-sync-on-the-galaxy-s8/
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