Are you tired of the same Windows Media Center look and feel? Today we’ll show you how change the background and apply themes to WMC.
您是否对相同的Windows Media Center外观感到厌倦? 今天,我们将向您展示如何更改背景并将主题应用于WMC。
Changing the Basic Color Scheme in WMC
There are a couple of very basic color scheme options built in to Windows 7 Media Center. From the WMC Start Menu, select Settings on the Tasks strip and then select General. On the General settings screen select Visual and Sound Effects.
Windows 7 Media Center内置了几个非常基本的配色方案选项。 从WMC“开始”菜单中,选择“任务”栏上的“设置”,然后选择“常规”。 在常规设置屏幕上,选择视觉和声音效果。
Under Color scheme you’ll find options for Windows Media Center standard, High contrast white, and High contrast black. Simply select a color scheme and click Save before exiting.
在配色方案下,您将找到Windows Media Center标准,高对比度白色和高对比度黑色的选项。 只需选择一种配色方案,然后单击“保存”即可退出。
If you have used Media Center before you are familiar with the standard blue default theme.
如果您在熟悉标准的蓝色默认主题之前使用过Media Center。
There is also the high contrast white.

And, the high contrast black.

Changing the Background Image with Media Center Studio
使用Media Center Studio更改背景图像
Themes and custom backgrounds need to be added with the third-party software, Media Center Studio. You can find the download link at the end of this article.
需要使用第三方软件Media Center Studio添加主题和自定义背景。 您可以在本文末尾找到下载链接。
You can use your own high resolution photo, or download one from the Internet. For best results, you’ll want to find an image that meets or exceeds the resolution of your monitor. Also, using a darker colored background image is ideal as it should contrast better with the lighter colored text of the start menu.
您可以使用自己的高分辨率照片,也可以从Internet下载照片。 为了获得最佳效果,您将需要查找达到或超过显示器分辨率的图像。 同样,使用深色背景图像也是理想的选择,因为它应该与开始菜单的浅色文本更好地形成对比。
Once you’ve downloaded and installed Media Center Studio (link below), open the application select the Home tab on the ribbon and make sure you are on the Themes tab below. Click New.
下载并安装Media Center Studio (下面的链接)后,打开应用程序,选择功能区上的“主页”选项卡,并确保您位于下面的“主题”选项卡上。 单击新建。

Select Biography from the left pane and type in a name for your new theme.

Next, click on the triangle next to Images to expand the list below. You’ll want to browse to Images > Common > Background. You should see a list of PNG image files located below Background. We will want to swap out the COMMON.ANIMATED.BACKGROUND.PNG and the COMMON.BACKGROUND.PNG images. Select COMMON.ANIMATED.BACKGROUND.PNG and click on the Browse button on the right.
接下来,单击图像旁边的三角形以展开下面的列表。 您将要浏览到图像>通用>背景。 您应该会在背景下方看到PNG图像文件列表。 我们将要交换出COMMON.ANIMATED.BACKGROUND.PNG和COMMON.BACKGROUND.PNG图像。 选择COMMON.ANIMATED.BACKGROUND.PNG,然后单击右侧的“浏览”按钮。
Browse for your photo and click Open.

Your selected image will appear on the left pane. Now, do the same for the COMMON.BACKGROUND.PNG. When finished, select the Home tab on the ribbon at the top and click Save.
您选择的图像将出现在左窗格中。 现在,对COMMON.BACKGROUND.PNG执行相同的操作。 完成后,选择顶部功能区上的“主页”选项卡,然后单击“保存”。

Now switch to the Themes tab on the ribbon and the Themes tab below. (There are two Themes tabs which can be a bit confusing). Select your theme on the right pane and click Apply.
现在,切换到功能区上的“主题”选项卡和下面的“主题”选项卡。 (有两个主题选项卡可能会有些混乱)。 在右窗格中选择主题,然后单击“应用”。
Note: You won’t see the image backgrounds displayed.

Your theme will be applied to Media Center.
您的主题将应用于Media Center。

Close out of Media Center Studio and open Windows Media Center to check out your new background.
关闭Media Center Studio,然后打开Windows Media Center,以检查您的新背景。
You can load multiple backgrounds images and switch them periodically as your mood changes. You might like to find a nice background featuring your favorite movie or TV show.
您可以加载多个背景图像,并随着心情的变化定期进行切换。 您可能想找到一个以您喜欢的电影或电视节目为背景的漂亮背景。
Perhaps you can even find a background of your favorite sports team.
Installing Themes with Media Center Studio
使用Media Center Studio安装主题
Theme7MC has made available a small group of Media Center Studio Theme packs that are simple to download and install. You can find the download link below.
Theme7MC已提供了一小组Media Center Studio主题包,这些主题包易于下载和安装。 您可以在下面找到下载链接。
Note: Before installing a theme, turn off any extenders and close Windows Media Center.
注意:在安装主题之前,请关闭所有扩展器并关闭Windows Media Center。
Download any (or all) of the Theme7MC theme packages to your Media Center PC. Open Media Center Studio, select the Themes tab (the one at the top) and click Import Theme.
将任何(或全部)Theme7MC主题包下载到Media Center PC。 打开Media Center Studio,选择“主题”选项卡(顶部的一个),然后单击“导入主题”。

Browse for the theme you wish to import and click Open.

Select your theme from the themes pane and click Apply.

Media Center Studio will proceed to apply your theme.
Media Center Studio将继续应用您的主题。

You should then see your new theme appear under Current theme on the left theme pane.

Close out of Media Center Studio. Open Media Center and enjoy your new theme.
关闭Media Center Studio。 打开Media Center并享受您的新主题。
Media Center Studio runs on Windows 7 or Vista and gives users a solution for personalizing their Media Center backgrounds. It is a Beta application, however, so it still has a few bugs.
Media Center Studio在Windows 7或Vista上运行,并为用户提供了个性化其Media Center背景的解决方案。 但是,它是一个Beta应用程序,因此仍然存在一些错误。
Currently, there are only a handful of themes available at Themes7MC, but what they have is pretty slick.
If you’d like to further customize the look of Media Center, check out our previous article on how to customize the Media Center start menu with Media Center Studio.
如果您想进一步自定义Media Center的外观,请查看我们以前的文章, 该文章有关如何使用Media Center Studio自定义Media Center开始菜单 。
Theme7MC (Japanese)
Theme7MC (日语)