
时间:2022-04-03 02:16:33

Currently I have an array of size N. I'm trying to copy every X amount of bytes from the array.


Example if the array is size 10 and I want arrays of size 3. I'd copy the first 3 elements then the next 3 and the last 1.


Currently I'm using the following algorithm:


int I = 0;
int sub = bytes.length;
int counter = 0;
for (I = 0; I < bytes.length; ++I) {
    if (I % 3 == 0 && I != 0) {
       NewArray[counter] = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, I - 3, I));
        sub -= 3;

NewArray[counter] = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, I - sub, I)); //Copy remainder.

Is there a more efficient or a more decent way of doing the what I want? This algorithm looks pretty bad =l


Any ideas how I can improve it or at least a hint?


8 个解决方案



What about this:


int x = 3;  // chunk size
int len = bytes.length;
int counter = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < len - x + 1; i += x)
    newArray[counter++] = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, i, i + x);

if (len % x != 0)
    newArray[counter] = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, len - len % x, len);



Here's a convenient method that converts a byte[] to an array of byte[]'s. So, the result is a byte[][].


public byte[][] splitBytes(final byte[] data, final int chunkSize)
  final int length = data.length;
  final byte[][] dest = new byte[(length + chunkSize - 1)/chunkSize][];
  int destIndex = 0;
  int stopIndex = 0;

  for (int startIndex = 0; startIndex + chunkSize <= length; startIndex += chunkSize)
    stopIndex += chunkSize;
    dest[destIndex++] = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, startIndex, stopIndex);

  if (stopIndex < length)
    dest[destIndex] = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, stopIndex, length);

  return dest;

Some advantages compared to the previous best answer:


  1. The for condition uses a <= which makes more sense than < ... + 1.
  2. for条件使用的<=比<…更有意义+ 1。
  3. Putting the stop-index in a temporary field reduces the number of calculations in the last if block.
  4. 将停止索引放在临时字段中会减少最后一个if块中的计算数量。

(Unit tested)




Few things to do here:


First, common conventions frown apon using capitals to start variable names, change the I and NewArray variables to 'i' and 'newArray' respectively.


Then, your code does not work because your first time through the loop, i-3 will lead to an IndexOutOfBounds exception.....


Finally, you do not show how you set the size of the newArray array.


int sublen = 3; // how many elements in each sub array.
int size = ((bytes.length - 1) / sublen) + 1; // how many newArray members we will need
byte[][] newArray = new byte[size][]; 
int to = byte.length;
int cursor = size - 1;
int from = cursor * sublen;
while (cursor >= 0) {
    newArray[cursor] = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, from, to);
    to = from;
    from -= sublen;
    cursor --;



Here's my implementation for this, it will split your array in sub-arrays of up to a maximum size you decide on, and put the sub-arrays into a list of arrays. The last array will be smaller if the size of the array is not a multiple of the maximum size chosen.


import java.util.Arrays;

public static <T> List<T[]> splitArray(T[] items, int maxSubArraySize) {
  List<T[]> result = new ArrayList<T[]>();
  if (items ==null || items.length == 0) {
      return result;

  int from = 0;
  int to = 0;
  int slicedItems = 0;
  while (slicedItems < items.length) {
      to = from + Math.min(maxSubArraySize, items.length - to);
      T[] slice = Arrays.copyOfRange(items, from, to);
      slicedItems += slice.length;
      from = to;
  return result;



You can use split with a special regular expression:



Credit to earlier post by Alan Moore. Please visit and vote up.

由艾伦·摩尔(Alan Moore)早些时候发表的文章。请访问并投票。



If actually you need quite big chunks, and don't want to modify their contents independently, consider reusing the same initial array by means of ByteBuffer.wrap() and then slice() repeatedly. This would prevent unnecessary copying and memory waste.




Here is a function to split arrays, you can use below main method to test it.


private static List<Integer[]> splitArray(Integer[] originalArray, int chunkSize) {
List<Integer[]> listOfArrays = new ArrayList<Integer[]>();
int totalSize = originalArray.length;
if(totalSize < chunkSize ){
   chunkSize = totalSize;
int from = 0;
int to = chunkSize;

while(from < totalSize){
    Integer[] partArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(originalArray, from, to);

    from+= chunkSize;
    to = from + chunkSize;
        to = totalSize;
return listOfArrays;

Testing method:


public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Integer> testingOriginalList = new ArrayList<Integer>();

for(int i=0;i<200;i++){

int batchSize = 51;
Integer[] originalArray = testingOriginalList.toArray(new Integer[]{});

