outlook 数据文件

If you’re concerned about protecting your email in Outlook from prying eyes, especially if you share a computer with others, you can protect the email in each Outlook account, as well as the calendar items, tasks, etc. by setting a password on each Outlook data (.pst) file.
There are a couple of things you should know about protecting your email in Outlook. First, you cannot set a login password to get into Outlook itself. The password we’re going to show you how to set is for a single account, or data file, in Outlook. Anyone getting access to your computer can open and use Outlook; they just won’t be able to access any email accounts to which you’ve applied a password. However, this does not guarantee your data’s safety from true villains. Using a password protected account in Windows will add another layer of security if you’re sharing the computer with others.
关于保护Outlook中的电子邮件,您应该了解几件事。 首先,您无法设置登录密码才能进入Outlook本身。 我们将向您显示如何设置的密码是针对Outlook中的单个帐户或数据文件的。 能够访问您计算机的任何人都可以打开和使用Outlook。 他们只是将无法访问您已为其应用密码的任何电子邮件帐户。 但是,这不能保证您的数据不受真正的恶棍的影响。 如果您要与他人共享计算机,则在Windows中使用受密码保护的帐户将增加另一层安全性。
Also, when you set a password for an Outlook data file, it applies to the entire account, or data file. You cannot password-protect individual folders in the account.
另外,当您为Outlook数据文件设置密码时,该密码将应用于整个帐户或数据文件。 您不能用密码保护帐户中的单个文件夹。
To set a password on an account in Outlook, right-click on the name of the account in the left pane and select “Data File Properties” from the popup menu.

The Personal Properties dialog box displays. On the General tab, click “Advanced”.
显示“个人属性”对话框。 在常规选项卡上,单击“高级”。

On the Outlook Data File dialog box, click “Change Password”.
在“ Outlook数据文件”对话框上,单击“更改密码”。

If you have previously assigned a password to the selected Outlook data file, enter that password in the “Old password” edit box. In this example, we’re assigning a password to this data file for the first time, so we enter a new password in the “New password” edit box and again in the “Verify password” edit box. Be sure you use strong passwords to properly secure your Outlook data files.
如果您先前已为选定的Outlook数据文件分配了密码,请在“旧密码”编辑框中输入该密码。 在此示例中,我们第一次为该数据文件分配密码,因此我们在“新密码”编辑框中输入一个新密码,然后在“验证密码”编辑框中再次输入一个密码。 确保使用强密码正确保护Outlook数据文件。

If you don’t want to enter the password every time, select the “Save this password in your password list” check box so there is a check mark in the box. However, if you share a computer with others, this is not recommended. If you don’t share your computer and you have a password protected Windows user account, you can turn on this option to avoid entering your password every time you open Outlook. This may seem like it defeats the purpose of assigning a password to your Outlook data file, but if you back up the .pst file to an external drive or to a cloud service, the file is protected from someone accessing it and trying to open it in Outlook.
如果不想每次都输入密码,请选中“将该密码保存在密码列表中”复选框,以便在复选框中打勾。 但是,如果与他人共享计算机,则不建议这样做。 如果您不共享计算机,并且拥有受密码保护的Windows用户帐户,则可以启用此选项,以避免每次打开Outlook时都输入密码。 这似乎违反了为Outlook数据文件分配密码的目的,但是,如果将.pst文件备份到外部驱动器或云服务,则该文件将受到保护,免受他人访问并尝试打开该文件在Outlook中。
Click “OK” when you’re finished. Then click “OK” on the Outlook Data File dialog box to close it, and click “OK” to close the Personal Properties dialog box after that.
完成后,单击“确定”。 然后单击“ Outlook数据文件”对话框上的“确定”将其关闭,然后单击“确定”以关闭“个人属性”对话框。

The next time you open Outlook, the Outlook Data File Password displays asking you to enter your password before you can access your account.

If you decide you don’t want to have to enter a password for your account every time you open Outlook, or you just want to change the password, access the Change Password dialog box using the steps we described above. Enter your current password in the “Old password” edit box. To remove the password, leave the “New password” and “Verify password” edit boxes blank. To change the password, enter a new password in both of those edit boxes.
如果您决定不需要每次打开Outlook时都必须输入帐户密码,或者只想更改密码,请使用上述步骤访问“更改密码”对话框。 在“旧密码”编辑框中输入当前密码。 要删除密码,请将“新密码”和“验证密码”编辑框保留为空白。 要更改密码,请在两个编辑框中都输入一个新密码。

Applying a password to your Outlook data files also helps protect them when you archive and back up the data files, storing them on external media or in the cloud.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/244260/how-to-set-a-password-on-your-outlook-data-file/
outlook 数据文件