1、利用 grAphiCs.py 可以在 Python 的 shell 窗口中绘制图形。
6、语句 myShApe.move(10,20) 将 myShApe 移动到点(10,20)。
8、提供 Copy 方法是用于生成图形对象的副本。
9、图形窗口的标题总是“GrAphiCs WinDow”。
10、grAphiCs 库中,用于获取鼠标点击的方法是 reADMouse。
1 F(是在 GrAphWin() 函数创建的窗口中绘制图形) 2 T(p.55 “(传统上,图形程序员将点定位在窗口的左上角。”) 3 T(p.55 “图形窗口实际上是一些小点的集合,这些小点称为“像素”(“图像元素”的缩写)”) 4 F(p.57 “要创建一个类的新实例,我们使用一个特殊操作,称为“构造函数”,p.58 “这些方法有时被称为“取值方法”,因为它们允许我们从对象的实例变量访问信息。” p.76 “取值方法返回有关对象的实例变量的信息。”) 5 T(p.57 “这些值作为“实例变量”存储在对象内。”) 6 F(p.58 “。所有图形对象都有 move 方法。下面是规格说明:move(Dx,Dy):让对象在 x 方向上移动 Dx 单位,在 y 方向上移动 Dy 单位。”) 7 T(p.59 “……两个变量引用同一个对象称为“别名”……”,p.76 “两个变量引用同一对象的情况称为别名。”) 8 F(p.59 “grAphiCs 库提供了更好的解决方案,所有图形对象都支持复制对象的 Clone 方法。”) 9 F(p.61 “……GrAphWin 构造函数允许一个可选参数指定窗口的标题。”) 10 F(p.67 “如果在 GrAphWin 上调用 getMouse,程序将暂停,并等待用户在图形窗口中某处单击鼠标。”,p.71 “getMouse() 暂停等待用户在窗口中单击鼠标,并用 Point 对象返回鼠标单击的位置。”)
A. 设值方法
B. 函数
C. 构造方法
D. 取值方法
A. 状态方法
B. 设值方法
C. 构造方法
D. 变更方法
A. Square
B. Polygon
C. Line
D. Rectangle
4、____命令会将 win 的坐标设置变为左下角是(0,0),右上角是(10,10)。
A. win.setCoords(Point(0,0), Point(10,10))
B. win.setCoords((0,0), (10,10))
C. win.setCoords(0, 0, 10, 10)
D. win.setCoords(Point(10,10), Point(0,0))
A. Line(2, 3, 4, 5)
B. Line((2,3), (4,5))
C. Line(2, 4, 3, 5)
D. Line(Point(2,3), Point(4,5))
6、命令____可以将图形对象 shApe 绘制到图形窗口 win 中。
A. win.draw(shape)
B. win.show(shape)
C. shape.draw()
D. shape.draw(win)
7、表达式____计算点 p1 和 p2 之间的水平距离。
A. abs(p1-p2)
B. p2.getX() - p1.getX()
C. abs(p1.getY() - p2.getY())
D. abs(p1.getX() - p2.getX())
A. Text
B. Entry
C. Input
D. Keyboard
B. Application
C. windower
10、Color_rgb(0,255,255) 是____。
A. 黄色
B. 青色
C. 品红色
D. 橙色
1 D 2 B 3 D 4 C 5 D 6 D 7 D 8 B 9 A 10 B
- 选择一个有趣的现实世界对象的例子,通过列出它的数据(属性,它“知道什么”)及方法(行为,它可以“做什么”),将它描述为一个编程对象。
2、用你自己的话描述 graphics 模块的下列操作产生的每个对象,尽可能精确。务必描述各种对象的大小、位置和外观等。如果需要,可以画草图。
1 a. Point(130,130) 2 3 b. c = Circle(Point(30,40),25) 4 c.setFill("blue") 5 c.setOutline("red") 6 7 c. r = Rectangle(Point(20,20), Point(40,40)) 8 r.setFill(color_rgb(0,255,150)) 9 r.setWidth(3) 10 11 d. l = Line(Point(100,100), Point(100,200)) 12 l.setOutline("red4") 13 l.setArrow("first") 14 15 e. Oval(Point(50,50), Point(60,100)) 16 17 f. shape = Polygon(Point(5,5), Point(10,10), Point(5,10), Point(10,5)) 18 shape.setFill("orange") 19 20 g. t = Text(Point(100,100), "Hello World!") 21 t.setFace("courier") 22 t.setSize(16) 23 t.setStyle("italic")
a. 一个坐标为 (130,130) 的点 b. 一个圆心为 (30,40)、半径为 25 像素的红色轮廓的蓝色圆圈 c. 一个边长为 20 像素、中心点为 (30,30)、有 3 像素宽的黑色轮廓的蓝绿色正方形 d. 一条底部位于点 (100,200)、长度为 100 像素的暗红色线,其;上端有一个向上指的箭头 e. 一个宽度为 10、高度为 50、中心为 (55,75) 的未填充的 “竖立的” 椭圆形 f. 一个以点 (7.5,7.5) 为中心、黑色轮廓的橙色沙漏 g. 一个以 (100,100) 为中心、以 16 点式斜体字形显示的 “Hello World!” 文本
1 from graphics import * 2 3 def main(): 4 win = GraphWin() 5 shape = Circle(Point(50,50), 20) 6 shape.setOutline("red") 7 shape.setFill("red") 8 shape.draw(win) 9 for i in range(10): 10 p = win.getMouse() 11 c = shape.getCenter() 12 dx = p.getX() - c.getX() 13 dy = p.getY() - c.getY() 14 shape.move(dx,dy) 15 win.close() 16 main()
程序在默认图形窗口中绘制一个圆心在 (50,50)、半径为 20 像素的红色圆圈,然后等待用户单击鼠标 10 次。每次用户点击时,圆圈都会移动到点击的点(以其为圆心)。点击 10 次后,窗口消失。
1 from graphics import * 2 3 def main(): 4 win = GraphWin() 5 shape = Rectangle(Point(30,30), Point(70,70)) 6 shape.setOutline("red") 7 shape.setFill("red") 8 shape.draw(win) 9 for _ in range(10): 10 p = win.getMouse() 11 c = shape.getCenter() 12 dx = p.getX() - c.getX() 13 dy = p.getY() - c.getY() 14 shape = shape.clone() 15 shape.move(dx,dy) 16 shape.draw(win) 17 win.close() 18 19 main()
1 from graphics import * 2 3 def main(): 4 win = GraphWin("Archery Target", 360, 360) 5 win.setCoords(-6, -6, 6, 6) 6 win.setBackground("gray") 7 center = Point(0,0) 8 9 c1 = Circle(center, 5) 10 c1.setFill("white") 11 c1.draw(win) 12 13 c2 = Circle(center, 4) 14 c2.setFill("black") 15 c2.draw(win) 16 17 c3 = Circle(center, 3) 18 c3.setFill("blue") 19 c3.draw(win) 20 21 c4 = Circle(center, 2) 22 c4.setFill("red") 23 c4.draw(win) 24 25 c5 = Circle(center, 1) 26 c5.setFill("yellow") 27 c5.draw(win) 28 29 win.getMouse() 30 win.close() 31 32 main()
