
时间:2022-01-10 02:01:55

I'm trying to write a program that takes a large file (of any type) and splits it into many smaller "chunks". I think I have the basic idea down, but for some reason I cannot create a chunk size over 12 kb. I know there are a few solutions on google, etc. but I am more interested in learning what the origin of this limitation is then actually using the program to split files.

我正在编写一个程序,它接收一个大文件(任何类型的),并将它分割成许多小的“块”。我认为我已经掌握了基本的思想,但是出于某种原因,我不能创建超过12 kb的块大小。我知道有一些关于谷歌等的解决方案,但是我更感兴趣的是了解这个限制的起源,然后使用这个程序来分割文件。

//This file splits are larger into smaller files of a user inputted size.
#include <direct.h> 
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;

void GetCurrentPath(char* buffer)
 _getcwd(buffer, _MAX_PATH);

int main()
 // use the function to get the path
 char CurrentPath[_MAX_PATH];
 GetCurrentPath(CurrentPath);//Get the current directory (used for displaying output)

 fstream bigFile;
 string filename;
 int partsize;
 cout << "Enter a file name: ";
 cin >> filename;   //Recieve target file
 cout << "Enter the number of bites in each smaller file: ";
 cin >> partsize;   //Recieve volume size

 bigFile.open(filename.c_str(),ios::in | ios::binary);
 bigFile.seekg(0, ios::end);  // position get-ptr 0 bytes from end
 int size = bigFile.tellg();  // get-ptr position is now same as file size
 bigFile.seekg(0, ios::beg);  // position get-ptr 0 bytes from beginning

 for (int i = 0; i <= (size / partsize); i++)
  //Build File Name
  string partname = filename;  //The original filename
  string charnum;     //archive number
  stringstream out;    //stringstream object out, used to build the archive name
  out << "." << i;
  charnum = out.str();
  partname.append(charnum);  //put the part name together

  //Write new file part
  fstream filePart;   
  filePart.open(partname.c_str(),ios::out | ios::binary); //Open new file with the name built above
  //Check if near the end of file
  if (bigFile.tellg() < (size - (size%partsize)))
   filePart.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&bigFile),partsize); //Write the selected amount to the file
   filePart.close();    //close file
   bigFile.seekg(partsize, ios::cur); //move pointer to next position to be written
  //Changes the size of the last volume because it is the end of the file
   filePart.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&bigFile),(size%partsize)); //Write the selected amount to the file
   filePart.close();    //close file
  cout << "File " << CurrentPath << partname << " produced" << endl; //display the progress of the split

 cout << "Split Complete." << endl;
 return 0;

Any ideas?


1 个解决方案



You are writing to the split file, but not reading from the bigfile. What you are writing it the in-memory structure of the bigfile, not the contents of bigfile. You need to allocate a buffer, read into it from bigfile and write it to the splitfile(s).




You are writing to the split file, but not reading from the bigfile. What you are writing it the in-memory structure of the bigfile, not the contents of bigfile. You need to allocate a buffer, read into it from bigfile and write it to the splitfile(s).
