Instagram is the place to share your photos, and just like most social networks, it keeps tabs on some weird and wonderful things. Have you ever wondered what kinds of things it tracks? Here’s how to see it all.
Instagram是分享您的照片的地方,就像大多数社交网络一样,它可以监视一些奇怪而奇妙的事物。 您是否想知道它跟踪的是哪种类型? 这是所有内容的查看方法。
Most social networks collect data; it helps them tailor the experience to our needs. Search histories let them offer up posts that we more likely to want to see, and yes, hone ads so that we only see those we’re more likely to interact with. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, and what’s most interesting is when we get to see behind the curtain. After all, it’s not often that this kind of data is so readily available.
大多数社交网络都收集数据; 它可以帮助他们根据我们的需求量身定制体验。 搜索历史记录使他们能够提供我们更可能希望看到的帖子,是的,可以对广告进行细化处理,以便我们仅看到我们更可能与之互动的内容。 那不一定是一件坏事,而最有趣的是当我们在幕后看到时。 毕竟,这种数据并不总是那么容易获得。
Instagram makes it possible to see all of the data it has collected on you, and it’s all stored in one single place. Less usefully, you can’t find any of it in the Instagram app itself, and even though you might be forgiven for forgetting Instagram has a web presence, that’s where you need to head to see the data the company has on you.
Instagram使得可以查看它收集到的所有数据,并将它们全部存储在一个地方。 不太有用的是,您无法在Instagram应用程序本身中找到任何内容,即使您可能忘记了Instagram在网络上的存在也可以原谅,但这是您需要前往查看公司拥有的数据的地方。
如何查看Instagram收集的所有数据 (How to See All of the Data Instagram Has Collected)
To start, head to what Instagram calls the Access Tool—Instagram doesn’t make that page easy to find otherwise. You may need to enter your Instagram credentials to continue.
首先,请转到Instagram所谓的访问工具 -Instagram不会轻易找到该页面。 您可能需要输入Instagram凭据才能继续。

The next page you will see shows all manner of information starting with the date you joined Instagram. Click an entry to see more information about something specific, such as your Instagram search history.
您将看到的下一页显示了从加入Instagram日期开始的所有信息。 单击一个条目以查看有关特定内容的更多信息,例如您的Instagram搜索历史记录。

There is a wealth of information here, some of it pretty amazing. For example, have you ever answered a question in an Instagram Story? How about one of those Emoji Sliders? Instagram remembers both of those and will show you when you did it as well as the person whose story you interacted with.
这里有很多信息,其中一些非常令人惊奇。 例如,您是否曾经在Instagram故事中回答过问题? 那些表情符号滑块之一怎么样? Instagram会记住这两个内容,并会在您执行操作时向您显示,以及与您进行故事交流的人。

Other interesting bits of information include any polls you’ve interacted with, as well as all of the hashtags you follow. If you’ve ever changed your name, or your username, that’s all logged, too.
其他有趣的信息包括您与之互动的所有民意调查,以及您遵循的所有主题标签。 如果您曾经更改过您的姓名或用户名,那么也会全部记录下来。

Perhaps most interesting of all, you can see which ads Instagram is showing you based on what it believes your interests are.

That’s pretty amazing, right? Now that you know all of the information Instagram has on you, you could consider deleting your account completely if it bothers you.
太神奇了吧? 既然您知道了Instagram提供的所有信息,那么您可以考虑彻底删除您的帐户,如果它困扰您。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/410330/how-to-see-all-of-the-data-instagram-has-on-you/