
时间:2022-01-10 02:14:26

my $str="1:2:3:4:5"; my ($a,$b)=split(':',$str,2);

我的$ str =“1:2:3:4:5”;我的($ a,$ b)=拆分(':',$ str,2);

In the above code I have used limit as 2 ,so $a will contain 1 and remaining elements will be in $b. Like this I want the last element should be in one variable and the elements prior to the last element should be in another variable.

在上面的代码中,我使用limit作为2,因此$ a将包含1,其余元素将在$ b中。像这样我希望最后一个元素应该在一个变量中,而最后一个元素之前的元素应该在另一个变量中。


$str = "1:2:3:4:5" ; 
# $a should have "1:2:3:4"  and $b should have "5" 
$str =  "2:3:4:5:3:2:5:5:3:2" 
# $a should have "2:3:4:5:3:2:5:5:3" and $b should have "2"

6 个解决方案



split(/:([^:]+)$/, $str)



you can also use rindex() eg


my $str="1:2:3:4:5";
print "\$a:$a, \$b: $b\n";



$ perl perl.pl
$a:1:2:3:4, $b: 5



You can use matching, instead of split:


my ($a,$b) = $str =~ /(.*):(.*)/;



You can do it using split and reverse as follows:


my $str="1:2:3:4:5";
my ($a,$b)=split(':',reverse($str),2); # reverse and split.

$a = reverse($a); # reverse each piece.
$b = reverse($b);

($a,$b) = ($b,$a); # swap a and b

Now $a will be 1:2:3:4 and $b will be 5.

现在$ a将是1:2:3:4而$ b将是5。

A much simpler and cleaner way is to use regex as Mark has done in his Answer.




I know, this question is 4 years old. But I found the answer from YOU very interesting as I didn't know split could work like that. So I want to expand it with an extract from the perldoc split that explains this behavior, for the sake of new readers. :-)

我知道,这个问题是4岁。但我发现你的回答非常有趣,因为我不知道分裂可能会那样。因此,为了新读者的缘故,我想用perldoc拆分的摘录来扩展它,解释这种行为。 :-)

my $str = "1:2:3:4:5";
my ($a, $b) = split /:([^:]+)$/, $str;
# Capturing everything after ':' that is not ':' and until the end of the string
# Now $a = '1:2:3:4' and $b = '5';

From Perldoc:


If the PATTERN contains capturing groups, then for each separator, an additional field is produced for each substring captured by a group (in the order in which the groups are specified, as per backreferences); if any group does not match, then it captures the undef value instead of a substring. Also, note that any such additional field is produced whenever there is a separator (that is, whenever a split occurs), and such an additional field does not count towards the LIMIT. Consider the following expressions evaluated in list context (each returned list is provided in the associated comment):


split(/-|,/, "1-10,20", 3)
# ('1', '10', '20')

split(/(-|,)/, "1-10,20", 3)
# ('1', '-', '10', ',', '20')

split(/-|(,)/, "1-10,20", 3)
# ('1', undef, '10', ',', '20')

split(/(-)|,/, "1-10,20", 3)
# ('1', '-', '10', undef, '20')

split(/(-)|(,)/, "1-10,20", 3)
# ('1', '-', undef, '10', undef, ',', '20')



I'm a bit late to this question, but I put together a more generic solution:


# Similar to split() except pattern is applied backwards from the end of the string
# The only exception is that the pattern must be a precompiled regex (i.e. qr/pattern/)
# Example:
#   rsplit(qr/:/, 'John:Smith:123:ABC', 3) => ('John:Smith', '123', 'ABC')
sub rsplit {
    my $pattern = shift(@_);    # Precompiled regex pattern (i.e. qr/pattern/)
    my $expr    = shift(@_);    # String to split
    my $limit   = shift(@_);    # Number of chunks to split into

    # 1) Reverse the input string
    # 2) split() it
    # 3) Reverse split()'s result array element order
    # 4) Reverse each string within the result array
    map { scalar reverse($_) } reverse split(/$pattern/, scalar reverse($expr), $limit);

It accepts arguments similar to split() except that the splitting is done in reverse order. It also accepts a limit clause in case you need a specified number of result elements.


Note: this subroutine expects a precompiled regex as the first parameter.
Perl's split is a built-in and will interpret /pat/ correctly, but attempting to pass /pat/ to a subroutine will be treated as sub($_ =~ /pat/).

