使用python2.7在Windows中使用tkinter opencv和numpy

时间:2022-02-01 01:48:35

I want to use "tkinter", "opencv" (cv2) and "numpy" in windows(8 - 64 bit and x64) with python2.7 - the same as I have running perfectly well in Linux (Elementary and DistroAstro) on other machines. I've downloaded the up to date Visual Studio and C++ compiler and installed these, as well as the latest version of PIP following error messages with the first attempts with PIP and numpy

我想在Windows(8 - 64位和x64)中使用python2.7中的“tkinter”,“opencv”(cv2)和“numpy” - 就像我在Linux(Elementary和DistroAstro)上运行得非常好机器。我已经下载了最新的Visual Studio和C ++编译器并安装了这些,以及PIP的最新版本以及首次尝试使用PIP和numpy时的错误消息

  • first I tried winpython, which already has numpy present but this comes without tkinter, although openCV would install. I don't want to use qt.
  • 首先我尝试了winpython,它已经存在numpy但是没有tkinter,虽然openCV会安装。我不想用qt。

  • so I tried vanilla Python, which installs to Python27. Numpy won't install with PIP or EasyInstall (unless it takes over an hour -same for SciPy), and the -.exe installation route for Numpy bombs becausee its looking for Python2.7 (not Python27). openCV won't install with PIP ("no suitable version")
  • 所以我尝试了安装到Python27的vanilla Python。 Numpy不会安装PIP或EasyInstall(除非它花费一个多小时 - 与SciPy相同),并且Numpy炸弹的-.exe安装路径因为它寻找Python2.7(而不是Python27)。 openCV不会安装PIP(“没有合适的版本”)

  • extensive searches haven't turned up an answer as to how to get a windows Python 2.7.x environment with all three of numpy, tkinter and cv2 working.
  • 对于如何使用numpy,tkinter和cv2三种工作的Windows Python 2.7.x环境,广泛的搜索还没有找到答案。

Any help would be appreciated!


2 个解决方案



Finally did it with .whl files. Download them, copy to C:\python27\Scripts and then open "cmd" and navigate to that folder with "cd\" etc. Once there run:

最后用.whl文件做了。下载它们,复制到C:\ python27 \ Scripts,然后打开“cmd”并使用“cd \”等导航到该文件夹​​。一旦运行:

pip install numpy-1.10.1+mkl-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl

pip install numpy-1.10.1 + mkl-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl

for example.

In IDLE I then get:


import numpy





small remark: WinPython has tkinter, as it's included by Python Interpreter itself

小注:WinPython有tkinter,因为它包含在Python Interpreter本身



Finally did it with .whl files. Download them, copy to C:\python27\Scripts and then open "cmd" and navigate to that folder with "cd\" etc. Once there run:

最后用.whl文件做了。下载它们,复制到C:\ python27 \ Scripts,然后打开“cmd”并使用“cd \”等导航到该文件夹​​。一旦运行:

pip install numpy-1.10.1+mkl-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl

pip install numpy-1.10.1 + mkl-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl

for example.

In IDLE I then get:


import numpy





small remark: WinPython has tkinter, as it's included by Python Interpreter itself

小注:WinPython有tkinter,因为它包含在Python Interpreter本身