List<Integer[]> listOfArrays = splitArray(originalArray, batchSize);

for(Integer[] array : listOfArrays){
    System.out.print(array.length + ", ");



import java.util.Arrays;

public class Test {

    private void run() {
        try {

            byte[] cfsObjIds = "abcdefghij".getBytes();

            final int chunkSize = 4;
            System.out.println("Split by " + chunkSize + ":");
            int objQty = cfsObjIds.length;
            for (int i = 0; i < objQty; i += chunkSize) {
                int chunkUpperLimit = Math.min(objQty, i + chunkSize);
                byte[] cfsIdsChunk = Arrays.copyOfRange(cfsObjIds, i, chunkUpperLimit);


        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new Test().run();



What about this:


int x = 3;  // chunk size
int len = bytes.length;
int counter = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < len - x + 1; i += x)
    newArray[counter++] = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, i, i + x);

if (len % x != 0)
    newArray[counter] = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, len - len % x, len);



Here's a convenient method that converts a byte[] to an array of byte[]'s. So, the result is a byte[][].


public byte[][] splitBytes(final byte[] data, final int chunkSize)
  final int length = data.length;
  final byte[][] dest = new byte[(length + chunkSize - 1)/chunkSize][];
  int destIndex = 0;
  int stopIndex = 0;

  for (int startIndex = 0; startIndex + chunkSize <= length; startIndex += chunkSize)
    stopIndex += chunkSize;
    dest[destIndex++] = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, startIndex, stopIndex);

  if (stopIndex < length)
    dest[destIndex] = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, stopIndex, length);

  return dest;

Some advantages compared to the previous best answer:


  1. The for condition uses a <= which makes more sense than < ... + 1.
  2. for条件使用的<=比<…更有意义+ 1。
  3. Putting the stop-index in a temporary field reduces the number of calculations in the last if block.
  4. 将停止索引放在临时字段中会减少最后一个if块中的计算数量。

(Unit tested)




Few things to do here:


First, common conventions frown apon using capitals to start variable names, change the I and NewArray variables to 'i' and 'newArray' respectively.


Then, your code does not work because your first time through the loop, i-3 will lead to an IndexOutOfBounds exception.....


Finally, you do not show how you set the size of the newArray array.


int sublen = 3; // how many elements in each sub array.
int size = ((bytes.length - 1) / sublen) + 1; // how many newArray members we will need
byte[][] newArray = new byte[size][]; 
int to = byte.length;
int cursor = size - 1;
int from = cursor * sublen;
while (cursor >= 0) {
    newArray[cursor] = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, from, to);
    to = from;
    from -= sublen;
    cursor --;



Here's my implementation for this, it will split your array in sub-arrays of up to a maximum size you decide on, and put the sub-arrays into a list of arrays. The last array will be smaller if the size of the array is not a multiple of the maximum size chosen.


import java.util.Arrays;

public static <T> List<T[]> splitArray(T[] items, int maxSubArraySize) {
  List<T[]> result = new ArrayList<T[]>();
  if (items ==null || items.length == 0) {
      return result;

  int from = 0;
  int to = 0;
  int slicedItems = 0;
  while (slicedItems < items.length) {
      to = from + Math.min(maxSubArraySize, items.length - to);
      T[] slice = Arrays.copyOfRange(items, from, to);
      slicedItems += slice.length;
      from = to;
  return result;



You can use split with a special regular expression:



Credit to earlier post by Alan Moore. Please visit and vote up.

由艾伦·摩尔(Alan Moore)早些时候发表的文章。请访问并投票。



If actually you need quite big chunks, and don't want to modify their contents independently, consider reusing the same initial array by means of ByteBuffer.wrap() and then slice() repeatedly. This would prevent unnecessary copying and memory waste.




Here is a function to split arrays, you can use below main method to test it.


private static List<Integer[]> splitArray(Integer[] originalArray, int chunkSize) {
List<Integer[]> listOfArrays = new ArrayList<Integer[]>();
int totalSize = originalArray.length;
if(totalSize < chunkSize ){
   chunkSize = totalSize;
int from = 0;
int to = chunkSize;

while(from < totalSize){
    Integer[] partArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(originalArray, from, to);

    from+= chunkSize;
    to = from + chunkSize;
        to = totalSize;
return listOfArrays;

Testing method:


public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Integer> testingOriginalList = new ArrayList<Integer>();

for(int i=0;i<200;i++){

int batchSize = 51;
Integer[] originalArray = testingOriginalList.toArray(new Integer[]{});

List<Integer[]> listOfArrays = splitArray(originalArray, batchSize);

for(Integer[] array : listOfArrays){
    System.out.print(array.length + ", ");



import java.util.Arrays;

public class Test {

    private void run() {
        try {

            byte[] cfsObjIds = "abcdefghij".getBytes();

            final int chunkSize = 4;
            System.out.println("Split by " + chunkSize + ":");
            int objQty = cfsObjIds.length;
            for (int i = 0; i < objQty; i += chunkSize) {
                int chunkUpperLimit = Math.min(objQty, i + chunkSize);
                byte[] cfsIdsChunk = Arrays.copyOfRange(cfsObjIds, i, chunkUpperLimit);


        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new Test().run();
