Part 1:
Do you live in a house or a flat? Which is your favourite room in your house / flat?
What do you like about the area that you live in? Is the area good for families? Is the area good for elderly people?
Are your neighbors friendly? Are there things that you don’t like about the area?
Would you prefer to live in a city or in the countryside?
How often do you take public transport? How can the public transport in your city be improved?
Do you prefer to send or receive text messages? Do you prefer to send text messages or make phone calls?
Is your handwriting easy to read? Do you prefer to write by hand or type on a computer?
Do you have a lot of furniture in your room?Who bought the furniture?
What kind of furniture would you like to buy? Have you ever received furniture as a present?
Pat\'s note: 除了 desk, table, bed, chair 等同学们都熟悉的家具之外,常见的家具还有 a TV stand(电视柜), a bookshelf / a bookcase(书架), a bedside table(床头柜), a couch (长沙发,英国人也常说 a sofa 或者 a settee),a wardrobe(衣柜)等
Do you usually make a list before shopping? Do you prefer to make lists on your phone or by hand?
Why do you think some people don\'t like to make shopping lists?
What are your favourite kinds of clothes? Do you wear the same kind of clothes at weekends as you do on weekdays?
Are there any colours that you don’t like wearing?
What are your favourite colours? Are there any colours that you don’t like?
When do you need to concentrate? Do you concentrate better in the morning or in the afternoon? How can we improve our concentration?
周末(介词:英国人习惯说at weekends,美国人习惯说on weekends)
What do you usually do at weekends? Do you go to the cinema at weekends? What do people in your city usually do at weekends?
How often do you go on a picnic? How often did you go on a picnic as a child? Where do people have picnics in your country?
Do you often do things in a hurry? Are there things that you would never do in a hurry?
Do you like to do new things? What do you want to change next year? What changes would you like to see in your city?
What do you usually do when you feel bored?
Are you happy to be the age you are now? What age do you think is the best age to be?
Have you ever borrowed money from others?
Have you ever borrowed other things from others?
Would you lend your friends your mobile phone?
Which do you prefer to read, newspapers or magazines?
Do you often recycle things? What do you recycle? Did you recycle things as a child?
What’s your favourite sport? Do you like watching sports? Are you a fan of any sports teams?
Part 2:
(不同话题之间可以共享答案,而且每位同学都可以有属于自己的话题合并方式,合理就可以。Be creative! )
Describe an energetic person you know.
Describe a person who likes to help others.
Describe a friend who you think is a good leader.
Describe an elderly person you respect.
Describe a person who is very open(在这里open是直率的,不隐瞒想法的意思).
Describe an old friend who you got in touch with again.
Describe an occasion when you were surprised to meet a friend.
Describe a family you are happy to know.
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Describe an interesting large company.
Describe a short-term job that you’d like to have in a foreign country.
Describe a foreign country that you’d like to know more about.
Describe an area of science (e.g. physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, psychology or geography) that you are interested in.
Describe a book that you think is very useful.
Describe a time when you won a prize.
Describe a photo that you like.
Describe a piece of good news that you heard or read.
Describe an ambition that you have had for a long time.
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Describe a time when you forgot to do something.
Describe a conversation that you had but were not interested in.
Describe an occasion when you wasted time.
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Describe an occasion when you communicated in a foreign language for the first time.
Describe a good decision that you made recently.
Describe a time when you changed your opinion.
Describe a time when you learnt from a mistake.
Describe an activity that you enjoyed doing with a group of people.
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Describe an interesting tradition in your country.
Describe a time when you wore your best clothes.
Describe a dinner that you had with friends.
Describe an occasion when you heard music that you didn’t like.
Describe a time when you saw children behaving badly in a public place.
Describe a time when someone made a lot of noise.
Describe a public building.
Describe a place where you often go to relax.
Describe a car journey.
Describe a place where you got lost.
Describe a time when you were scared by an animal.
Describe a line or a few words that you remember from a poem or from a song.
Describe an indoor game that you played as a child.
Describe an expensive activity that you enjoy doing occasionally(= sometimes but NOT often).
Describe a sport that you\'d like to try.
Describe a film that made you laugh.
Describe a film that made you think a lot.
少数考官在9月的口试里仍有可能使用下面的5 ~ 8月旧题,9月考试的同学可以很快地看一下(10月或以后考试还出现旧题的可能性很小):
Do you like eating fish? Why do people go fishing?
Are you a tidy person? Are you tidier at home or at work?
Do you often stay up late at night?
Have you ever met a celebrity? If you could interview a celebrity, who would you interview?
What do you like to discuss with your friends? As a child, what did you like to talk about with your friends?
Do you like to share jokes with others? Do you like comedies?
Do you like to compare prices before you buy something? What was the best present you\'ve ever received?
Do you like visiting history museums?
Describe someone who taught you a skill when you were a child.
Describe an intelligent person you know.
Describe an occasion when you wore a uniform.
Describe a risk you took which turned out well.
Describe a time when a family member asked for your help.
Describe a city that you’d like to visit again.
Describe a place you visited which has been affected by pollution.
Describe an app that you like.