vcpkg install apr:x64-windows
Computing installation plan...
The following packages will be built and installed:
Starting package 1/1: apr:x64-windows
Building package apr[core]:x64-windows...
-- Using cached D:/SetupPath/vcpkg/downloads/apr-1.6.5.tar.bz2
-- Using source at D:/SetupPath/vcpkg/buildtrees/apr/src/apr-1-fbc95c0cfd
-- Configuring x64-windows
-- Building x64-windows-dbg
CMake Error at scripts/cmake/vcpkg_execute_build_process.cmake:136 (message):
Command failed: "C:/Program Files/CMake/bin/cmake.exe" --build . --config Debug --target install -- -v
Working Directory: D:/SetupPath/vcpkg/buildtrees/apr/x64-windows-dbg
See logs for more information:
Call Stack (most recent call first):
scripts/cmake/vcpkg_build_cmake.cmake:91 (vcpkg_execute_build_process)
scripts/cmake/vcpkg_install_cmake.cmake:24 (vcpkg_build_cmake)
ports/apr/portfile.cmake:39 (vcpkg_install_cmake)
scripts/ports.cmake:90 (include)
Error: Building package apr:x64-windows failed with: BUILD_FAILED
Please ensure you're using the latest portfiles with `.\vcpkg update`, then
submit an issue at including:
Package: apr:x64-windows
Vcpkg version: 2020.02.04-nohash
Additionally, attach any relevant sections from the log files above.