注意:此子例程需要预编译的正则表达式作为第一个参数。 Perl的拆分是内置的并且会正确解释/ pat /,但是尝试传递/ pat /到子例程将被视为sub($ _ =〜/ pat /)。

This subroutine is not bulletproof! It works well enough for simple delimiters but more complicated patterns can cause issues. The pattern itself cannot be reversed, only the expression it matches against.




rsplit(qr/:/, 'One:Two:Three', 2); # => ('One:Two', 'Three')

rsplit(qr/:+/, 'One:Two::Three:::Four', 3); # => ('One:Two', 'Three', 'Four')

# Discards leading blank elements just like split() discards trailing blanks
rsplit(qr/:/, ':::foo:bar:baz'); # => ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')



split(/:([^:]+)$/, $str)



you can also use rindex() eg


my $str="1:2:3:4:5";
print "\$a:$a, \$b: $b\n";



$ perl perl.pl
$a:1:2:3:4, $b: 5



You can use matching, instead of split:


my ($a,$b) = $str =~ /(.*):(.*)/;



You can do it using split and reverse as follows:


my $str="1:2:3:4:5";
my ($a,$b)=split(':',reverse($str),2); # reverse and split.

$a = reverse($a); # reverse each piece.
$b = reverse($b);

($a,$b) = ($b,$a); # swap a and b

Now $a will be 1:2:3:4 and $b will be 5.

现在$ a将是1:2:3:4而$ b将是5。

A much simpler and cleaner way is to use regex as Mark has done in his Answer.




I know, this question is 4 years old. But I found the answer from YOU very interesting as I didn't know split could work like that. So I want to expand it with an extract from the perldoc split that explains this behavior, for the sake of new readers. :-)

我知道,这个问题是4岁。但我发现你的回答非常有趣,因为我不知道分裂可能会那样。因此,为了新读者的缘故,我想用perldoc拆分的摘录来扩展它,解释这种行为。 :-)

my $str = "1:2:3:4:5";
my ($a, $b) = split /:([^:]+)$/, $str;
# Capturing everything after ':' that is not ':' and until the end of the string
# Now $a = '1:2:3:4' and $b = '5';

From Perldoc:


If the PATTERN contains capturing groups, then for each separator, an additional field is produced for each substring captured by a group (in the order in which the groups are specified, as per backreferences); if any group does not match, then it captures the undef value instead of a substring. Also, note that any such additional field is produced whenever there is a separator (that is, whenever a split occurs), and such an additional field does not count towards the LIMIT. Consider the following expressions evaluated in list context (each returned list is provided in the associated comment):


split(/-|,/, "1-10,20", 3)
# ('1', '10', '20')

split(/(-|,)/, "1-10,20", 3)
# ('1', '-', '10', ',', '20')

split(/-|(,)/, "1-10,20", 3)
# ('1', undef, '10', ',', '20')

split(/(-)|,/, "1-10,20", 3)
# ('1', '-', '10', undef, '20')

split(/(-)|(,)/, "1-10,20", 3)
# ('1', '-', undef, '10', undef, ',', '20')



I'm a bit late to this question, but I put together a more generic solution:


# Similar to split() except pattern is applied backwards from the end of the string
# The only exception is that the pattern must be a precompiled regex (i.e. qr/pattern/)
# Example:
#   rsplit(qr/:/, 'John:Smith:123:ABC', 3) => ('John:Smith', '123', 'ABC')
sub rsplit {
    my $pattern = shift(@_);    # Precompiled regex pattern (i.e. qr/pattern/)
    my $expr    = shift(@_);    # String to split
    my $limit   = shift(@_);    # Number of chunks to split into

    # 1) Reverse the input string
    # 2) split() it
    # 3) Reverse split()'s result array element order
    # 4) Reverse each string within the result array
    map { scalar reverse($_) } reverse split(/$pattern/, scalar reverse($expr), $limit);

It accepts arguments similar to split() except that the splitting is done in reverse order. It also accepts a limit clause in case you need a specified number of result elements.


Note: this subroutine expects a precompiled regex as the first parameter.
Perl's split is a built-in and will interpret /pat/ correctly, but attempting to pass /pat/ to a subroutine will be treated as sub($_ =~ /pat/).

注意:此子例程需要预编译的正则表达式作为第一个参数。 Perl的拆分是内置的并且会正确解释/ pat /,但是尝试传递/ pat /到子例程将被视为sub($ _ =〜/ pat /)。

This subroutine is not bulletproof! It works well enough for simple delimiters but more complicated patterns can cause issues. The pattern itself cannot be reversed, only the expression it matches against.




rsplit(qr/:/, 'One:Two:Three', 2); # => ('One:Two', 'Three')

rsplit(qr/:+/, 'One:Two::Three:::Four', 3); # => ('One:Two', 'Three', 'Four')

# Discards leading blank elements just like split() discards trailing blanks
rsplit(qr/:/, ':::foo:bar:baz'); # => ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')