chrome浏览器 快捷键

Google seems to think there’s a good reason to have a shortcut that will kill every single one of your tabs at once. We disagree. Pressing Ctrl+Shift+Q will close every Chrome tab or window you have open and ruin your work. If you’d rather keep your work where it is, here’s a workaround to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Google似乎认为有充分的理由拥有快捷方式,该快捷方式将同时杀死您的每个标签页。 我们不同意。 按Ctrl + Shift + Q将关闭您打开的每个Chrome标签或窗口,并破坏工作。 如果您希望将工作保持在原样,这里有一个变通办法,以确保不会发生这种情况。
Frustratingly, Chrome’s “nuke everything” shortcut sits right next to another more useful browser shortcut, Ctrl+Shift+Tab, which goes to your previous browser tab. If your finger slips, you could end up on your empty desktop, instead of one tab to the left. This is dumb. Chrome also doesn’t let you disable this function, but you can assign the shortcut to one of your extensions to override it.
令人沮丧的是,Chrome浏览器的“ nuke everything”快捷键位于另一个更有用的浏览器快捷键 Ctrl + Shift + Tab的旁边,该快捷键转到您先前的浏览器标签。 如果您的手指滑了,您最终可能会在空的桌面上,而不是左侧的一个选项卡上。 真傻 Chrome浏览器也不允许您禁用此功能,但是您可以将快捷方式分配给其中一个扩展程序以覆盖它。
To do this, head to chrome://extensions
in your browser. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Keyboard shortcuts.”
。 向下滚动到页面底部,然后单击“键盘快捷键”。

In the window that pops up, pick any function of one of your extensions that you don’t use and assign Ctrl+Shift+Q to it. Now, whenever you accidentally press that shortcut, it will launch this action instead. Make sure it’s not something just as disruptive (though it’d be hard to top closing every single open tab.)
在弹出的窗口中,选择您不使用的扩展之一的任何功能,并将Ctrl + Shift + Q分配给它。 现在,每当您不小心按下该快捷方式时,它都会启动此操作。 确保它不只是破坏性的东西(尽管很难关闭每个打开的选项卡。)

Now you can go back to work with confidence, knowing that your tabs are safe from slippery fingers.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/319787/how-to-override-chromes-quit-everything-ctrlshiftq-shortcut/
chrome浏览器 快捷键