Zip is the most popular compression format and the algorithm used IT. Zip is used to make a group or files and folders into one and compress it with its algorithm to take fewer sizes which can be changed according to its files.
Zip是最流行的压缩格式,并且使用的算法是IT。 Zip用于将一个组或文件和文件夹合为一体,并使用其算法对其进行压缩,以减少可根据其文件更改的大小。
使用Windows Zip工具打开 (Open Using Windows Zip Tool)
As zip is very popular compression format and algorithm it is required by most of the Windows users. Windows Vista and previous operating systems like Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 98 do not contain any support to open Zip files natively. But with the Windows 7 and later operating systems like Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008 and later provides built-in Zip support which means Zip files can be opened or created without a 3rd party application.
由于zip是非常流行的压缩格式和算法,因此大多数Windows用户都需要它。 Windows Vista和以前的操作系统(例如Windows XP,Windows ME,Windows 98)不包含任何本机打开Zip文件的支持。 但是,在Windows 7和更高版本的操作系统(例如Windows 8,Windows 10,Windows Server 2008和更高版本)中,它们提供了内置的Zip支持,这意味着无需第三方应用程序即可打开或创建Zip文件。
In order to open Zip file right click to the files and select Extract All..
from the opened menu like below. This will create
为了打开Zip文件,右键单击文件,然后从打开的菜单中选择“ Extract All..
,如下所示。 这将创建

We will see that after the extraction extracted directory will be named with the same as the compressed file.
使用WinZip打开 (Open Using WinZip)
is one of the most popular compression tool used in Windows operating systems. It is created for the Zip
compressions format and algorithm but throughout the time it gained support for different compression algorithms and formats like 7zip, RAR, Bzip, etc. We can download and install WinZip from the following link.
是Windows操作系统中使用最广泛的压缩工具之一。 它是为Zip

使用7zip打开(Open Using 7zip)
is my favorite compression tool for different formats. It’s lightweight and easy to install and use. 7zip
is created for the 7z
compression algorithm and format but also support a wide variety of compression algorithms and formats like RAR, Zip, Bzip, etc.
是我最喜欢的用于不同格式的压缩工具。 它轻巧,易于安装和使用。 7zip
We will right click to the zip file and hover to the 7-zip
menu like below. Then we will select one of the 3 menu options like below which starts with Extract
菜单上,如下所示。 然后,我们将选择以下3个菜单选项之一,该菜单选项以Extract
- `Extract files…` will only extract specified files and folders to the current path “提取文件…”只会将指定的文件和文件夹提取到当前路径
- `Extract Here` will extract all files and folder contents of the zip file into the current path“在此处提取”会将zip文件的所有文件和文件夹内容提取到当前路径中
- `Extract to …` will extract all files and folder contents into the specified folder which is `eclipse-java-2019-03-R-win32-x86_64` in this example在此示例中,“提取到...”会将所有文件和文件夹内容提取到指定的文件夹“ eclipse-java-2019-03-R-win32-x86_64”

使用Winrar打开(Open Using Winrar)
WinRAR is another popular and useful compression utility. WinRAR is mainly created for the RAR compression algorithm and format but gained a different type of popular compressions formats and algırithms support like Zip, 7zip, Bzip like other tools. We can download WinRar from the following link.
WinRAR是另一个流行且有用的压缩实用程序。 WinRAR主要是为RAR压缩算法和格式创建的,但获得了不同类型的流行压缩格式和算法支持,例如Zip,7zip,Bzip等其他工具。 我们可以从以下链接下载WinRar。
We will right click to the Zip compressed file like below and then we will see the WinRar menu items are listed like below. We have 3 extraction option.
我们将右键单击如下所示的Zip压缩文件,然后将看到WinRar菜单项如下所示。 我们有3种提取选项。
- `Extract Files…` will extract only specified or selected files not all the content “提取文件...”将仅提取指定或选定的文件,而不提取所有内容
- `Extract Here` will extract the content of the compressed file to the current working directory`Extract Here`会将压缩文件的内容提取到当前工作目录中
- `Extract to …` options will create a folder named with the Zip file and put the extracted files into this folder which is `eclipse-java-2019-03-R-win32-x86_64` in this example.“提取到...”选项将创建一个名为Zip文件的文件夹,并将提取的文件放入此文件夹中,在此示例中为“ eclipse-java-2019-03-R-win32-x86_64”。
