
Computers are supposed to automate repetitive tasks – if you find yourself submitting forms over and over or repeatedly navigating a website by hand, try iMacros. It’s easy-to-use – all you have to do is perform an action once.
计算机应该可以自动执行重复的任务-如果您发现自己一遍又一遍地提交表单或手动反复浏览网站,请尝试iMacros。 它易于使用-您只需要做一次操作即可。
iMacros is ideal for anyone that does repetitive tasks in their web browser, whether you’re an average user repeatedly submitting tedious forms or a web developer performing regression testing across a complex website.
入门 (Getting Started)
The iMacros extension is available for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer.
iMacros扩展可用于Mozilla Firefox , Google Chrome和Internet Explorer 。
After installing it, you’ll find an iMacros icon on your browser toolbar. This icon opens the iMacros sidebar.
安装后,您会在浏览器工具栏上找到一个iMacros图标。 此图标将打开iMacros侧栏。

录制宏 (Recording a Macro)
The Record button allows you to record browser actions. iMacros keeps track of them and can play them back later. You can record practically anything you can do in your browser, from opening tabs to performing actions on websits. iMacros can also be a powerful form filler capable of filling out and submitting forms across multiple web pages.
使用“记录”按钮可以记录浏览器操作。 iMacros会跟踪它们,并在以后播放它们。 从打开选项卡到在网站上执行操作,您几乎可以在浏览器中记录所有操作。 iMacros还可以是功能强大的表单填充器,能够跨多个网页填写和提交表单。
We’ll create a really basic macro to show you how it works. First, we click the Record button.
我们将创建一个非常基本的宏来向您展示其工作原理。 首先,我们单击“记录”按钮。

iMacros starts recording. As we can see, the macro will activate the first tab and load the How-To Geek website, since that’s the website we had open when we started recording.
iMacros开始记录。 如我们所见,该宏将**第一个选项卡并加载How-To Geek网站,因为这是我们开始记录时打开的网站。

Next, we’ll use the search box on the How-To Geek website to perform a search.
接下来,我们将使用How-To Geek网站上的搜索框进行搜索。

iMacros saves our macro after we click Stop. We can click the Play button to play back the macro and iMacros will visit How-To Geek, select the form field, enter our search query, and submit the form. While you can achieve this result simply by bookmarking the search page here on How-To Geek, some websites aren’t as convenient. On websites that force you to submit a form field – or multiple form fields – to reach a destination page, you can use a macro to save time.
单击“停止”后,iMacros将保存宏。 我们可以单击“播放”按钮以播放宏,iMacros将访问How-To Geek,选择表单字段,输入搜索查询,然后提交表单。 尽管您可以通过在How-To Geek上在此处添加搜索页面的书签来简单地获得此结果,但是某些网站并不方便。 在强迫您提交一个或多个表单字段以到达目标页面的网站上,可以使用宏来节省时间。
This was an extremely short, basic macro. You can add as many actions as you want to the macro – after submitting the form, it could open several new tabs, navigate to websites, and perform other actions.
这是一个非常简短的基本宏。 您可以在宏中添加任意数量的操作-提交表单后,它可以打开多个新标签页,导航到网站并执行其他操作。
宏书签 (Macro Bookmarks)
You can even save a macro as a bookmark. After renaming the saved macro with the Rename option, right-click it and select Add to bookmark. You’ll be able to launch your macro from your bookmarks with a single click.
您甚至可以将宏另存为书签。 用“重命名”选项重命名保存的宏后,右键单击它,然后选择“添加到书签”。 只需单击一下就可以从书签启动宏。

Better yet, the macro will synchronize between your computers using your browser’s bookmark sync feature if you select the Make Bookmarklet option.

一些技巧 (A Few Tricks)
iMacros offers a few other features you can use while recording a macro. For example, you can save a page to disk or take a screenshot of it using either of the buttons on the Record pane.
iMacros提供了一些其他功能,可在录制宏时使用。 例如,您可以使用“记录”窗格上的任一按钮将页面保存到磁盘或对其进行屏幕截图。

To schedule a macro and have it run automatically, save the macro as a bookmark and install an extension like My Weekly Browsing Schedule for Firefox. , which allows you to automatically launch bookmarks. You can have the macro run automatically – for example, taking a screenshot of a web page every hour.
要安排宏并使其自动运行,请将宏另存为书签并安装扩展程序,例如“ Firefox的我的每周浏览日程表”。 ,它使您可以自动启动书签。 您可以让宏自动运行-例如,每小时获取一个网页截图。
You can schedule other actions, too – for example, press Record and send an email in Gmail to create an email-sending macro. Combine the macro with a scheduling add-on and you’ll be able to schedule and automatically send emails.
您也可以安排其他操作-例如,按记录并在Gmail中发送电子邮件以创建电子邮件发送宏。 将宏与计划加载项结合使用,您将能够计划并自动发送电子邮件。
演示版 (Demos)
You can run one of the included demo macros to get a feel for iMacros. Just select a macro and click the Play button. For example, the Demo-Open6Tabs macro opens six different browser tabs and loads a web page in each of them.
您可以运行其中包含的演示宏之一来体验iMacros。 只需选择一个宏,然后单击“播放”按钮即可。 例如,Demo-Open6Tabs宏将打开六个不同的浏览器选项卡,并在每个选项卡中加载一个网页。

If you want to see how a macro works, you can right-click it and select Edit Macro to view its source. While you can write and edit macros by hand, you don’t have to – the Record button will do the tedious macro-writing for you.
如果要查看宏的工作方式,可以右键单击它,然后选择“编辑宏”以查看其源。 虽然您可以手动编写和编辑宏,但不必这样做-“记录”按钮将为您完成繁琐的宏编写。

iMacros offers a lot of flexibility – anything you can do in your browser, you can automate. Do you use iMacros for anything clever? Leave a comment and let us know.
iMacros提供了很大的灵活性-您可以在浏览器中执行的任何操作都可以自动化。 您将iMacros用于任何聪明的东西吗? 发表评论,让我们知道。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/113789/how-to-automate-repetitive-web-browser-tasks-with-imacros/