在macbook 的VMware Fusion 11.5上安装centOS 8时出现错误Pane is Dead
Install CentOS 8 on VMware Fusion 11.5 Error - Pane is Dead
Installing CentOS 8 on VMware Fusion 11.5 produces an error.
“Pane is dead” appears at the bottom of the screen. Rebooting doesn’t make the problem go away.
最佳的解决方案是在安装时执行自定义方式,创建虚拟机后选择Redhat 8作为操作系统,并且设置BIOS类型为UEEFI,虚拟机引导后,找到CentOS8的iso文件附着上去,重新启动,继续安装后就可以运行。
The easiest solution I can find is to conduct a custom install selecting Red Hat 8 as the OS and set the BIOS type to UEFI. When the virtual machine boots, attach the CentOS 8 .iso file, reboot, and continue the install as normal.
Root Cause:
Fusion中在选择CentOS 8时候误认为是早期的centOS 5或者更早的版本,而早期的版本与centO8.0在某些配置上是不兼容的,fusion中的选项中存在教条的bug。
As best I can figure it, the root cause seems to be tied to how Fusion identifies CentOS 8. Fusion appears to identify it as “CentOS 5 or earlier 64-bit” which has either hardware settings, drivers, or both, that are incompatible with the CentOS 8 installer.

While I used UEFI, the custom install option will also work with “Legacy BIOS” selected.