- 编写一个绘制某种面孔的程序。
1 # Author: Cody Leistikow (10/4/02) 2 3 from graphics import * 4 5 def main(): 6 win=GraphWin('Face',400,420) 7 win.setBackground("white") 8 neck = Polygon(Point(177,352),Point(176,371),Point(162,398),Point(170,400),Point(185,391),Point(231,373),Point(260,368),Point(287,357),Point(312,333),Point(235,311)) 9 neck.setFill(color_rgb(239,222,215)) 10 head = Polygon(Point(136,228),Point(107,260),Point(110,279),Point(129,302),Point(140,321),Point(175,350),Point(193,348),Point(234,312),Point(238,296),Point(255,291),Point(272,266),Point(271,240),Point(264,226),Point(253,224),Point(239,239),Point(243,193)) 11 head.setFill(color_rgb(239,222,215)) 12 headdark1 = Polygon(Point(184,212),Point(190,217),Point(194,261),Point(173,286),Point(198,284),Point(204,310),Point(203,321),Point(200,333),Point(192,346),Point(202,352),Point(206,351),Point(206,372),Point(225,339),Point(218,377),Point(236,371),Point(252,344),Point(258,342),Point(257,369),Point(286,358),Point(294,339),Point(300,343),Point(312,334),Point(295,319),Point(282,313),Point(276,292),Point(258,289),Point(242,296),Point(236,291),Point(240,284),Point(242,278),Point(247,278),Point(249,268),Point(240,265),Point(242,258),Point(234,261),Point(258,185)) 13 headdark1.setFill(color_rgb(226,179,154)) 14 headdark2 = Polygon(Point(133,231),Point(123,241),Point(112,273),Point(117,275),Point(148,227)) 15 headdark2.setFill(color_rgb(226,179,154)) 16 headdark3 = Polygon(Point(177,218),Point(161,279),Point(168,221)) 17 headdark3.setFill(color_rgb(226,179,154)) 18 neckline1 = Line(Point(182,365),Point(185,390)) 19 neckline2 = Line(Point(199,385),Point(219,350)) 20 neckline3 = Line(Point(219,350),Point(230,324)) 21 neckline4 = Line(Point(225,374),Point(235,340)) 22 neckline5 = Line(Point(282,313),Point(288,334)) 23 throat = Polygon(Point(189,366),Point(192,381),Point(186,373)) 24 throat.setFill(color_rgb(117,110,105)) 25 headline1 = Line(Point(193,349),Point(212,334)) 26 headline2 = Line(Point(212,334),Point(234,312)) 27 headline3 = Line(Point(234,312),Point(241,294)) 28 headline4 = Line(Point(135,279),Point(140,292)) 29 headline5 = Line(Point(149,279),Point(154,289)) 30 innerear = Polygon(Point(263,249),Point(262,240),Point(257,234),Point(241,259),Point(242,267),Point(248,269),Point(249,277),Point(242,279),Point(241,283),Point(260,271),Point(263,265),Point(253,260),Point(254,251)) 31 innerear.setFill(color_rgb(201,153,145)) 32 earline1 = Line(Point(247,249),Point(258,249)) 33 earline2 = Line(Point(248,268),Point(255,264)) 34 earline3 = Line(Point(241,261),Point(255,261)) 35 earline4 = Line(Point(255,261),Point(257,272)) 36 earline5 = Line(Point(257,272),Point(265,264)) 37 chin = Polygon(Point(161,326),Point(176,327),Point(179,330),Point(165,330)) 38 chin.setFill(color_rgb(215,178,182)) 39 mouthline1 = Line(Point(154,320),Point(158,322)) 40 mouthline2 = Line(Point(158,322),Point(171,318)) 41 mouthline3 = Line(Point(171,318),Point(179,318)) 42 noseline1 = Line(Point(146,303),Point(146,311)) 43 noseline2 = Line(Point(146,311),Point(141,319)) 44 noseline3 = Line(Point(141,319),Point(156,312)) 45 lefteye = Polygon(Point(120,282),Point(140,293),Point(128,293)) 46 lefteye.setFill(color_rgb(255,255,255)) 47 righteye = Polygon(Point(163,286),Point(166,289),Point(197,277),Point(199,264)) 48 righteye.setFill(color_rgb(255,255,255)) 49 leftiris = Polygon(Point(128,287),Point(131,291),Point(137,290)) 50 leftiris.setFill(color_rgb(100,150,131)) 51 rightiris = Polygon(Point(168,282),Point(172,284),Point(179,275)) 52 rightiris.setFill(color_rgb(100,150,131)) 53 lefteyebrow = Polygon(Point(111,272),Point(140,290),Point(140,292),Point(111,276)) 54 lefteyebrow.setFill(color_rgb(247,218,116)) 55 righteyebrow = Polygon(Point(156,288),Point(209,251),Point(212,258),Point(157,288)) 