I’d heard that Visual Studio 2005 has compatibility issues with Windows Vista, so I wasn’t surprised when I got this error message when trying to run for the first time. To resolve this particular error message, you need to install the SP1 Update, which is pretty much the service pack for the service pack, I think.
我听说Visual Studio 2005与Windows Vista存在兼容性问题,因此当我第一次尝试运行此错误消息时,我并不感到惊讶。 要解决此特定错误消息,您需要安装SP1更新,我认为这几乎是该Service Pack的Service Pack。

You can download the SP1 Update here: http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=6366078
您可以在此处下载SP1更新: http : //go.microsoft.com/?linkid=6366078
After installing that update, I then got this error message saying “Administrator permissions are recommended for running Visual Studio 2005 SP1”, and asking to use the Run as administrator option when launching Visual Studio.
安装该更新后,我得到了以下错误消息:“建议使用管理员权限来运行Visual Studio 2005 SP1”,并要求在启动Visual Studio时使用“以管理员身份运行”选项。

After doing some research, you have a couple of options:
Run Visual Studio as administrator (your best bet is to just change the shortcut to always run as administrator.) You will still end up with some errors this way.
以管理员身份运行Visual Studio(最好的选择是将快捷方式更改为始终以管理员身份运行 。)您仍然会以这种方式结束一些错误。
- Run Visual Studio as a normal user, and only open it as administrator if you get a specific error that requires admin access. 以普通用户身份运行Visual Studio,只有在遇到需要管理员权限的特定错误时,才以管理员身份打开它。
- Just uncheck the box. 只需取消选中该框即可。
Tip: If you are trying to debug web projects, you need to make sure that you go to the Add/Remove Windows Components in Control Panel and install the IIS6 Compatibility with IIS7 option, otherwise you won’t have much luck.
提示:如果要调试Web项目,则需要确保转到“控制面板”中的“添加/删除Windows组件”,并安装“ IIS6与IIS7兼容”选项,否则运气不佳。
Overall, Visual Studio 2005 is just not very compatible with Vista. It’s frustrating, but that’s life.
总体而言,Visual Studio 2005与Vista的兼容性不是很好。 令人沮丧,但这就是生活。