If you want to know who’s calling without looking at your phone, you can customize your contacts with special ringtones and vibration alerts. Then it doesn’t matter if it is across the room or in your pocket, you’ll know who is phoning you.
如果您不想看电话就能知道谁在打电话,可以使用特殊的铃声和振动提示自定义联系人。 然后,无论是在房间对面还是在口袋里,都没关系,您会知道谁在给您打电话。
As is the case with most things iPhone-related, customizing your contacts is a snap. That said, you will have to make changes to each contact you want to affect, but even if you have dozens or hundreds of contacts, chances are only a few of them actually call you regularly.
与大多数与iPhone有关的事情一样,自定义联系人非常容易。 也就是说,您必须对要影响的每个联系人进行更改,但是即使您有数十个或数百个联系人,实际上只有少数几个人会定期给您打电话。
To begin, you want to first open a contact you intend to customize.

Next, tap the “Edit” button in the upper-right corner, and then scroll down to where it says Ringtone and Text Tone.

It should say “Default”. This default tone is the one that is applied system-wide, so whatever you use for the rest of your contacts. Note, the default tones and vibrations can be changed in the Settings -> Sounds under “Sounds and Vibration Patterns”.
它应该说“默认”。 此默认音调是在整个系统范围内应用的音调,因此您在其余所有联系人中使用的都是这种音调。 注意,可以在“声音和振动模式”下的“设置”->“声音”中更改默认的声音和振动。

When we customize a contact with special tones and vibration patterns, it means that that contact will ignore the system-wide defaults. Go ahead and tap on “Ringtone” first and choose a different one to use.
当我们使用特殊的音调和振动模式自定义联系人时,这意味着该联系人将忽略系统范围的默认值。 继续,先点击“铃声”,然后选择其他使用的铃声。

Next, tap open “Vibration” and pick a new vibration alert to accompany your ringtone. There are eight pre-defined vibrations plus the option all the way at the bottom to choose None, if you don’t want the phone to vibrate at all.
接下来,点击打开“振动”并选择一个新的振动警报以伴随您的铃声。 如果您根本不希望手机振动,则共有八种预定义的振动,并且在底部始终有一个选项选择无。
Additionally, you can create custom vibration patterns, so if you want the phone to vibrate Shave and a Haircut, or Mary Had a Little Lamb, you can tap that out especially for a specific contact.

Once you’ve finished selecting a new ringtone and vibration, you can do the same to text alerts as well. Text tones are different from ringtones, though you can still apply ringtones to texts if you wish.
选择完新的铃声和振动后,也可以对文本警报进行同样的操作。 文字音调与铃声不同,尽管您仍然可以根据需要将铃声应用于文字。

When you’r finished, tap the “Done” button in the upper-right corner and you’ll be taken back to the contact’s info screen where you can see your changes.

From now on, whenever that person tries to contact you, you will hear or feel your custom changes. Just make sure that you give each contact you want to customize its own special tone and vibration pattern so you are able to differentiate between them.
从现在开始,无论何时该人尝试与您联系,您都会听到或感觉到您的自定义更改。 只需确保为每个联系人指定了自己的特殊音调和振动模式即可,以便您能够区分它们。