56 righteyebrow.setFill(color_rgb(247,218,116)) 57 hairbg = Polygon(Point(49,110),Point(74,155),Point(89,103),Point(117,43),Point(127,96),Point(144,65),Point(198,21),Point(180,70),Point(230,32),Point(276,13),Point(241,77),Point(335,34),Point(310,74),Point(323,71),Point(331,65),Point(332,68),Point(363,45),Point(340,136),Point(356,125),Point(350,144),Point(381,124),Point(337,222),Point(309,240),Point(359,249),Point(294,276),Point(334,286),Point(275,297),Point(258,287),Point(272,264),Point(268,233),Point(264,225),Point(252,225),Point(239,238),Point(226,230),Point(228,219),Point(197,260),Point(210,221),Point(210,205),Point(175,217),Point(166,248),Point(142,294),Point(162,221),Point(136,230),Point(106,261),Point(110,277),Point(114,289),Point(116,317),Point(93,288),Point(94,278),Point(75,318),Point(76,274),Point(62,273),Point(69,247),Point(18,253),Point(67,215),Point(53,191)) 58 hairbg.setFill(color_rgb(247,218,116)) 59 hairdark1 = Polygon(Point(50,114),Point(74,156),Point(71,177)) 60 hairdark1.setFill(color_rgb(235,161,56)) 61 hairdark2 = Polygon(Point(47,243),Point(93,225),Point(89,239)) 62 hairdark2.setFill(color_rgb(235,161,56)) 63 hairdark3 = Polygon(Point(128,214),Point(94,256),Point(75,317),Point(99,270)) 64 hairdark3.setFill(color_rgb(235,161,56)) 65 hairdark4 = Polygon(Point(105,266),Point(116,313),Point(114,283)) 66 hairdark4.setFill(color_rgb(235,161,56)) 67 hairdark5 = Polygon(Point(119,45),Point(107,106),Point(112,170),Point(124,203),Point(129,200),Point(130,164),Point(121,139),Point(125,91),Point(117,43)) 68 hairdark5.setFill(color_rgb(235,161,56)) 69 hairdark6 = Polygon(Point(173,126),Point(145,193),Point(157,201),Point(157,216),Point(169,204),Point(186,176),Point(201,161),Point(213,122),Point(223,79),Point(234,55),Point(204,109),Point(160,186),Point(155,187),Point(179,117)) 70 hairdark6.setFill(color_rgb(235,161,56)) 71 hairdark7 = Polygon(Point(176,217),Point(253,115),Point(225,194),Point(212,192),Point(203,207)) 72 hairdark7.setFill(color_rgb(235,161,56)) 73 hairdark8 = Polygon(Point(222,86),Point(272,19),Point(240,77)) 74 hairdark8.setFill(color_rgb(235,161,56)) 75 hairdark9 = Polygon(Point(217,111),Point(284,65),Point(209,138)) 76 hairdark9.setFill(color_rgb(235,161,56)) 77 hairdark10 = Polygon(Point(217,192),Point(219,230),Point(230,216),Point(224,193)) 78 hairdark10.setFill(color_rgb(235,161,56)) 79 hairdark11 = Polygon(Point(216,109),Point(252,84),Point(283,66),Point(208,141)) 80 hairdark11.setFill(color_rgb(235,161,56)) 81 hairdark12 = Polygon(Point(238,161),Point(274,140),Point(228,185)) 82 hairdark12.setFill(color_rgb(235,161,56)) 83 hairdark13 = Polygon(Point(248,144),Point(298,73),Point(335,33),Point(307,77),Point(303,97)) 84 hairdark13.setFill(color_rgb(235,161,56)) 85 hairdark14 = Polygon(Point(249,205),Point(300,142),Point(331,67),Point(321,152)) 86 hairdark14.setFill(color_rgb(235,161,56)) 87 hairdark15 = Polygon(Point(321,152),Point(324,137),Point(357,65),Point(340,135)) 88 hairdark15.setFill(color_rgb(235,161,56)) 89 hairdark16 = Polygon(Point(142,138),Point(160,77),Point(180,48),Point(166,87),Point(166,114)) 90 hairdark16.setFill(color_rgb(235,161,56)) 91 hairdark17 = Polygon(Point(226,198),Point(252,183),Point(242,203),Point(246,216),Point(301,184),Point(282,219),Point(331,174),Point(349,144),Point(322,210),Point(358,174),Point(338,221),Point(308,240),Point(294,239),Point(283,256),Point(357,250),Point(276,282),Point(331,286),Point(276,296),Point(258,287),Point(273,265),Point(270,239),Point(265,224),Point(254,224),Point(240,238),Point(227,231),Point(228,220),Point(227,207)) 92 hairdark17.setFill(color_rgb(235,161,56)) 93 hairline1 = Line(Point(72,176),Point(84,206)) 94 hairline2 = Line(Point(68,215),Point(84,206)) 95 hairline3 = Line(Point(84,206),Point(109,208)) 96 hairline4 = Line(Point(70,246),Point(86,246)) 97 hairline5 = Line(Point(98,214),Point(77,276)) 98 hairline6 = Line(Point(98,214),Point(146,194)) 99 hairline7 = Line(Point(128,196),Point(133,147)) 100 hairline8 = Line(Point(133,147),Point(207,72)) 101 hairline9 = Line(Point(207,72),Point(235,53)) 102 hairline10 = Line(Point(137,230),Point(158,215)) 103 hairline11 = Line(Point(127,95),Point(141,140)) 104 hairline12 = Line(Point(180,70),Point(174,104)) 105 hairline13 = Line(Point(22,252),Point(94,225)) 106 hairline14 = Line(Point(202,160),Point(254,113)) 107 hairline15 = Line(Point(173,125),Point(210,79)) 108 hairline16 = Line(Point(175,217),Point(171,205)) 109 hairline17 = Line(Point(171,205),Point(165,208)) 110 hairline18 = Line(Point(305,96),Point(332,64)) 111 hairline19 = Line(Point(275,139),Point(315,94)) 112 hairline20 = Line(Point(98,112),Point(91,174)) 113 hairline21 = Line(Point(91,174),Point(99,208)) 114 hairline22 = Line(Point(128,214),Point(156,201)) 115 hairline23 = Line(Point(132,113),Point(163,50)) 116 hairline24 = Line(Point(185,92),Point(240,32)) 117 hairline25 = Line(Point(271,245),Point(295,233)) 118 hairline26 = Line(Point(295,233),Point(322,209)) 119 hairline27 = Line(Point(227,190),Point(286,139)) 120 hairline28 = Line(Point(302,183),Point(326,164)) 121 122 neck.draw(win) 123 head.draw(win) 124 headdark1.draw(win) 125 headdark2.draw(win) 126 headdark3.draw(win) 127 headline1.draw(win) 128 headline2.draw(win) 129 headline3.draw(win) 130 headline4.draw(win) 131 headline5.draw(win) 132 neckline1.draw(win) 133 neckline2.draw(win) 134 neckline3.draw(win) 135 neckline4.draw(win) 136 neckline5.draw(win) 137 throat.draw(win) 138 innerear.draw(win) 139 earline1.draw(win) 140 earline2.draw(win) 141 earline3.draw(win) 142 earline4.draw(win) 143 earline5.draw(win) 144 chin.draw(win) 145 mouthline1.draw(win) 146 mouthline2.draw(win) 147 mouthline3.draw(win) 148 noseline1.draw(win) 149 noseline2.draw(win) 150 noseline3.draw(win) 151 lefteye.draw(win) 152 righteye.draw(win) 153 leftiris.draw(win) 154 rightiris.draw(win) 155 lefteyebrow.draw(win) 156 righteyebrow.draw(win) 157 hairbg.draw(win) 158 hairdark1.draw(win) 159 hairdark2.draw(win) 160 hairdark3.draw(win) 161 hairdark4.draw(win) 162 hairdark5.draw(win) 163 hairdark6.draw(win) 164 hairdark7.draw(win) 165 hairdark8.draw(win) 166 hairdark9.draw(win) 167 hairdark10.draw(win) 168 hairdark11.draw(win) 169 hairdark12.draw(win) 170 hairdark13.draw(win) 171 hairdark14.draw(win) 172 hairdark15.draw(win) 173 hairdark16.draw(win) 174 hairdark17.draw(win) 175 hairline1.draw(win) 176 hairline2.draw(win) 177 hairline3.draw(win) 178 hairline4.draw(win) 179 hairline5.draw(win) 180 hairline6.draw(win) 181 hairline7.draw(win) 182 hairline8.draw(win) 183 hairline9.draw(win) 184 hairline10.draw(win) 185 hairline11.draw(win) 186 hairline12.draw(win) 187 hairline13.draw(win) 188 hairline14.draw(win) 189 hairline15.draw(win) 190 hairline16.draw(win) 191 hairline17.draw(win) 192 hairline18.draw(win) 193 hairline19.draw(win) 194 hairline20.draw(win) 195 hairline21.draw(win) 196 hairline22.draw(win) 197 hairline23.draw(win) 198 hairline24.draw(win) 199 hairline25.draw(win) 200 hairline26.draw(win) 201 hairline27.draw(win) 202 hairline28.draw(win) 203 win.getMouse() 204 205 main()
1 # By: Megan Neuendorf 2 3 from graphics import * 4 5 def main(): 6 win=GraphWin("Winter Scene",500,500) 7 win.setCoords(0,0,200,200) 8 win.setBackground("blue") 9 10 # Body of the snowman 11 c1 = Circle(Point(50,40),40) 12 c1.draw(win) 13 c1.setFill("white") 14 c1.setOutline("white") 15 16 c2 = Circle(Point(50,100),30) 17 c2.draw(win) 18 c2.setFill("white") 19 c2.setOutline("white") 20 21 c3 = Circle(Point(50,145),20) 22 c3.draw(win) 23 c3.setFill("white") 24 c3.setOutline("white") 25 26 # Top Hat of Snowman 27 r1 = Rectangle(Point(30,160),Point(70,165)) 28 r1.draw(win) 29 r1.setFill("black") 30 31 r2 = Rectangle(Point(40,165),Point(60,185)) 