android 均衡器
Android devices sometimes get criticized for sound quality, but Gingerbread’s EQ has changed that. We’ll show you how to take advantage of audio equalizers to boost your music and system sounds, whether you’ve got Gingerbread or you’re stuck with FroYo.
Android设备有时会因音质而受到批评,但Gingerbread的EQ改变了这一点。 我们将向您展示如何利用音频均衡器来增强音乐和系统声音,无论您是姜饼还是FroYo。
Android上的音频均衡 (Audio Equalization on Android)

One of Gingerbread’s biggest features was the ability to really dig into the audio features. It allowed the creation of system-wide equalizers that will work on any music player, live streams, and even system sounds. You don’t have that on iOS! We’ll be featuring a great, free piece of software that works well, but also has some extra features you can purchase to unlock.
姜饼最大的功能之一就是能够真正挖掘音频功能。 它允许创建系统范围的均衡器,该均衡器可在任何音乐播放器,实时流甚至系统声音上运行。 您在iOS上没有它! 我们将提供一个功能强大的免费软件,该软件可以很好地运行,但是您还可以购买一些额外的功能来解锁。
On the other hand, if you’re stuck on FroYo or below, you won’t be able to take advantage of system-wide EQ settings. Don’t worry, though, as we’ve found a fantastic music player that has a 10-band software EQ for your music. It may not be as universal, but it’s a great player and gets the job done very well.
另一方面,如果您停留在FroYo或以下级别,则将无法利用系统范围的EQ设置。 不过,请放心,我们已经找到了一款出色的音乐播放器,该播放器具有适用于您音乐的10频段软件均衡器。 它可能不那么普遍,但它是一个出色的参与者,可以很好地完成工作。
Of course, you’ll want to know how equalizers work in general to use this to its fullest advantage. We’ll touch on that as well, but we urge you to check out HTG Explains: What Is an Equalizer and How Does It Work? for the full picture.
当然,您需要了解均衡器的总体工作原理,以便充分利用均衡器。 我们也会对此进行说明,但是我们敦促您查看HTG的解释:什么是均衡器,它如何工作? 查看完整图片。
对于姜饼及以上:均衡器(智能Android应用) (For Gingerbread and Above: Equalizer (Smart Android Apps))
There are quite a few different EQ apps on the Android Market, but Equalizer by Smart Android Apps is one of the best we’ve found for a number of reasons.
Android Market上有许多不同的EQ应用程序,但是由于多种原因,智能Android应用程序均衡器是我们发现的最佳均衡器之一。
- 5 band system-wide EQ 全系统5频段均衡器
- 11 stock presets 11种预设
- Custom Preset feature 自定义预设功能
- Bass Booster 低音助推器
- Room Virtualizer 房间虚拟器
- Reverb setting 混响设定
- Home Screen widgets and Notification Bar option 主屏幕小部件和通知栏选项
- Tablet support (and optimization!) 平板电脑支持(和优化!)
- No rooting necessary 无需生根

On the main screen, you can choose EQ settings and also enable automatic detection (based on your track’s “genre” tag), which will change the preset if one is available.

The second tab lets you add presets, but that’s a “pro” feature. The third will allow you define the “Custom” preset yourself. It works and remembers the settings in the free version, but paying for the pro version will allow you to save these custom settings as new presets.
第二个选项卡使您可以添加预设,但这是“专业”功能。 第三个允许您自己定义“自定义”预设。 它可以正常工作并记住免费版本中的设置,但是购买专业版后,您可以将这些自定义设置另存为新的预设。

The last tab shows advanced settings. You can change the level of the Bass Booster, which boosts in addition to the EQ setting, and the Virtualizer, which tries to simulate “surround sound” a little better when you’re wearing headphones. Lastly, you can change the Reverb Preset.
最后一个标签显示高级设置。 您可以更改Bass Booster(除了EQ设置之外的其他功能)的电平,以及Virtualizer(虚拟器),当您戴着耳机时,Virtualizer尝试更好地模拟“环绕声”。 最后,您可以更改混响预设。

You can selectively enable each setting individually by tapping on the Power icon up top.

All in all it’s a great app and lets you do almost everything for free, including use the widgets:
The 4×1 widget:

The 2×1 widget:

By paying $1.99 for the Unlocker Key and upgrading to the Full/Pro version, you’ll gain the ability to save custom presets with whatever name you like (thus expanding the auto-detection feature), backing them up and restoring them from an SD card, and creating Home Screen widgets for individual presets.
通过支付1.99美元的解锁**并升级到Full / Pro版本,您将能够保存具有您喜欢的名称的自定义预设(从而扩展自动检测功能),备份它们并从SD还原它们卡,并为各个预设创建主屏幕小部件。
对于FroYo:PowerAMP音乐播放器(最大MP) (For FroYo: PowerAMP Music Player (Max MP))
PowerAMP by Max MP is another jewel for those of you who can’t run Equalizer or who just want a more customizable EQ. It is a 15-day fully-featured trial, and the full version costs $5.17.
Max MP的PowerAMP是无法运行均衡器或只需要更可自定义EQ的人的另一颗明珠。 这是一个为期15天的全功能试用版, 完整版价格为$ 5.17 。

It’s a beautiful music player, but let’s focus on the EQ, which is found on the bottom of the app window.

