
To maintain your cybersecurity, it’s a good idea to change your computer’s password every once in a while. Windows 10 makes this easier because you can set a password expiration date.
为了维护您的网络安全,最好每隔一段时间更改一次计算机密码。 Windows 10使此操作变得更容易,因为您可以设置密码有效期限。
The steps to do this vary, depending on whether you use a local or Microsoft account to log in to your Windows PC, so we’ll look at the process for both.
完成此操作的步骤有所不同,具体取决于您使用本地帐户还是Microsoft帐户登录Windows PC,因此我们将针对这两种情况进行研究。
为您的Microsoft帐户设置密码过期日期 (Set a Password Expiration Date for Your Microsoft Account)
On Windows 10, you might have noticed that Microsoft wants you to use a linked Microsoft account to sign in instead of a local account.
在Windows 10上,您可能已经注意到Microsoft希望您使用链接的Microsoft帐户而不是本地帐户登录。
You can set a password expiration date for your Microsoft account online. You will then be prompted to reset your password every 72 days. You have to set a new password before you can enable (or disable) this setting.
您可以在线设置Microsoft帐户的密码到期日期。 然后,将提示您每72天重设密码。 您必须先设置一个新密码,然后才能启用(或禁用)此设置。
To do that, head to the Microsoft account security area and sign in. In the “Change Password” section at the top, click “Change.”

You’re prompted to provide your existing password, as well as a new one (you can’t reuse your existing one, so type a new, secure password instead).
系统将提示您提供现有密码以及新密码(您不能重复使用现有密码 ,因此请输入新的安全密码 )。
Because you want to set a password expiration date, click the box next to “Make Me Change My Password Every 72 Days” to enable this feature.
Click “Save” to apply your new password and expiration date.

If the change was successful, you’re redirected back to the Microsoft account security page. Sign in and out of Windows to use your new password.
如果更改成功,您将被重定向回Microsoft帐户安全页面。 登录并注销Windows以使用新密码。
The password for your Microsoft account will expire after 72 days, and you’ll be prompted to change it after your next sign in.
为您的本地帐户设置密码过期日期 (Set a Password Expiration Date for Your Local Account)
If you use a local account on your PC rather than a Microsoft one, you can still set an expiration date for your password.
如果您在PC上使用本地帐户而不是Microsoft 帐户 ,则仍可以设置密码的到期日期。
启用密码过期 (Enable Password Expiration)
First, you have to disable a setting that prevents your password from ever expiring.
To do this, press Windows+R keys to open the “Run” launch box. Type netplwiz
, and then click “OK” to open your user account settings.
为此,请按Windows + R键打开“运行”启动框。 键入netplwiz

In the “Advanced” tab, click “Advanced” to open the “Advanced User Management” tool.

Here, click “Users” in the menu on the left, and then right-click your user account. Click “Properties” to enter the advanced user settings for your local user account.
在这里,单击左侧菜单中的“用户”,然后右键单击您的用户帐户。 单击“属性”以输入本地用户帐户的高级用户设置。

In the “Properties” menu, uncheck the “Password Never Expires” option, and then click “OK.”

通过本地组策略编辑器设置最大密码使用期限 (Set the Maximum Password Age via Local Group Policy Editor)
You now need to set the maximum password age for your password. Unlike a Microsoft account, you can set the password for your local account to expire at any time you want.
现在,您需要设置密码的最长密码使用期限。 与Microsoft帐户不同,您可以将本地帐户的密码设置为在任何时候到期。
The default on Windows 10 is 42 days. If you want to leave it this length, you can continue using your PC as normal. When it’s time to reset your password, you’ll be prompted to change it.
Windows 10的默认值为42天。 如果要保持此长度,则可以继续正常使用PC。 当需要重置密码时,系统会提示您更改密码。
If your machine runs Windows 10 Pro, Education, or Enterprise, press Windows+R to open the “Run” launch box. Here, type gpedit.msc
, and then click “OK” to open the Local Group Policy Editor.
如果您的计算机运行Windows 10 Pro,Education或Enterprise,请按Windows + R打开“运行”启动框。 在这里,键入gpedit.msc
(If your computer runs Windows 10 Home, follow the instructions in the next section instead.)
(如果您的计算机运行Windows 10 Home,请改用下一节中的说明。)

In the menu on the left, navigate to Computer Configuration>Windows Settings>Security Settings>Account Policies>Password Policy, and double-click “Maximum Password Age.”
在左侧菜单中,导航到“计算机配置”>“ Windows设置”>“安全设置”>“帐户策略”>“密码策略”,然后双击“最大密码使用期限”。

Change the value from “42” to your preferred length of days, and then click “OK” to save the setting.
将值从“ 42”更改为您希望的天数,然后单击“确定”以保存设置。

The expiration date for local accounts on your PC is now set to your preferred length. After this period has elapsed, Windows will prompt you to reset your password.
PC上本地帐户的到期日期现在设置为您的首选长度。 经过这段时间后,Windows会提示您重设密码。
通过Windows PowerShell设置最大密码使用期限 (Set the Maximum Password Age via Windows PowerShell)
If your computer runs Windows 10 Home, you have to use the PowerShell or command prompt to set the maximum password age. You can also use this as an alternative to the Local Group Policy Editor process on Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, and Education.
如果您的计算机运行Windows 10 Home,则必须使用PowerShell或命令提示符来设置最长密码使用期限。 您还可以将其用作Windows 10 Pro,Enterprise和Education上本地组策略编辑器过程的替代方法。
To get started, right-click the Start menu, and then click “Windows PowerShell (Admin)” or “Command Prompt (Admin),” depending on your version of Windows.
要开始使用,请右键单击“开始”菜单,然后单击“ Windows PowerShell(Admin)”或“命令提示符(Admin)”,具体取决于您的Windows版本。

In the PowerShell window, type net accounts
to find the existing maximum password age for your accounts.
在PowerShell窗口中,键入net accounts
If you want to change the figure from the default 42 days, type net accounts /maxpwage:00
and replace “00” with the length of time (in days) you want to use.
如果要将数字更改为默认的42天,请键入net accounts /maxpwage:00
然后将“ 00”替换为要使用的时间长度(以天为单位)。

The maximum password age you chose is applied to all local accounts on your PC.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/450273/how-to-set-a-password-expiration-date-in-windows-10/