32 r2.draw(win) 33 r2.setFill("black") 34 35 # Eyes of the Snowman 36 e1 = Circle(Point(42.5,150),2.5) 37 e1.draw(win) 38 e1.setFill("black") 39 40 e2 = Circle(Point(57.5,150),2.5) 41 e2.draw(win) 42 e2.setFill("black") 43 44 # Nose of the Snowman 45 n = Polygon(Point(50,142.5),Point(50,137.5),Point(57.5,140)) 46 n.draw(win) 47 n.setOutline("orange") 48 n.setFill("orange") 49 50 # Mouth of the Snowman 51 m1 = Circle(Point(40,135),1) 52 m1.draw(win) 53 m1.setFill("black") 54 55 m2 = Circle(Point(45,130),1) 56 m2.draw(win) 57 m2.setFill("black") 58 59 m3 = Circle(Point(50,127.5),1) 60 m3.draw(win) 61 m3.setFill("black") 62 63 m4 = Circle(Point(55,130),1) 64 m4.draw(win) 65 m4.setFill("black") 66 67 m5 = Circle(Point(60,135),1) 68 m5.draw(win) 69 m5.setFill("black") 70 71 # Buttons on the Snowman 72 b1 = Circle(Point(50,115),3) 73 b1.draw(win) 74 b1.setFill("black") 75 76 b2 = Circle(Point(50,105),3) 77 b2.draw(win) 78 b2.setFill("black") 79 80 b3 = Circle(Point(50,95),3) 81 b3.draw(win) 82 b3.setFill("black") 83 84 # Christmas Tree 85 rect1 = Rectangle(Point(140,0),Point(160,25)) 86 rect1.draw(win) 87 rect1.setOutline("brown") 88 rect1.setFill("brown") 89 90 t1 = Polygon(Point(100,25),Point(200,25),Point(150,65)) 91 t1.draw(win) 92 t1.setOutline("forest green") 93 t1.setFill("forest green") 94 95 t2 = Polygon(Point(110,60),Point(190,60),Point(150,100)) 96 t2.draw(win) 97 t2.setOutline("forest green") 98 t2.setFill("forest green") 99 100 t3 = Polygon(Point(120,90),Point(180,90),Point(150,120)) 101 t3.draw(win) 102 t3.setOutline("forest green") 103 t3.setFill("forest green") 104 105 t4 = Polygon(Point(130,115),Point(170,115),Point(150,135)) 106 t4.draw(win) 107 t4.setOutline("forest green") 108 t4.setFill("forest green") 109 110 t5 = Polygon(Point(135,132.5),Point(165,132.5),Point(150,155)) 111 t5.draw(win) 112 t5.setOutline("forest green") 113 t5.setFill("forest green") 114 115 # Star on the Christmas Tree 116 n = Polygon(Point(150,152.5),Point(147.5,160),Point(140,162.5),Point(147.5,165),Point(150,172.5),Point(152.5,165),Point(160,162.5),Point(152.5,160)) 117 n.draw(win) 118 n.setOutline("gold") 119 n.setFill("gold") 120 121 # Circular Ornaments on Christmas Tree 122 o1 = Circle(Point(150,142.5),2.5) 123 o1.draw(win) 124 o1.setOutline("red") 125 o1.setFill("gold") 126 127 o2 = Circle(Point(135,115),2.5) 128 o2.draw(win) 129 o2.setOutline("red") 130 o2.setFill("gold") 131 132 o3 = Circle(Point(165,115),2.5) 133 o3.draw(win) 134 o3.setOutline("red") 135 o3.setFill("gold") 136 137 o4 = Circle(Point(150,95),2.5) 138 o4.draw(win) 139 o4.setOutline("red") 140 o4.setFill("gold") 141 142 o5 = Circle(Point(135,75),2.5) 143 o5.draw(win) 144 o5.setOutline("red") 145 o5.setFill("gold") 146 147 o6 = Circle(Point(165,75),2.5) 148 o6.draw(win) 149 o6.setOutline("red") 150 o6.setFill("gold") 151 152 o7 = Circle(Point(115,60),2.5) 153 o7.draw(win) 154 o7.setOutline("red") 155 o7.setFill("gold") 156 157 o8 = Circle(Point(185,60),2.5) 158 o8.draw(win) 159 o8.setOutline("red") 160 o8.setFill("gold") 161 162 o9 = Circle(Point(150,30),2.5) 163 o9.draw(win) 164 o9.setOutline("red") 165 o9.setFill("gold") 166 167 # Diamond Ornaments on Christmas Tree 168 d1 = Polygon(Point(140,135),Point(142.5,132.5),Point(140,130),Point(137.5,132.5)) 169 d1.draw(win) 170 d1.setOutline("gold") 171 d1.setFill("red") 172 173 d2 = Polygon(Point(160,135),Point(162.5,132.5),Point(160,130),Point(157.5,132.5)) 174 d2.draw(win) 175 d2.setOutline("gold") 176 d2.setFill("red") 177 178 d3 = Polygon(Point(150,122.5),Point(152.5,120),Point(150,117.5),Point(147.5,120)) 179 d3.draw(win) 180 d3.setOutline("gold") 181 d3.setFill("red") 182 183 d4 = Polygon(Point(125,92.5),Point(127.5,90),Point(125,87.5),Point(122.5,90)) 184 d4.draw(win) 185 d4.setOutline("gold") 186 d4.setFill("red") 187 188 d5 = Polygon(Point(175,92.5),Point(177.5,90),Point(175,87.5),Point(172.5,90)) 