
Windows 10’s Creators Update added a new virtual touchpad that works like the touch keyboard. You can use this touchpad to control the mouse cursor on a device with a touch screen.
Windows 10的创作者更新添加了一个新的虚拟触摸板,其功能类似于触摸键盘。 您可以使用此触摸板来控制带有触摸屏的设备上的鼠标光标。
To enable the virtual touchpad, either long-press or right-click the taskbar and select “Show touchpad button”. This option isn’t available on devices without a touch screen.
要启用虚拟触摸板,请长按或右键单击任务栏,然后选择“显示触摸板按钮”。 该选项在没有触摸屏的设备上不可用。

You’ll see a new touchpad icon on your taskbar, near the touch keyboard button. Tap or click it to open or close the virtual touchpad.
您会在任务栏上的触摸键盘按钮附近看到一个新的触摸板图标。 点击或单击以打开或关闭虚拟触摸板。

To use the virtual touchpad, just place your finger on the touchpad on your touch screen and move it around like you would on a normal touchpad. The mouse cursor will move around the screen as you move your finger.
要使用虚拟触摸板,只需将手指放在触摸屏上的触摸板上,然后像在普通触摸板上一样移动它即可。 当您移动手指时,鼠标光标将在屏幕上移动。
You can move the virtual touchpad window wherever you like on your screen. Just touch the title bar of the window and move your finger to move the window.
您可以在屏幕上的任意位置移动虚拟触摸板窗口。 只需触摸窗口的标题栏,然后移动手指即可移动窗口。

The virtual touchpad works exactly like a physical touchpad. You can left-click or right-click by tapping the left or right mouse buttons at the bottom of the window, but you can also perform a single-finger tap to left-click or a two-finger tap to right-click.
虚拟触摸板的工作原理与物理触摸板完全相同。 您可以通过单击窗口底部的鼠标左键或右键单击鼠标左键或右键单击鼠标,但是也可以单指单击鼠标左键单击或两指单击鼠标右键单击。
More advanced actions work, too. Place three fingers on the virtual touchpad and swipe them upwards to open the Task View interface for switching windows, for example. Place three fingers on the touchpad and swipe downwards to show your desktop.
更高级的动作也起作用。 将三个手指放在虚拟触摸板上,然后向上滑动以打开“任务视图”界面以切换窗口。 将三根手指放在触摸板上,向下滑动以显示桌面。

You can configure the virtual touchpad’s settings from the standard Settings > Devices > Touchpad screen.
For example, to change the cursor’s speed, adjust the “Change the cursor speed” slider here. It will adjust the cursor speed on both the virtual touchpad and any physical touchpads the system may have.
例如,要更改光标速度,请在此处调整“更改光标速度”滑块。 它将调整虚拟触摸板和系统可能具有的任何物理触摸板上的光标速度。
The standard tap and swipe touchpad actions you can view and configure here will also work exactly the same on both a virtual touchpad or physical touchpad.

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/309515/how-to-enable-and-use-the-virtual-touchpad-on-windows-10/