Windows DreamScene was a utility available for Vista Ultimate that allowed users to set video as desktop wallpaper. It was dropped in Windows 7, but we’ll take a look at how to play DreamScenes in all versions of Windows 7 or Vista.
Windows DreamScene是Vista Ultimate可用的实用程序,允许用户将视频设置为桌面墙纸。 它已在Windows 7中删除,但我们将研究如何在所有版本的Windows 7或Vista中播放DreamScenes。
Downloading DreamScenes
First, you’ll need to find some DreamScenes to download. We’ve found some nice ones at both and DeviantArt. You can find those download links at the end of the article. They’ll come as compressed files, so you’ll need to extract them after downloading.
首先,您需要找到一些DreamScenes进行下载。 我们在DreamScene.org和DeviantArt上都找到了一些不错的工具。 您可以在文章末尾找到这些下载链接。 它们将作为压缩文件出现,因此您需要在下载后将其解压缩。
Windows 7 DreamScene Activator
Windows 7 DreamScene**器
If you are running Windows 7 you can use Windows 7 DreamScene Activator. This free portable utility enables DreamScene in both 32 & 64 bit versions of Windows 7. Users can then set either MPG or WMV files as desktop wallpaper.
如果您正在运行Windows 7,则可以使用Windows 7 DreamScene Activator。 这个免费的便携式实用程序可以在32位和64位版本的Windows 7中启用DreamScene。然后,用户可以将MPG或WMV文件设置为桌面墙纸。
Download and extract the Windows 7 DreamScene Activator (link below). Once extracted, you’ll need to run the application as administrator. Right-click on the .exe and select Run as administrator.
下载并解压缩Windows 7 DreamScene Activator (下面的链接)。 提取后,您需要以管理员身份运行该应用程序。 右键单击.exe,然后选择以管理员身份运行。

Click on Enable DreamScene. This will also restart Windows Explorer if it is open.
单击启用DreamScene。 如果打开了Windows资源管理器,它也会重新启动。

To play your DreamScene, browse for the file in Windows Explorer, right-click the file and select Set as Desktop Background.

Enjoy your new Windows 7 DreamScene.
享受您的新Windows 7 DreamScene。
Although it says it is for Windows 7 only, we were able to get it to work with no problems on Vista Home Premium x32 as well.
尽管它说它仅适用于Windows 7,但我们仍然能够使它在Vista Home Premium x32上也没有问题。
You can Pause the DreamScene at anytime by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting Pause DreamScene.

When you are ready for a change, click Disable DreamScene and switch back to your previous wallpaper.

Using VLC Media Player
使用VLC Media Player
Users of all versions of Windows 7 & Vista can enable a DreamScene using VLC. Recently, we showed you how to set a video as your desktop wallpaper in VLC. Since DreamScenes are in MPEG or WMV format, we will use the same tactic to display them as desktop wallpaper. We’ll just need to make a few additional tweaks to the VLC settings.
所有Windows 7和Vista版本的用户都可以使用VLC启用DreamScene。 最近,我们向您展示了如何在VLC中将视频设置为桌面墙纸 。 由于DreamScenes是MPEG或WMV格式,因此我们将使用相同的策略将其显示为桌面墙纸。 我们只需要对VLC设置进行一些其他调整即可。
You’ll need to download and install VLC media player if you don’t already have it. You can find the download link below. Next, select Tools > Preferences from the Menu.
如果还没有VLC媒体播放器,则需要下载并安装它。 您可以在下面找到下载链接。 接下来,从菜单中选择工具>首选项。

Select the Video button on the left and then choose DirectX video output from the Output dropdown list.

Next, select All under Show Settings at the lower left, then select the Video button on the left pane. Uncheck Show media title on video. This will prevent VLC from constantly showing the title of the video on the screen each time the video loops. Click Save and the restart VLC.
接下来,在左下方的“显示设置”下选择“全部”,然后在左窗格中选择“视频”按钮。 取消选中在视频上显示媒体标题。 这样可以防止VLC每次视频循环播放时都在屏幕上不断显示视频标题。 单击保存,然后重新启动VLC。

Now we will add the video to our playlist and set it to continuously loop. Select View > Playlist from the Menu.
现在,我们将视频添加到播放列表并将其设置为连续循环。 从菜单中选择查看>播放列表。

Select the Add file button from the bottom of the Playlist window and select Add file.

Browse for your file and click Open.

Click the Loop button at the bottom so the video plays in a continuous loop.

Now, we’re ready to play the video. After the video starts playing, select Video > DirectX Wallpaper from the Menu, then minimize VLC.
现在,我们准备播放视频了。 视频开始播放后,从菜单中选择“视频”>“ DirectX壁纸”,然后最小化VLC。

If you’re using Aero Themes, you may get a pop-up warning and Windows will switch automatically to a basic theme.

If looping one video gets to be a little repetitive, you can add multiple videos to your playlist in VLC and loop the entire playlist. Just make sure you toggle the Loop button on the playlist window to Loop All.
如果循环播放一个视频有点重复,则可以在VLC中将多个视频添加到播放列表中并循环播放整个播放列表。 只要确保将播放列表窗口上的“循环”按钮切换为“全部循环”即可。

Now you’ve got a nice DreamScene playing on your desktop. Another cool trick you can do with VLC is take snapshots of favorite movie scenes and set them as backgrounds.
现在,您已经在桌面上播放了一个不错的DreamScene。 您可以使用VLC进行的另一个很酷的技巧是为喜欢的电影场景拍摄快照并将其设置为背景。
When you’re ready to go back to your old wallpaper, maximize VLC, select Video and click DirectX Wallpaper again to turn it off the video background. Occasionally we were left with a black screen and had to manually change our wallpaper back to normal even after turning off the DirectX Wallpaper.
当您准备好返回到旧墙纸时,请最大化VLC,选择“视频”,然后再次单击“ DirectX墙纸”以将其关闭以关闭视频背景。 有时,即使关闭了DirectX墙纸,我们也只能黑屏,并且不得不手动将墙纸改回正常状态。

Note: Keep in mind that using the VLC method takes up a lot of resources so if you try to run it on older hardware, or say a netbook, you’re not going to get good results. We also tried to use the VLC method in XP, but couldn’t get it to work. If you have leave a comment and let us know.
注意:请记住,使用VLC方法会占用大量资源,因此,如果尝试在较旧的硬件或上网本上运行它,将不会获得良好的结果。 我们还尝试在XP中使用VLC方法,但无法使其正常工作。 如果您有任何评论,请告诉我们。
While the DreamScene feature never really caught on in Vista, we find them to be a cool way to pump a little life into your desktop on any version of Vista or Windows 7.
虽然DreamScene功能从未真正在Vista中流行,但我们发现它们是在任何版本的Vista或Windows 7上为桌面注入些生命的一种很酷的方法。
DreamScenes from
Windows 7 DreamScene Activator