189 d5.draw(win) 190 d5.setOutline("gold") 191 d5.setFill("red") 192 193 d6 = Polygon(Point(150,67.5),Point(152.5,65),Point(150,62.5),Point(147.5,65)) 194 d6.draw(win) 195 d6.setOutline("gold") 196 d6.setFill("red") 197 198 d7 = Polygon(Point(130,47.5),Point(132.5,45),Point(130,42.5),Point(127.5,45)) 199 d7.draw(win) 200 d7.setOutline("gold") 201 d7.setFill("red") 202 203 d8 = Polygon(Point(170,47.5),Point(172.5,45),Point(170,42.5),Point(167.5,45)) 204 d8.draw(win) 205 d8.setOutline("gold") 206 d8.setFill("red") 207 208 d9 = Polygon(Point(105,27.5),Point(107.5,25),Point(105,22.5),Point(102.5,25)) 209 d9.draw(win) 210 d9.setOutline("gold") 211 d9.setFill("red") 212 213 d10 = Polygon(Point(195,27.5),Point(197.5,25),Point(195,22.5),Point(192.5,25)) 214 d10.draw(win) 215 d10.setOutline("gold") 216 d10.setFill("red") 217 218 win.getMouse() 219 win.close() 220 221 main()
5、编写一个程序,在屏幕上绘制5 个骰子,是一把顺子(1,2,3,4,5 或2,3,4,5,6)。
1 from graphics import * 2 3 def main(): 4 win = GraphWin("Dice", width=800, height=400) 5 win.setCoords(-10, -5, 10, 5) 6 7 d1 = Rectangle(Point(-9, -1), Point(-7, 1)) 8 d1.draw(win) 9 c = Circle(Point(-8, 0), 0.3) 10 c.setFill("red") 11 c.setOutline("white") 12 c.draw(win) 13 14 d2 = d1.clone() 15 d2.move(4, 0) 16 d2.draw(win) 17 c = Circle(Point(-4.3, 0.3), 0.25) 18 c.setFill("blue") 19 c.setOutline("white") 20 c.draw(win) 21 c = c.clone() 22 c.move(0.6, -0.6) 23 c.draw(win) 24 25 d3 = d2.clone() 26 d3.move(4, 0) 27 d3.draw(win) 28 29 c = Circle(Point(-0.5, 0.5), 0.25) 30 c.setFill("blue") 31 c.setOutline("white") 32 c.draw(win) 33 c = c.clone() 34 c.move(0.5, -0.5) 35 c.draw(win) 36 c = c.clone() 37 c.move(0.5, -0.5) 38 c.draw(win) 39 40 d4 = d3.clone() 41 d4.move(4, 0) 42 d4.draw(win) 43 c = Circle(Point(3.6, 0.4), 0.25) 44 c.setFill("red") 45 c.setOutline("white") 46 c.draw(win) 47 c = c.clone() 48 c.move(0.8, 0) 49 c.draw(win) 50 c = c.clone() 51 c.move(0, -0.8) 52 c.draw(win) 53 c = c.clone() 54 c.move(-0.8, 0) 55 c.draw(win) 56 57 d5 = d4.clone() 58 d5.move(4, 0) 59 d5.draw(win) 60 c = Circle(Point(7.5, 0.5), 0.25) 61 c.setFill("blue") 62 c.setOutline("white") 63 c.draw(win) 64 c = c.clone() 65 c.move(1, 0) 66 c.draw(win) 67 c = c.clone() 68 c.move(0, -1) 69 c.draw(win) 70 c = c.clone() 71 c.move(-1, 0) 72 c.draw(win) 73 c = c.clone() 74 c.move(0.5, 0.5) 75 c.draw(win) 76 77 win.getMouse() 78 win.close() 79 80 main()
1 from graphics import * 2 3 def main(): 4 win = GraphWin("Dice", width=800, height=400) 5 win.setCoords(-10, -5, 10, 5) 6 7 d2 = Rectangle(Point(-9, -1), Point(-7, 1)) 8 d2.draw(win) 9 c = Circle(Point(-8.3, 0.3), 0.25) 10 c.setFill("blue") 11 c.setOutline(color_rgb(240, 240, 240)) 12 c.draw(win) 13 c = c.clone() 14 c.move(0.6, -0.6) 15 c.draw(win) 16 17 d3 = d2.clone() 18 d3.move(4, 0) 19 d3.draw(win) 20 c = Circle(Point(-4.5, 0.5), 0.25) 21 c.setFill("blue") 22 c.setOutline(color_rgb(240, 240, 240)) 23 c.draw(win) 24 c = c.clone() 25 c.move(0.5, -0.5) 26 c.draw(win) 27 c = c.clone() 28 c.move(0.5, -0.5) 29 c.draw(win) 30 31 d4 = d3.clone() 32 d4.move(4, 0) 33 d4.draw(win) 34 c = Circle(Point(-0.4, 0.4), 0.25) 35 c.setFill("red") 36 c.setOutline(color_rgb(240, 240, 240)) 37 c.draw(win) 38 c = c.clone() 39 c.move(0.8, 0) 40 c.draw(win) 41 c = c.clone() 42 c.move(0, -0.8) 43 c.draw(win) 44 c = c.clone() 45 c.move(-0.8, 0) 46 c.draw(win) 47 48 d5 = d4.clone() 49 d5.move(4, 0) 50 d5.draw(win) 51 c = Circle(Point(3.5, 0.5), 0.25) 52 c.setFill("blue") 53 c.setOutline(color_rgb(240, 240, 240)) 54 c.draw(win) 55 c = c.clone() 56 c.move(1, 0) 57 c.draw(win) 58 c = c.clone() 59 c.move(0, -1) 60 c.draw(win) 61 c = c.clone() 62 c.move(-1, 0) 63 c.draw(win) 64 c = c.clone() 65 c.move(0.5, 0.5) 66 c.draw(win) 67 68 d6 = d5.clone() 69 d6.move(4, 0) 70 d6.draw(win) 71 c = Circle(Point(7.6, 0.6), 0.25) 72 c.setFill("blue") 73 c.setOutline(color_rgb(240, 240, 240)) 74 c.draw(win) 75 c = c.clone() 76 c.move(0.8, 0) 77 c.draw(win) 78 c = c.clone() 79 c.move(0, -0.6) 80 c.draw(win) 81 c = c.clone() 82 c.move(-0.8, 0) 83 c.draw(win) 84 c = c.clone() 85 c.move(0, -0.6) 86 c.draw(win) 87 c = c.clone() 88 c.move(0.8, 0) 89 c.draw(win) 90 91 win.getMouse() 92 win.close() 93 94 main()
