cardboard 效果
Want to see what this VR thing is about, but don’t want to plop down a bunch of cash? Google Cardboard is an insanely cheap way to try it out. And, despite being a Google product, it works on iOS as well as Android. Google is fair, y’all.
是否想看一下VR的内容,但又不想花大笔钱呢? Google Cardboard是一种非常便宜的试用方法。 而且,尽管它是Google产品,但它可以在iOS和Android上运行。 谷歌很公平。
Setting Cardboard up on iOS is a lot like setting it up on Android, albeit with a few minor differences. Before you do anything, though, you’ll need a couple of things: a Cardboard Viewer and the Cardboard app. Easy enough, right?
在iOS上设置Cardboard非常类似于在Android上设置Cardboard,尽管有一些细微差别。 不过,在执行任何操作之前,您需要完成几件事: Cardboard Viewer和Cardboard app 。 很容易,对吧?
One of the coolest things about Cardboard is that it was specifically designed to be cheap, open, and easy. This means any manufacturer can take the idea and build their own Cardboard unit—many of which aren’t even made of Cardboard. They can also be as basic as you want—you can grab one for as little as $5. If you’re looking for something a little more robust, however, they go all the way up to $70. You can look through the various options (and order one) from Google’s Get Cardboard page. There are even instructions to make your own!
Cardboard的最酷的功能之一是它的设计宗旨是便宜,开放和容易。 这意味着任何制造商都可以采用这种想法并构建自己的Cardboard单元-其中许多甚至不是Cardboard制成的。 它们也可以随心所欲,只要5美元就可以买到。 但是,如果您要寻找更坚固的东西,它们一路上涨至70美元。 您可以在Google的“获取纸板”页面中浏览各种选项(并订购一种)。 甚至还有制作自己的说明!
Alright, now that you have your Cardboard unit and the app installed, let’s do this thing.
Go ahead and fire up the Cardboard app on your phone. If you skipped the part where you should’ve bought a Cardboard viewer, you can also buy one directly from the app using the “Get One” link at the bottom. Otherwise, tap that little orange circle with an arrow in it to get started.
继续并启动手机上的Cardboard应用。 如果您跳过了本应购买Cardboard查看器的部分,则也可以使用底部的“ Get One”链接直接从应用程序中购买一个。 否则,请点击带有箭头的橙色小圆圈开始使用。

Grant the app permission to use your camera which is required so it can scan the QR found on your particular model of viewer.

Find the aforementioned QR and scan it. It should automatically recognize your viewer and then prompt you to put the phone in.
找到上述QR并扫描。 它应该会自动识别您的查看者,然后提示您放入手机。

The tutorial will automatically start and guide you through using Cardboard, which is ridiculously simple. Just follow the instructions.
本教程将自动开始并指导您使用Cardboard,这非常简单。 只需按照说明进行操作即可。

That’s pretty much all there is to it. Once you’re finished with the walkthrough, it’ll show you how to go back to the previous menu/screen, then throw you into the main menu.
这几乎就是它的全部。 演练完成后,它将向您展示如何返回上一个菜单/屏幕,然后将您带入主菜单。

From here, you can get more apps, go through the tutorial again, and more. Have fun with it!
从这里,您可以获取更多应用,再次阅读本教程等等。 玩得开心!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/298079/how-to-set-up-google-cardboard-on-ios/
cardboard 效果