不论是4G还是5G,paging都支持非连续接收Discontinuous Reception,DRX。这样是为了可以使UE只在固定的时间内醒来接收paging消息,其余时间可以休眠以降低功耗,提升电池使用时间。协议[38304]中原文如下:The UE may use Discontinuous Reception (DRX) in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE state in order to reduce power consumption.
UE想要接收PDSCH内的Paging消息,需要先盲检到P-RNTI加扰的PDCCH,然后DCI中的信息会指示PDSCH的相关参数。根据协议[38213]中的描述可知,P-RNTI加扰的PDCCH,即Paging相关的PDCCH所在的search space由PDCCH-ConfigCommon中的参数pagingSearchSpace指出,为Type2-PDCCH CSS set。在5G中,光有search space还不能够盲检PDCCH,search space只是给出了PDCCH所在的时域位置,即PDCCH monitoring occasion,search space中的参数会指示以时隙为单位的周期、偏移、持续长度和每个时隙中的起始符号,同时会指示对应的CORESET,CORESET又会指示具体的时频资源大小。
按照协议中的描述“For a DL BWP, if a UE is not provided a CORESET for Type2-PDCCH CSS set, the corresponding CORESET is same as the CORESET for Type0-PDCCH CSS set on the DL BWP.”,如果pagingsearchspace没有指示对应的CORESET,则使用CORESET0作为相应的CORESET。
但一个UE光靠pagingsearchspace所确定的PDCCH monitoring occasion不足以确定P-RNTI加扰的PDCCH所在的位置,还要进一步通过PF、i_s和PO来确定。
The UE monitors one paging occasion (PO) per DRX cycle. A PO is a set of PDCCH monitoring occasions and can consist of multiple time slots (e.g. subframe or OFDM symbol) where paging DCI can be sent. One Paging Frame (PF) is one Radio Frame and may contain one or multiple PO(s) or starting point of a PO.
按照协议[38304]中的原文,一个DRX cycle内有若干个PF,一个PF对应若干个PO,UE在一个DRX cycle内只醒来一次监测一个PO。在LTE中,PO就是一个子帧;但在NR中,“A PO is a set of PDCCH monitoring occasions”,PO不再是一个子帧,而是由多个pagingsearchspace所确定的PDCCH monitoring occasion组成,这是LTE与NR paging的一个区别。
DRX cycle就表示UE检测Paging的周期,PF表示检测Paging的系统帧,PO表示检测paging的具体PDCCH monitoring occasions,i_s就表示PF所对应PO的index,计算方式如下:
PF: (SFN + PF_offset) mod T = (T div N)*(UE_ID mod N)
I_s: i_s = floor (UE_ID/N) mod Ns
- T:就是DRX cycle
系统消息中会有一个小区级别的指示Tc,同时RRC也有可能会有UE级别的指示Tue,如果没有指示Tue,则T=Tc,如果指示了Tue,则T=min(Tc,Tue)。 - N: T中的PF总数
- Ns: 一个PF对应的PO数量
- PF_offset:PF的偏移
- UE_ID: 5G-S-TMSI mod 1024
TMSI是UE的临时移动用户识别码Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identify,可以用于唯一区分不同的UE,这个在随机接入的Msg3中也会用到。当UE还没有TMSI时,默认UE_ID = 0。
上面这些参数都会在PCCH-Config中指示: - defaultPagingCycle就是T;
- NAndPagingFrameOffset就是N和PF_offset,其中“oneT”就表示一个DRX cycle内有一个PF,“halfT”表示有2个PF,其余同理,后面的整数表示PF_offset;
- ns表示Ns。
而NR中PO不再是一个子帧,通过公式计算得到的i_s表示的是该UE的PO的index,即UE监测第i_s+1个PO,知道了UE监测PF对应的第i_s+1个PO,但这个PO具体在哪里,就要进一步考虑PDCCH monitoring occasions,因为前面说过,PO是由若干个PDCCH monitoring occasion组成。而PDCCH monitoring occasions就是本文最开始叙述的由Pagingsearchspace所确定的一系列时域位置,PO就要和PDCCH monitoring occasions建立关系。
[38304]A PO is a set of ‘S’ consecutive PDCCH monitoring occasions where ‘S’ is the number of actual transmitted SSBs determined according to ssb-PositionsInBurst in SIB1. The Kth PDCCH monitoring occasion for paging in the PO corresponds to the Kth transmitted SSB. The PDCCH monitoring occasions for paging which do not overlap with UL symbols (determined according to tdd-UL-DL-ConfigurationCommon) are sequentially numbered from zero starting from the first PDCCH monitoring occasion for paging in the PF. When firstPDCCH-MonitoringOccasionOfPO is present, the starting PDCCH monitoring occasion number of (i_s + 1)th PO is the (i_s + 1)th value of the firstPDCCH-MonitoringOccasionOfPO parameter; otherwise, it is equal to i_s * S.