6、修改图形终值程序,让输入(本金和APR)也用Entry 对象以图形方式完成。
1 from graphics import * 2 3 def main(): 4 win = GraphWin("Investment Growth Chart", 640, 480) 5 win.setBackground("white") 6 # Set coordinates for easy display of prompts. 7 win.setCoords(0,0,10,10) 8 9 # Display prompts 10 t1 = Text(Point(5,8), "Plotting a 10 year investment") 11 t1.setSize(14) 12 t1.draw(win) 13 14 t2 = Text(Point(5,7.5), "Enter the information below and then click anywhere") 15 t2.setSize(14) 16 t2.draw(win) 17 18 t3 = Text(Point(2,6), "Initial Principal:") 19 t3.setSize(14) 20 t3.draw(win) 21 22 prinBox = Entry(Point(4.5,6), 6) 23 prinBox.draw(win) 24 prinBox.setText("2000") 25 26 t4 = Text(Point(2,4), "Annual Interest Rate:") 27 t4.setSize(14) 28 t4.draw(win) 29 30 aprBox = Entry(Point(4.5,4), 6) 31 aprBox.setText("0.05") 32 aprBox.draw(win) 33 34 # wait for mouse click and get values 35 win.getMouse() 36 principal = float(prinBox.getText()) 37 apr = float(aprBox.getText()) 38 39 # Erase the prompts 40 t1.undraw() 41 t2.undraw() 42 t3.undraw() 43 t4.undraw() 44 prinBox.undraw() 45 aprBox.undraw() 46 47 48 # Set Window coords for drawing the graph. 49 win.setCoords(-1.75,-200, 11.5, 10400) 50 51 # Create a graphics window with labels on left edge 52 Text(Point(-1, 0), ' 0.0K').draw(win) 53 Text(Point(-1, 2500), ' 2.5K').draw(win) 54 Text(Point(-1, 5000), ' 5.0K').draw(win) 55 Text(Point(-1, 7500), ' 7.5k').draw(win) 56 Text(Point(-1, 10000), '10.0K').draw(win) 57 58 # Draw bar for initial principal 59 bar = Rectangle(Point(0, 0), Point(1, principal)) 60 bar.setFill("green") 61 bar.setWidth(2) 62 bar.draw(win) 63 64 # Draw a bar for each subsequent year 65 for year in range(1, 11): 66 principal = principal * (1 + apr) 67 bar = Rectangle(Point(year, 0), Point(year+1, principal)) 68 bar.setFill("green") 69 bar.setWidth(2) 70 bar.draw(win) 71 72 win.getMouse() 73 win.close() 74 75 main()
输入:圆的半径和线的y 截距。
输出:在坐标为从(−10,−10)到(10,10)的窗口中,以(0, 0)为中心,以给定半径绘制
用给定的y 轴截取一根水平线穿过窗口。
打印出交叉点的x 值。
1 from graphics import * 2 import math 3 4 def main(): 5 radius = float(input("Please enter the radius of the circle: ")) 6 yinter = float(input("Please enter the y-intercept of the line: ")) 7 8 win = GraphWin("Circle Intersection") 9 win.setCoords(-10, -10, 10, 10) 10 11 Circle(Point(0, 0), radius).draw(win) 12 Line(Point(-10, yinter), Point(10, yinter)).draw(win) 13 14 x = math.sqrt(radius * radius - yinter * yinter) 15 print("X values of intersection", -x, x) 16 17 p1 = Circle(Point(x, yinter), 0.25) 18 p1.setOutline("red") 19 p1.setFill("red") 20 p1.draw(win) 21 22 p2 = p1.clone() 23 p2.move(-2 * x, 0) 24 p2.draw(win) 25 26 win.getMouse() 27 win.close() 28 29 main() 30 31 # Output: 32 # Please enter the radius of the circle: 5 33 # Please enter the y-intercept of the line: 3 34 # X values of intersection -4.0 4.0
1 from graphics import * 2 import math 3 4 def main(): 5 win = GraphWin("Triangle", 400, 400) 6 win.setCoords(-5, -5, 5, 5) 7 8 draw_coord(win) # 这个函数定义见文章末尾 9 10 pt1 = win.getMouse() 11 pt1.draw(win) 12 pt2 = win.getMouse() 13 pt2.draw(win) 14 line = Line(pt1, pt2) 15 line.draw(win) 16 mark = Circle(line.getCenter(),0.075) 17 mark.setFill("cyan") 18 mark.draw(win) 19 20 dx = pt2.getX() - pt1.getX() 21 dy = pt2.getY() - pt1.getY() 22 slope = dy / dx 23 length = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) 24 25 message = Text(Point(0, -4), "Point1:({}, {})\nPoint2:({}, {})\n长度:{}\n斜率:{}".format(pt1.getX(), pt1.getY(), pt2.getX(), pt2.getY(), length, slope)) 26 message.setSize(8) 27 message.setTextColor(color_rgb(144, 144, 144)) 28 message.draw(win) 29 30 win.getMouse() 31 win.close() 32 33 main()
