It’s often a good idea to let your Mac sleep after a period of time when you’re not using it, but the way recent versions of macOS present sleep-mode options in System Preferences feels counter-intuitive. Here’s how to sort it out.
在不使用Mac一段时间后让Mac进入睡眠状态通常是一个好主意,但是最新版本的macOS在“系统偏好设置”中显示睡眠模式选项的方式感觉很不直观。 这是解决方法。
首先,有关睡眠Mac笔记本电脑的注意事项 (First, a Note about Sleeping Mac Laptops)
Mac laptops automatically sleep when you close the lid to conserve battery life. Unfortunately, there is no setting in System Preferences to change this. If you’d like your MacBook to stay awake while closed, you’ll need to plug in an external display or use a third-party utility.
当您合上主机盖时,Mac笔记本电脑会自动进入睡眠状态,以节省电池寿命。 不幸的是,“系统偏好设置”中没有设置可以更改此设置。 如果您希望MacBook在关闭时保持清醒状态,则需要插入外接显示器或使用第三方实用程序 。
要在计时器上自动睡眠,请访问节能器 (For Automatic Sleep on a Timer, Visit Energy Saver)
If you’re looking for a way to configure when your Mac sleeps after a certain period of time, you need to visit the “Energy Saver” panel in “System Preferences.” Click the “Apple” logo in the upper-left corner of the screen and select “System Preferences.”
如果您正在寻找一种配置方法,以配置Mac在一段时间后何时进入睡眠状态,则需要访问“系统偏好设置”中的“节能器”面板。 单击屏幕左上角的“ Apple”徽标,然后选择“系统偏好设置”。

In System Preferences, click “Energy Saver.”
When trying to configure your Mac to automatically sleep, confusion often arises because the option isn’t spelled out in Energy Saver preferences. Earlier versions of macOS included two sliders in this preference pane: one to set when the display turns off, and one to set when the computer goes to sleep. At some point, Apple combined these sliders into one to encourage people to let their computers sleep by default, thereby theoretically helping to conserve energy.
尝试将Mac配置为自动睡眠时,经常会出现混乱,因为“节能器”首选项中没有说明该选项。 较早的macOS版本在此首选项窗格中包括两个滑块:一个在显示器关闭时设置,另一个在计算机进入睡眠状态时设置。 在某些时候,Apple将这些滑块组合在一起,以鼓励人们默认让计算机进入睡眠状态,从而从理论上帮助节约能源。
Unfortunately, in more recent versions of macOS (such as macOS 10.15 Catalina), it is no longer immediately obvious how to get your Mac to sleep after a certain period of time.
不幸的是,在最新版本的macOS(例如macOS 10.15 Catalina)中,如何在一段时间后使Mac进入睡眠状态不再是显而易见的。
But fear not; we’ll sort it out. What you do next in Energy Saver preferences depends on whether you want your computer to sleep or not to sleep after a certain period of time. Let’s cover the options.
但是不要害怕; 我们会解决它。 在“节能器”首选项中下一步要做的事情取决于您是否希望计算机在特定时间段后进入睡眠状态。 让我们介绍一下这些选项。
将Mac设置为在一段时间后自动进入睡眠状态 (Set your Mac to Automatically Sleep After a Period of Time)
If you want your Mac to automatically go to sleep after a certain period of time, locate the slider labeled “Turn display off after” in Energy Saver preferences.
Drag the slider to match your desired sleep time. Also, make sure that “Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off” option is not checked.
拖动滑块以匹配您所需的睡眠时间。 另外,请确保未选中“防止显示器关闭时计算机自动进入睡眠状态”选项。
Then close System Preferences. After the period of time you selected, the display will go dark, and the Mac should go into sleep mode soon afterward—unless something is holding up the process. In that case, see the section on troubleshooting below.
然后关闭系统偏好设置。 选定的时间过后,显示屏将变暗,并且Mac之后应立即进入睡眠模式-除非有任何阻碍。 在这种情况下,请参阅下面有关故障排除的部分。
如何自动关闭Mac的显示器而不睡觉 (How to Automatically Turn Off Your Mac’s Display without Sleeping)
If you want your Mac’s display to turn off after a period of time, but you don’t want your computer to go to sleep, use the “Turn display off after” slider.
And here’s the key part: Make sure the “Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off” option is enabled by placing a check mark beside it. This is what keeps your computer from sleeping when the display is off.
这是关键部分:确保选中“防止计算机在显示器关闭时自动进入睡眠状态”选项,方法是在其旁边打勾。 当显示器关闭时,这可以防止计算机进入Hibernate状态。

Once you choose the “Prevent Sleep” setting, macOS will warn you that your computer “may use more energy” in a pop-up dialog. Click “OK.”
选择“ Prevent Sleep”设置后,macOS将在弹出对话框中警告您的计算机“可能会消耗更多能量”。 点击“确定”。
As a third possibility, if you never want your display to turn off—and you never want your Mac to sleep—set the “Turn display off” slider to “Never.”
如果Mac拒绝自动睡眠该怎么办 (What to Do If Your Mac Refuses to Sleep Automatically)
If your Mac doesn’t go to sleep after the time you specified in Energy Saver preferences, then it is possible that network activity or an active process (such as an application or system background task) is keeping it awake.
One way to check for an active process that may be preventing sleep is by using macOS’s built-in Activity Monitor utility. Open “Activity Monitor” and click the “Energy” tab. Look for the column labeled “Preventing Sleep.”
检查可能阻止睡眠的活动进程的一种方法是使用macOS内置的Activity Monitor实用程序。 打开“活动监视器”,然后单击“能源”选项卡。 查找标记为“防止睡眠”的列。
If any item in the list says “Yes,” then your Mac will not automatically sleep while that process is running. You can either wait for the task to complete, quit the process, or Force Quit the process if it is not responding.
如果列表中的任何一项显示“是”,则Mac在该进程运行时将不会自动进入睡眠状态。 您可以等待任务完成,退出流程,或者如果流程没有响应,则强制退出流程 。
There’s also a way to dig deeper into what may be preventing your Mac from sleeping using the Terminal application and a command-line program called pmset, but it requires more inside knowledge of how the Mac works under the hood than the Activity Monitor method listed above. Good luck!
还有一种方法可以使用终端应用程序和名为pmset的命令行程序来更深入地研究阻止Mac进入睡眠状态的原因 ,但是与上面列出的Activity Monitor方法相比,它需要更多有关Mac如何在后台运行的内部知识。 。 祝好运!
睡眠后待命 (After Sleep Comes Standby)
After some time in Sleep mode, your Mac will enter “standby.” It works like hibernation mode on Windows PCs. The Mac will save the contents of its memory to disk to save additional power, but it will take longer to resume from standby than it does to wake from sleep.
在“睡眠”模式下一段时间后,您的Mac将进入“待机”状态。 在Windows PC上,它的工作方式类似于Hibernate模式。 Mac会将其内存内容保存到磁盘上以节省更多电量,但是从待机状态恢复要比从睡眠状态唤醒要花费更长的时间。
Here’s how to customize when your Mac enters standby.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/688291/how-to-control-when-your-mac-automatically-goes-to-sleep/