There’s nothing more annoying than saving a file somewhere on your hard drive, and then having to browse for that file again when you’re trying to upload it somewhere on the web. Thankfully Google Chrome makes this process much easier.
除了将文件保存在硬盘上的某个地方,然后在尝试将其上传到网络上的某个地方而不得不再次浏览该文件之外,没有什么比这更令人讨厌了。 值得庆幸的是,谷歌浏览器使此过程变得更加容易。
Note: this might potentially work in Firefox 4, but we didn’t take the time to test it out. It definitely doesn’t work in Firefox 3.6 or Internet Explorer.
注意:这可能在Firefox 4中可能有效,但是我们没有花时间对其进行测试。 它绝对不能在Firefox 3.6或Internet Explorer中运行。
使用拖放进行文件上载控件 (Using Drag and Drop for File Upload Controls)
Putting a line of text here to explain this is almost pointless, given the screenshot illustration—but if you insist, the basic idea is that anywhere there’s a file upload control on a web page, you can simply drag and drop the file onto it to select that file.
Once you do so, the file will be selected in the control, and then you can use the Share or Upload button, depending on what the site provides you.
I’ve been using this for a while and didn’t really think about it until a friend was watching me upload something and got really surprised when I simply dragged and dropped it onto the form. That’s when I realized… I bet other people don’t know about this! It’s a stupid geek trick!
我已经使用了一段时间了,直到一个朋友看着我上传一些东西时,我才真正想到它,当我将其拖放到表单上时,我感到非常惊讶。 那时我才意识到……我敢打赌其他人对此一无所知! 这是一个愚蠢的怪胎把戏!