周长= 2(长度+宽度)
1 from graphics import * 2 3 def main(): 4 win = GraphWin("Rectangle", 400, 400) 5 win.setCoords(-5, -5, 5, 5) 6 7 draw_coord(win) 8 9 pt1 = win.getMouse() 10 pt2 = win.getMouse() 11 rect = Rectangle(pt1, pt2) 12 rect.draw(win) 13 14 height = abs(pt2.getY() - pt1.getY()) 15 length = abs(pt2.getX() - pt1.getX()) 16 17 area = height * length 18 perimeter = 2 * (height + length) 19 20 message = Text(Point(0, -4), "Point1:({}, {})\nPoint2:({}, {})\n面积:{}\n周长:{}".format(pt1.getX(), pt1.getY(), pt2.getX(), pt2.getY(), area, perimeter)) 21 message.setSize(8) 22 message.setTextColor(color_rgb(144, 144, 144)) 23 message.draw(win) 24 25 win.getMouse() 26 win.close() 27 28 main()
1 from graphics import * 2 import math 3 4 def main(): 5 win = GraphWin("Triangle", 400, 400) 6 win.setCoords(-5, -5, 5, 5) 7 8 draw_coord(win) 9 10 pt1 = win.getMouse() 11 pt1.draw(win) 12 pt2 = win.getMouse() 13 pt1.undraw() 14 line = Line(pt1, pt2) 15 line.draw(win) 16 pt3 = win.getMouse() 17 line.undraw() 18 tri = Polygon(pt1, pt2, pt3) 19 tri.draw(win) 20 21 dx1 = pt1.getX() - pt2.getX() 22 dy1 = pt1.getY() - pt2.getY() 23 dx2 = pt2.getX() - pt3.getX() 24 dy2 = pt2.getY() - pt3.getY() 25 dx3 = pt3.getX() - pt1.getX() 26 dy3 = pt3.getY() - pt1.getY() 27 28 a = math.sqrt(dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1) 29 b = math.sqrt(dx2 * dx2 + dy2 * dy2) 30 c = math.sqrt(dx3 * dx3 + dy3 * dy3) 31 32 perimeter = a + b + c 33 s = perimeter / 2 34 area = math.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)) 35 36 message = Text(Point(0, -4), "Point1:({}, {})\nPoint2:({}, {})\nPoint3:({}, {})\n面积:{}\n周长:{}".format(pt1.getX(), pt1.getY(), pt2.getX(), pt2.getY(), pt3.getX(), pt3.getY(), area, perimeter)) 37 message.setSize(8) 38 message.setTextColor(color_rgb(144, 144, 144)) 39 message.draw(win) 40 41 win.getMouse() 42 win.close() 43 44 main()
1 from graphics import * 2 3 def main(): 4 win = GraphWin(width=500, height=500) 5 6 frameLL = win.getMouse() 7 frameLL.draw(win) 8 frameUR = win.getMouse() 9 frameLL.undraw() 10 Rectangle(frameLL, frameUR).draw(win) 11 12 doorUC = win.getMouse() 13 houseWidth = frameUR.getX() - frameLL.getX() 14 doorWidth = houseWidth * 0.2 15 doorLL = Point(doorUC.getX() - doorWidth / 2, frameLL.getY()) 16 doorUR = Point(doorUC.getX() + doorWidth / 2, doorUC.getY()) 17 Rectangle(doorLL, doorUR).draw(win) 18 19 windowCenter = win.getMouse() 20 windowWidth = doorWidth / 2 21 windowLL = Point(windowCenter.getX() - windowWidth / 2, windowCenter.getY() - windowWidth / 2) 22 windowUR = Point(windowCenter.getX() + windowWidth / 2, windowCenter.getY() + windowWidth / 2) 23 Rectangle(windowLL, windowUR).draw(win) 24 25 peak = win.getMouse() 26 roofL = Line(Point(frameLL.getX(), frameUR.getY()), peak) 27 roofR = Line(peak, frameUR) 28 roofL.draw(win) 29 roofR.draw(win) 30 31 win.getMouse() 32 win.close() 33 34 main()
draw_coord() 实现:
1 def draw_coord(win): 2 for i in range(5, -6, -1): 3 l = Line(Point(-5, i), Point(5, i)) 4 l.setFill(color_rgb(192, 192, 192)) 5 l.draw(win) 6 for i in range(-5, 6, 1): 7 l = Line(Point(i, 5), Point(i, -5)) 8 l.setFill(color_rgb(192, 192, 192)) 9 l.draw(win) 10 11 x_axis = Line(Point(-5, 0), Point(5, 0)) 12 x_axis.setArrow("last") 13 x_axis.setFill(color_rgb(144, 144, 144)) 14 x_axis.draw(win) 15 x_text = Text(Point(4.75, -0.25), "x") 16 x_text.setFill(color_rgb(144, 144, 144)) 17 x_text.draw(win) 18 19 y_axis = Line(Point(0, -5), Point(0, 5)) 20 y_axis.setArrow("last") 21 y_axis.setFill(color_rgb(144, 144, 144)) 22 y_axis.draw(win) 23 y_text = Text(Point(0.25, 4.75), "y") 24 y_text.setFill(color_rgb(144, 144, 144)) 25 y_text.draw(win) 26 27 base_point = Text(Point(-0.25, -0.25), "0") 28 base_point.setFill(color_rgb(144, 144, 144)) 29 base_point.draw(win)