在使用android lcoation的时候,可能不希望自己去硬性的选择是GPS服务还是NETWORK服务,可能是我们考虑的因素有很多,自己很难决定,Android SDK提供了一个类Criteria,直译为标准。
public String getBestProvider (Criteria criteria, boolean enabledOnly)
Since: API Level 1
Returns the name of the provider that best meets the given criteria. Only providers that are permitted to be accessed by the calling activity will be returned. If several providers meet the criteria, the one with the best accuracy is returned. If no provider meets the criteria, the criteria are loosened in the following sequence:
power requirement
Note that the requirement on monetary cost is not removed in this process.
criteria the criteria that need to be matched
enabledOnly if true then only a provider that is currently enabled is returned//这个参数为true的时候,只会返回当前可用的provider,例如GPS处于关闭状态时,就不会获得了
name of the provider that best matches the requirements
A class indicating the application criteria for selecting a location provider. Providers maybe ordered according to accuracy, power usage, ability to report altitude, speed, and bearing, and monetary cost.
void setAccuracy(int accuracy)
Indicates the desired accuracy for latitude and longitude. //设置经纬度的精准度 可选参数有ACCURACY_FINE 准确 ACCURACY_COARSE 粗略
void setAltitudeRequired(boolean altitudeRequired)
Indicates whether the provider must provide altitude information.//设置是否需要获取海拔数据
void setBearingAccuracy(int accuracy)
Indicates the desired bearing accuracy. //设置方向的精确 可选参数有ACCURACY_LOW,低 ACCURACY_HIGH 高 NO_REQUIREMENT.没有要求
void setBearingRequired(boolean bearingRequired)
Indicates whether the provider must provide bearing information.//设置是否需要获得方向信息
void setCostAllowed(boolean costAllowed)
Indicates whether the provider is allowed to incur monetary cost. //设置是否允许定位过程中产生资费,比如流量等
void setHorizontalAccuracy(int accuracy)
Indicates the desired horizontal accuracy (latitude and longitude).//获取水平方向经纬度的精准度 可选参数ACCURACY_LOW, 低 ACCURACY_MEDIUM 中 ACCURACY_HIGH 高 NO_REQUIREMENT. 无要求
void setPowerRequirement(int level)
Indicates the desired maximum power level. //设置耗电量的级别
void setSpeedAccuracy(int accuracy)
Indicates the desired speed accuracy. //设置速度的精确度
void setSpeedRequired(boolean speedRequired)
Indicates whether the provider must provide speed information. //设置是否提供速度的要求
void setVerticalAccuracy(int accuracy)
Indicates the desired vertical accuracy (altitude).//设置垂直距离的海拔高度