As you can see, they give you a full 10 bands to adjust and a pre-amp, as well as the ability to customize the overall tone independently of the presets.

Actually, my version is a tad out of date and there’s an ability to save custom presets as well. My device has a custom ROM and I haven’t had WiFi access but you can see the whole list of features on PowerAMP’s website. And, of course, you will get free updates should you decide to buy the app.
实际上,我的版本有点过时,并且还可以保存自定义预设。 我的设备有一个自定义ROM,但我没有WiFi接入,但是您可以在PowerAMP网站上查看全部功能列表。 而且,当然,如果您决定购买该应用程序,则将获得免费更新。
It really is a great music app aside from the EQ and we urge you to give it a try. One of the nice features is auto-pause when headphones are unplugged and auto-resume when they’re reconnected (second option below):
除了EQ之外,它确实是一款出色的音乐应用程序,我们敦促您尝试一下。 不错的功能之一是拔下耳机后会自动暂停,重新连接时会自动恢复(下面的第二个选项):

PowerAMP also allows you to use plain folder-based navigation in addition to Android’s library system.

And the widgets don’t look bad either.
The 4×2 widget:

Two different 4×1 widgets:

如何使用均衡器 (How To Use Equalizers)
In general, EQs are primarily used to make up for deficiencies in sound, either due to bad equipment or poor acoustics. If you have headphones where the bass response is lacking in some ways, you can boost the bass via an EQ or other option in your music player to try and make up for that. If your speakers muddle out the high end, you can give them a boost and cut back on your mids to make things a bit more clear. The better your equipment, the less you need an EQ, but also the more acutely you will notice the changes that are made. Of course, better acoustics can help with poorer hardware, too; I’ve bumped the sound quality of cheap in-ear monitors by making custom silicone ear molds.
通常,均衡器主要用于弥补由于设备质量差或声学效果差而引起的声音缺陷。 如果您的耳机在某种程度上缺乏低音响应,则可以通过音乐播放器中的EQ或其他选项来增强低音,以弥补这一点。 如果您的扬声器混音了高端,您可以增强他们的声音并减少中音,使事情变得更清晰。 您的设备越好,您需要的EQ越少,但是您也会越敏锐地注意到所做的更改。 当然,更好的音响效果也可以帮助较差的硬件。 通过制作定制的硅胶耳模,我已经降低了廉价入耳式监听器的音质 。
For the most part, EQ presets help round-out the sounds in particular genres of music, cutting frequencies that may be too loud or overused and boosting others that aren’t emphasized. This helps bring out whole underlying parts of songs you may not notice and is great when using headphones. Alternatively, you could boost sections that are already fairly prominent for various purposes, like for dancing, head-banging, or focusing on lyrics.
在大多数情况下,EQ预设有助于将特定音乐类型的声音进行四舍五入,从而减少可能太大声或过度使用的频率,并增强未强调的频率。 这有助于带出您可能不会注意到的歌曲的整个基础部分,这在使用耳机时非常有用。 另外,您可以提高已经出于各种目的而突出显示的部分,例如跳舞,头撞或专注于歌词。
Ultimately, how you choose to use your equalizer is up to you. Fiddle with settings and pay attention to what sounds clear and what doesn’t, what gets louder and what gets softer. Also remember that many artists are very dynamic in their music, so you may need to change your preset album by album instead of basing it off of genre. If you want to get a better handle, check out HTG Explains: What Is an Equalizer and How Does It Work?
最终,如何选择使用均衡器取决于您自己。 摆弄设置,并注意哪些听起来清晰,哪些不清晰,声音变大,声音变柔和。 还请记住,许多艺术家的音乐都非常动感,因此您可能需要逐张专辑更改预设的专辑,而不是根据流派来改变它。 如果您想获得更好的处理方法,请查看HTG Explains:什么是均衡器以及它如何工作?
Do you have a favorite EQ app or music player we haven’t covered? Have your own way of boosting your audio quality? Sound off in the comments!
您是否有我们没有介绍的最喜欢的EQ应用程序或音乐播放器? 有自己的方法来提高音频质量吗? 声音在评论中!
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/75144/boost-your-android-devices-sound-quality-with-an-equalizer/
android 均衡器