
Two-factor authentication is an excellent way to make sure your account is secure, but having to input a code every single time you need to log in can be a real pain. Thanks to Google’s new code-less “Prompt” authentication, however, getting access to your Google account can be a lot simpler—you just need access to your phone.
两因素身份验证是确保您帐户安全的一种极好的方法,但是每次登录时都必须输入代码是一个真正的难题。 不过,由于有了Google的新的无代码“提示”身份验证,访问您的Google帐户会变得更加简单-您只需要访问手机即可。
Essentially, instead of sending a code, the new “Prompt” actually sends a push notification to your phone asking if you’re trying to log in. You verify, and that’s pretty much it—it automatically logs you in with the tap of a button. And best of all, it’s available for both Android and iOS (but requires the Google App on the latter).
从本质上讲,新的“提示”实际上没有发送代码,而是向您的手机发送了一个推送通知,询问您是否要登录。您进行了验证,事实就是如此,它只需轻按一下即可自动登录按钮。 最棒的是,它适用于Android和iOS(但后者需要Google App )。
First things first—you need to have two-factor authentication (or “2-Step Verification” as Google often refers to it) enabled on your account. To do that, head over to Google’s Sign-in & Security page. From there, you can enable 2-Step Verification in the “Signing in to Google” section.
首先,您需要在帐户中启用两因素身份验证(或Google通常所说的“两步验证”)。 为此,请转到Google的登录和安全页面。 在此处,您可以在“登录Google”部分中启用两步验证。

Once that’s all set up—or if you already have 2FA enabled—just jump into the 2FA menu and input your password. On this page, there are a handful of different options, including your default option (whatever that may be—for me it’s “voice or text message”), along with your list of 10 backup codes. To get started with the new Google Prompt method, scroll down to the “Set up alternative second step” section.
一旦完成所有设置(或者如果您已经启用了2FA),只需跳至2FA菜单并输入密码即可。 在此页面上,有几个不同的选项,包括您的默认选项(无论是什么,对我来说都是“语音或短信”),以及10个备用代码的列表。 要开始使用新的Google提示方法,请向下滚动到“设置替代第二步”部分。

There are a variety of options here, but the one you’re looking for is “Google Prompt.” Click the “Add Phone” button to get started. A popup will appear, giving you details of what this option is: “Instead of typing verification codes, get a prompt on your phone and just tap Yes to sign in.” Sounds easy enough—click “Get started.”
这里有多种选择,但您要寻找的是“ Google提示”。 点击“添加电话”按钮开始使用。 将会出现一个弹出窗口,为您提供有关此选项的详细信息:“与其输入验证码,不如输入验证码,然后点击“是”即可登录。 听起来很简单-单击“开始使用”。

On the next screen, you’ll choose your phone from a drop-down list. It’s worth noting that this requires a phone with a secured lock screen before it will work, so if you don’t already use one, now’s the time to enable it. If you’re an iOS user, you’ll need the Google App from the App Store.
在下一个屏幕上,您将从下拉列表中选择手机。 值得注意的是,这需要一部带有安全锁屏的手机才能使用,因此,如果您还没有使用过手机,那么现在是时候启用它了。 如果您是iOS用户,则需要App Store中的Google App 。

Once you’ve selected the appropriate phone (or tablet), go ahead and click “Next.” This will immediately send a push notification to the selected phone, asking you to verify that you’re trying to log in.
选择适当的手机(或平板电脑)后,继续并单击“下一步”。 这将立即向您选择的手机发送推送通知,要求您确认您是否尝试登录。

Once you tap “Yes,” you’ll get a verification back on the PC. That’s pretty neat.
点击“是”后,您将在PC上再次获得验证。 那很整齐。

This will also change your default second step to Google Prompt, which really makes a lot of sense because it’s so much easier. Honestly, I wish I could use this option for every account I have 2FA enabled on. C’mon, Google, get on that.
这还会将您的默认第二步更改为Google Prompt,这确实很有意义,因为它非常容易。 老实说,我希望可以对启用了2FA的每个帐户使用此选项。 来吧,谷歌,继续前进。
Two-factor authentication is a extra layer of security that everyone should really be using on every account that offers it. Thanks to Google’s new prompt system, it’s a lot less hassle to ensure your Google Account is as protected as it can be.
两因素身份验证是额外的安全层,每个人都应该在提供该身份验证的每个帐户上真正使用它。 借助Google的新提示系统,确保您的Google帐户受到尽可能多的保护就省了很多麻烦。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/260369/how-to-set-up-google’s-new-code-less-two-factor-authentication/