Ubuntu Linux has an option for font smoothing that isn’t turned on by default for some strange reason. This makes fonts significantly smoother, enough to be very noticable.
Ubuntu Linux有一个用于字体平滑的选项,由于某些奇怪的原因,默认情况下该选项未打开。 这使字体更加平滑,足以引起人们的注意。
To enable this option, you need to edit the .fonts.conf file in your home directory. To create and open the file, run this command and paste in the xml data below it.
要启用此选项,您需要在主目录中编辑.fonts.conf文件。 要创建并打开文件,请运行此命令并粘贴在其下面的xml数据中。
gedit ~/.fonts.conf
gedit〜/ .fonts.conf
Paste in this text:
<?xml version=”1.0″ ?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM “fonts.dtd”> <fontconfig> <match target=”font”> <edit name=”autohint” mode=”assign”> <bool>true</bool> </edit> </match> </fontconfig>
<?xml version =“ 1.0”?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM“ fonts.dtd”> <fontconfig> <match target =“ font”> <edit name =“ autohint” mode =“ assign”> <bool> true < / bool> </ edit> </ match> </ fontconfig>
You’ll have to log out and back in to see the difference.
Here’s an image of the before:

And here’s an image of the after:

Definitely looks smoother, and is much more readable on my laptop screen.
Tested on: Ubuntu Dapper and Ubuntu Edgy.
经过测试:Ubuntu Dapper和Ubuntu Edgy。
Update: Some angry people on digg have pointed out that the original source for this was this Ubuntu Forums post. While I didn’t find it there, I’m going to link back to it, just to be fair.
更新:digg上的一些愤怒人士指出,此问题的原始来源是Ubuntu论坛帖子 。 虽然我在那里找不到,但为了公平起见,我将链接回它。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/enable-smooth-fonts-on-ubuntu-linux/