
时间:2021-09-07 01:10:06

basically my question is how can I just add the first three places of an array of size 5 and access them. I have been trying, but I just can't get it.


There is an array of students and i want to remove some elements of the array and print the rest:


Students[] temp = new Students[(sArray.length-1)];
int j = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < sArray.length; i++){
  if (i != value ){
    temp[j] = sArray[i];

  sArray = temp;
  count = count-1;

for(int i = 0; i < getCount(); i++){
  // this will just print, but it is not printing, 
  // and count is the no of students.
  result+= sArray[i].toString()+"\n";

2 个解决方案



It is hard to understand what you are asking, but my best guess is that you want to expand an array. The only way to do this in Java is to create a new array; e.g.


    int[] small = new int[]{1, 2, 3};
    int[] big = Arrays.copyOf(small, 5);
    // The 'big' array will have 5 elements, and the first 3 will
    // be the elements of 'old'.

Note that you cannot change the size of an array in Java. The length is an immutable property of the array.




You seem to be saying that you want to print all the elements of an Array even if the Array is not full. The proper class to do this is really an ArrayList, which will expand and contract to your needs as you fill it (thus, it is always "full" and scales as things are added).



If you really insist on using an Array, you should have given us more info/code so we know exactly what you are trying to do. Having some code is a lot better than trying to explain using vague terms. Anyways, for an Array of Objects, you can do


for(int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++)
    if(myArray[i] != null)

And for ints, since they are initialized to 0, you check against 0:


for(int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++)
    if(myArray[i] != 0)



It is hard to understand what you are asking, but my best guess is that you want to expand an array. The only way to do this in Java is to create a new array; e.g.


    int[] small = new int[]{1, 2, 3};
    int[] big = Arrays.copyOf(small, 5);
    // The 'big' array will have 5 elements, and the first 3 will
    // be the elements of 'old'.

Note that you cannot change the size of an array in Java. The length is an immutable property of the array.




You seem to be saying that you want to print all the elements of an Array even if the Array is not full. The proper class to do this is really an ArrayList, which will expand and contract to your needs as you fill it (thus, it is always "full" and scales as things are added).



If you really insist on using an Array, you should have given us more info/code so we know exactly what you are trying to do. Having some code is a lot better than trying to explain using vague terms. Anyways, for an Array of Objects, you can do


for(int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++)
    if(myArray[i] != null)

And for ints, since they are initialized to 0, you check against 0:


for(int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++)
    if(myArray[i] != 0)