
时间:2022-02-03 01:56:50

Wording in my previous question prevented people from answering it. Regardless to say, I can do what I need to do. My ultimate concern is which option is optimal?


I am traversing the entire Active Directory for the domain and filtering it down by people/users.

我正在遍历域的整个Active Directory并由人/用户对其进行过滤。

I then need to throw this information into a collection.


I know I can do it with


List<Users>  // Create a model with the information i need and populate it.
Dictionary<string, List<Users>> // add a list of users to the string/department
Dictionary<string, Users> // struct or class
Lookup<string, Users>

I'm more looking for the optimal way, as going the Active Directory can be slow by it self I'm looking to optimize my code in other areas.

我更希望找到最佳方式,因为我自己想要在其他方面优化我的代码,因此Active Directory可能很慢。

I only need the department stored a single time, and each department can have many different users.


What is the most optimal method to choose in this instance?


Edit Addition:


The only reason I need this specific code is for a specific page which will eventually allow me to loop through the contents and build out a drop down list. This code will not be used any where else.


1 个解决方案



A List is going to be faster when writing or accessing by index or scanning.


A Dictionary is going to be faster when accessing an item by its key (O(1) instead of O(N) or O(log N) in the list).

当通过键(O(1)而不是列表中的O(N)或O(log N))访问项目时,字典会更快。

If you are trying to add all users to a drop down box go with List<User>.


If you are going to add all departments to a drop down box and add the users from that department to a different drop down use Dictionary<Department, List<User>> and maybe do some profiling to see if it makes sense to have a separate list of departments.

如果要将所有部门添加到下拉框并将该部门的用户添加到不同的下拉列表,请使用Dictionary >并可能进行一些分析以查看是否有必要单独使用部门清单。 ,list>

If you are going to recreate the collection every time the page is accessed you will need to do some profiling with realish data to see which performs better.


Edit: Based on your update how about something like


class Department
    public string Name {get;set;}
    public List<User> Users {get;set;}

List<Department> departments;

   foreach(department in departments)
       // emit optgroup
       foreach(user in department.Users)
           // emit option
       // emit /optgroup

or better yet cache the resulting HTML.




A List is going to be faster when writing or accessing by index or scanning.


A Dictionary is going to be faster when accessing an item by its key (O(1) instead of O(N) or O(log N) in the list).

当通过键(O(1)而不是列表中的O(N)或O(log N))访问项目时,字典会更快。

If you are trying to add all users to a drop down box go with List<User>.


If you are going to add all departments to a drop down box and add the users from that department to a different drop down use Dictionary<Department, List<User>> and maybe do some profiling to see if it makes sense to have a separate list of departments.

如果要将所有部门添加到下拉框并将该部门的用户添加到不同的下拉列表,请使用Dictionary >并可能进行一些分析以查看是否有必要单独使用部门清单。 ,list>

If you are going to recreate the collection every time the page is accessed you will need to do some profiling with realish data to see which performs better.


Edit: Based on your update how about something like


class Department
    public string Name {get;set;}
    public List<User> Users {get;set;}

List<Department> departments;

   foreach(department in departments)
       // emit optgroup
       foreach(user in department.Users)
           // emit option
       // emit /optgroup

or better yet cache the resulting HTML.
