Are you tired of switching back and forth between tabs (or windows) just to add new events to your Google Calendar? Then get ready to leave the tab switching behind with the GCal Popup extension for Firefox.
您是否厌倦了在标签(或窗口)之间来回切换,只是为了向Google日历添加新事件? 然后准备好将Firefox的GCal Popup扩展名留在后面。
Usually if you need to add an event to your Google Calendar you have to open it in a new tab or window to access it. Once in a while is fine but if you have to do it often every day then no, not fine at all. Time to get Calendar access without leaving the tab that you happen to be currently viewing…
通常,如果您需要在Google日历中添加活动,则必须在新标签页或窗口中将其打开才能访问它。 偶尔进行一次可以,但是如果您每天必须经常这样做,那么就不行了,一点也不好。 是时候获得日历访问权了,而又不用离开您当前正在查看的标签了……

Once you install the extension that is all that you need to do. There are no options to bother with…you just need to make certain that your “Status Bar” is visible.
安装扩展程序后,您所需要做的就是全部。 没有麻烦的选择……您只需要确保“状态栏”可见即可。
This is what the “Status Bar Icon” looks like…click on it to open your Google Calendar and click on it again to close it. Nice and simple…
这就是“状态栏图标”的样子……单击它以打开Google日历,然后再次单击以将其关闭。 简单又好...

For our example we were viewing an article that happened to provide the exact support cut-off date for Windows XP Service Pack 2. Definitely something to keep in mind for the upcoming year. As you can see our calendar popped up very nicely over top the current web page so that we could add the new event. The “shaded border” helps you keep focused on your calendar instead of things (such as flashing ads) in the background.
对于我们的示例,我们正在查看的一篇文章碰巧提供了Windows XP Service Pack 2确切的支持截止日期。对于下一年,绝对要牢记一些注意事项。 如您所见,我们的日历在当前网页上方非常漂亮地弹出,因此我们可以添加新事件。 “阴影边框”可帮助您将注意力集中在日历上,而不是背景中的东西(例如闪烁的广告)。
Note: You can resize the “Popup Window” by grabbing the lower right corner and expanding it to the desired size.

There is our new event all added in. This extension really makes working with Google Calendar a pleasure when you are having a hectic day and there are 10,000 things to keep track of.

If you have been looking for an easy way to access your Google Calendar while browsing then you should really give this extension a try. This is definitely a recommended must-have extension…
如果您一直在寻找一种在浏览时访问Google日历的简便方法,则应该尝试使用此扩展程序。 绝对是推荐的必备扩展程序…
Download the GCal Popup extension (Mozilla Add-ons)
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翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/8215/access-google-calendar-in-firefox-the-easy-way/