①PDCCH monitoring occasions要从PF开始进行编号,直到下个PF为止
②S(实际发送的SSB数量)个连续PDCCH monitoring occasions组成一个PO
③每个PO的起始PDCCH monitoring occasion的编号由 firstPDCCH-MonitoringOccasionOfPO确定,若这个参数不存在,则所有的PDCCH monitoring occasions按顺序逐个组成PO
即这一段就具体描述了PO如何和PDCCH monitoring occasion建立关系。因为所有的PDCCH monitoring occasions都编了号,连续S个组成一个PO,每个PO的起始PDCCH monitoring occasion又有参数进行具体的指示,这样每个PO就和PDCCH monitoring occasions建立了关系,再加上计算得到的参数PF和i_s,就可以具体确定一个UE的PO,即它的PDCCH monitoring occasions。
NOTE 1: A PO associated with a PF may start in the PF or after the PF.
NOTE 2: The PDCCH monitoring occasions for a PO can span multiple radio frames. When SearchSpaceId other than 0 is configured for paging-SearchSpace the PDCCH monitoring occasions for a PO can span multiple periods of the paging search space.
也就是说PO不再局限在一个PF内。“一个PF包含若干个PO”应该更准确的说成“一个PF对应若干个PO”,PF只是它所对应的所有PO的起点,一个PF及其后的系统帧直到下个PF为止,都可以有PO。两个PF之间由pagingsearchspace确定的PDCCH monitoring occasions都要进行编号,编号之后在组成PO时无需考虑帧和search space周期,组成一个PO的多个PDCCH monitoring occasion可以跨帧,可以跨周期。PO的不同其实是LTE paging和NR paging区别最大的地方。
[38212]The following information is transmitted by means of the DCI format 1_0 with CRC scrambled by P-RNTI:
- Short Messages Indicator – 2 bits according to Table
指示该DCI中是否只包含Paging指示信息或short message,还是都包含 - Short Messages – 8 bits, according to Subclause 6.5 of [9, TS38.331]. If only the scheduling information for Paging is carried, this bit field is reserved.
Short Messages can be transmitted on PDCCH using P-RNTI with or without associated Paging message using Short Message field in DCI format 1_0. Table 6.5-1 defines Short Messages. Bit 1 is the most significant bit.
Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System (ETWS地震和海啸预警系统)
Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS商用移动警报系统) - Frequency domain resource assignment – bits. If only the short message is carried, this bit field is reserved.
- Time domain resource assignment – 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS38.214]. If only the short message is carried, this bit field is reserved.
承载Paging的PDSCH时频域资源指示。 - VRB-to-PRB mapping – 1 bit according to Table If only the short message is carried, this bit field is reserved.
- Modulation and coding scheme – 5 bits as defined in Subclause 5.1.3 of [6, TS38.214], using Table If only the short message is carried, this bit field is reserved.
- TB scaling – 2 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS38.214]. If only the short message is carried, this bit field is reserved.
- Reserved bits – 6 bits
根据DCI的指示,从而可以进一步顺利接收PDSCH,获取paging message。下面简单给出paging message的内容,参考协议38331:
The Paging message is used for the notification of one or more UEs.
Signalling radio bearer: N/A
Logical channel: PCCH
Direction: Network to UE