vim 文本编辑器
Vim is a powerful code editor. So powerful that both Linux and Mac have it installed by default.
Vim是功能强大的代码编辑器。 如此强大,Linux和Mac都默认安装了它。
But if you are using Windows as your operating system, you will need to install Vim separately.
Fortunately, Microsoft makes it very easy to install Vim and get it running on your PC.
如何下载Vim (How to Download Vim)
You can download the latest version of the Vim Text Editor straight from Vim themselves.
They have built a special self-executing installer that walks you through the process of installing Vim in the right location on your hard drive.
如何安装Vim (How to Install Vim)
Note that for Windows you will technically download something called gVim, which is a version of Vim that includes a basic graphic user interface (GUI). You can install it by downloading this executable installer.
请注意,对于Windows,您将在技术上下载名为gVim的文件,它是Vim的一个版本,其中包含基本的图形用户界面(GUI)。 您可以通过下载此可执行安装程序进行安装 。

Once you've downloaded the file, you just need to run it, and you'll see a nice installation wizard that looks like this:

They have a recommended "typical" installation. but if you have a reasonably large hard drive, there's no harm in going ahead with installing everything by choosing the "full" option:
他们建议使用“典型”安装。 但是,如果您有相当大的硬盘驱动器,那么选择“完整”选项继续安装所有组件并没有什么害处:

如何在PowerShell中运行Vim (How to Run Vim in PowerShell)
Then, once you've installed Vim, you should be able to launch it from your Windows command prompt.
Note that as of 2020, PowerShell has all of the same functionality as CMD, plus a whole lot more. I recommend using PowerShell for everything.
请注意,截至2020年,PowerShell具有与CMD相同的所有功能,并且还有更多功能。 我建议对所有内容使用PowerShell。
You can open PowerShell from the Windows menu bar by typing "powershell" in the search field on the start bar.
您可以从Windows菜单栏中打开PowerShell,方法是在开始栏中的搜索字段中键入“ powershell”。
Windows will open PowerShell, and you'll get a command prompt that looks something like this:

Once you're in PowerShell, here's how to run Vim itself. All you have to do is type "vim" and press enter. This will open up Vim. Once Vim is open, this is what you should see:
一旦进入PowerShell,下面就是运行Vim本身的方法。 您所要做的就是输入“ vim”,然后按Enter。 这将打开Vim。 Vim打开后,您将看到:

Congratulations – you now have Vim installed.
如何在VS Code中运行Vim (How to run Vim inside VS Code)
If you are already using VS Code, and want a lot of the speed of Vim without losing the functionality of VS Code, I have good news. It is possible to run a Vim-like experience right within VS Code.
如果您已经在使用VS Code,并且想要在不损失VS Code功能的情况下提高Vim的速度,那么我有个好消息。 可以在VS Code中运行类似Vim的体验。
Here is a Vim plugin for VS Code that will help you do this. At the time of me writing this, this plugin has been installed nearly 2 million times.
这是VS Code的Vim插件 ,可以帮助您完成此操作。 在我撰写本文时,此插件已安装了近200万次。
如何学习如何正确使用Vim (How to Learn How to Use Vim Properly)
Vim is a powerful code editor, and it will take you a lot of practice to get comfortable with it.
Here are a few Vim tutorials that will really help you quickly grasp the basics and get your fingers flying in no time.
For starters, one way Vim is different from other code editors is that Vim has "modes". Here are all of Vim's modes explained, with examples.
对于初学者来说,Vim与其他代码编辑器不同的一种方式是Vim具有“模式”。 这是所有带有示例的Vim模式的说明 。
Vim can be intimidating. There is so much to learn. But this guide will show you how not to be afraid of Vim anymore.
Vim可能令人生畏。 有很多东西要学。 但是本指南将告诉您如何不再害怕Vim 。
If you're already using VS Code and want to switch completely to Vim, this article will explain how you can do so.
如果您已经在使用VS Code,并且想要完全切换到Vim,那么本文将介绍如何使用VS Code。
And here are 7 Vim Tips That Changed #100DaysOfCode founder Alex Kallaway's life. In this article, he not only explain these, but shows demos of these tips in action.
以下是7个Vim技巧,这些技巧改变了#100DaysOfCode创始人Alex Kallaway的生活 。 在本文中,他不仅解释了这些技巧,还展示了这些技巧的演示。
Vim:学习,生活,热爱它。 (Vim: Learn it, live it, love it.)
In the 30 years since Bram Moolenaar first created Vim, its influence has spread far and wide. And even today, the Vim project is actively maintained and constantly improving.
自Bram Moolenaar首次创建Vim以来的30年中,其影响力已广泛传播。 直到今天,Vim项目仍在积极维护并不断改进。
I've met so many developers over the years who swear by Vim.
I hope this guide has helped you get running Vim on your Windows PC. And I hope these other tutorials I've shared with you here will help you go from zero-to-sixty within the coming months.
我希望本指南能帮助您在Windows PC上运行Vim。 希望我在这里与您分享的其他教程可以帮助您在未来几个月内从零到六十发展。
The key is to keep practicing and not get discouraged by how many Vim shortcuts there are to remember. Eventually, all of these will become muscle memory, and you'll be flying from one file to another, banging out code like a terminator.
关键是要继续练习,不要因为要记住多少个Vim快捷键而灰心。 最终,所有这些都将成为肌肉记忆,您将从一个文件飞向另一个文件,像终止符一样敲打代码。
There is now feeling quite as cool as being able to drop into a codebase and immediately start making changes without every even reaching for a mouse or trackpad. That is the power that Vim promises, and delivers in spades.
现在感觉很酷,就像可以放入代码库并立即开始进行更改一样,甚至不需要动手就可以触及鼠标或触控板。 这就是Vim承诺并散发的力量。
vim 文本编辑器