在Python中传递一个c++ std:::向量到numpy数组

时间:2022-03-08 01:41:12

I am trying a pass a vector of doubles that I generate in my C++ code to a python numpy array. I am looking to do some downstream processing in Python and want to use some python facilities, once I populate the numpy array. One of the biggest things I want to do is to be able to plot things, and C++ is a bit clumsy when it comes to that. Also I want to be able to leverage Python's statistical power.

我尝试将在c++代码中生成的一个双精度向量传递给python numpy数组。我希望在Python中进行一些下游处理,并希望在填充numpy数组之后使用一些Python工具。我想做的最重要的事情之一是能够绘制东西,而c++在这方面有点笨拙。我还希望能够利用Python的统计能力。

Though I am not very clear as to how to do it. I spent a lot of time going through the Python C API documentation. I came across a function PyArray_SimpleNewFromData that apparently can do the trick. I still am very unclear as far as the overall set up of the code is concerned. I am building certain very simple test cases to help me understand this process. I generated the following code as a standlone Empty project in Visual Studio express 2012. I call this file Project1

虽然我不太清楚该怎么做。我花了很多时间研究Python C API文档。我遇到了一个函数PyArray_SimpleNewFromData,它显然可以做到这一点。就代码的总体设置而言,我仍然非常不清楚。我正在构建一些非常简单的测试用例来帮助我理解这个过程。我在Visual Studio express 2012中生成了如下代码作为一个独立的空项目。我把这个文件命名为Project1

#include <Python.h>
#include "C:/Python27/Lib/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/arrayobject.h"

PyObject * testCreatArray()
    float fArray[5] = {0,1,2,3,4};
    npy_intp m = 5;
    PyObject * c = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1,&m,PyArray_FLOAT,fArray);
    return c; 

My goal is to be able to read the PyObject in Python. I am stuck because I don't know how to reference this module in Python. In particular how do I import this Project from Python, I tried to do a import Project1, from the project path in python, but failed. Once I understand this base case, my goal is to figure out a way to pass the vector container that I compute in my main function to Python. I am not sure how to do that either.


Any experts who can help me with this, or maybe post a simple well contained example of some code that reads in and populates a numpy array from a simple c++ vector, I will be grateful. Many thanks in advance.


4 个解决方案



Since there is no answer to this that is actually helpful for people that might be looking for this sort of thing I figured I'd put an easy solution.


First you will need to create a python extension module in C++, this is easy enough to do and is all in the python c-api documentation so i'm not going to go into that.

首先,您需要在c++中创建一个python扩展模块,这很容易做到,并且都在python C -api文档中,所以我不打算详细介绍。

Now to convert a c++ std::vector to a numpy array is extremely simple. You first need to import the numpy array header

现在要将c++ std::vector转换为numpy数组非常简单。首先需要导入numpy数组头

#include <numpy/arrayobject.h>

and in your intialising function you need to import_array()


   (void) Py_InitModule("testFunction". testFunctionMethods);

now you can use the numpy array functions that are provided. The one that you will want for this is as the OP said a few years back PyArray_SimpleNewFromData, it's stupidly simple to use. All you need is an array of type npy_intp, this is the shape of the array to be created. make sure it is the same as your vector using testVector.size(), (and for multiple dimensions do testVector[0].size(), testVector[0][0].size() ect. vectors are guaranteed to be continuous in c++11 unless it's a bool).

现在可以使用提供的numpy数组函数。正如OP几年前的PyArray_SimpleNewFromData所言,您需要的就是这样,使用它非常简单。您只需要一个npy_intp类型的数组,这是要创建的数组的形状。确保它与使用testVector.size()的向量相同,(对于多个维,testVector[0].size(), testVector[0].size()等)。向量在c++11中保证是连续的,除非它是一个bool。

//create testVector with data initialised to 0
std::vector<std::vector<uint16_t>> testVector;
testVector.resize(width, std::vector<uint16_t>(height, 0);
//create shape for numpy array
npy_intp dims[2] = {width, height}
//convert testVector to a numpy array
PyArrayObject* numpyArray = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(2, dims, NPY_UINT16, (uint16_t*)testVector.data());

To go through the paramaters. First you need to cast it to a PyArrayObject, otherwise it will be a PyObject and when returned to python won't be a numpy array. The 2, is the number of dimensions in the array. dims, is the shape of the array. This has to be of type npy_intp NPY_UINT16 is the data type that the array will be in python. you then use testVector.data() to get the data of the array, cast this to either void* or a pointer of the same data type as your vector.

要穿过这些护理员。首先需要将它转换为PyArrayObject,否则它将是PyObject,返回到python时不会是numpy数组。2是数组中的维数。dims,是数组的形状。这必须是npy_intp NPY_UINT16类型,它是数组在python中的数据类型。然后使用testVector.data()获取数组的数据,将其转换为void*或与向量具有相同数据类型的指针。

Hope this helps anyone else who may need this.


(Also if you don't need pure speed I would advise avoiding using the C-API, it causes quite a few problems and cython or swig are still probably your best choices. There is also c types which can be quite helpful.




I'm not a cpp-hero ,but wanted to provide my solution with two template functions for 1D and 2D vectors. This is a one liner for usage l8ter and by templating 1D and 2D vectors, the compiler can take the correct version for your vectors shape. Throws a string in case of unregular shape in the case of 2D. The routine copies the data here, but one can easily modify it to take the adress of the first element of the input vector in order to make it just a "representation".


Usage looks like this:


// Random data
vector<float> some_vector_1D(3,1.f); // 3 entries set to 1
vector< vector<float> > some_vector_2D(3,vector<float>(3,1.f)); // 3 subvectors with 1

// Convert vectors to numpy arrays
PyObject* np_vec_1D = (PyObject*) vector_to_nparray(some_vector_1D);
PyObject* np_vec_2D = (PyObject*) vector_to_nparray(some_vector_2D);

You may also change the type of the numpy array by the optional arguments. The template functions are:


/** Convert a c++ 2D vector into a numpy array
 * @param const vector< vector<T> >& vec : 2D vector data
 * @return PyArrayObject* array : converted numpy array
 * Transforms an arbitrary 2D C++ vector into a numpy array. Throws in case of
 * unregular shape. The array may contain empty columns or something else, as
 * long as it's shape is square.
 * Warning this routine makes a copy of the memory!
template<typename T>
static PyArrayObject* vector_to_nparray(const vector< vector<T> >& vec, int type_num = PyArray_FLOAT){

   // rows not empty
   if( !vec.empty() ){

      // column not empty
      if( !vec[0].empty() ){

        size_t nRows = vec.size();
        size_t nCols = vec[0].size();
        npy_intp dims[2] = {nRows, nCols};
        PyArrayObject* vec_array = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2, dims, type_num);

        T *vec_array_pointer = (T*) PyArray_DATA(vec_array);

        // copy vector line by line ... maybe could be done at one
        for (size_t iRow=0; iRow < vec.size(); ++iRow){

          if( vec[iRow].size() != nCols){
             Py_DECREF(vec_array); // delete
             throw(string("Can not convert vector<vector<T>> to np.array, since c++ matrix shape is not uniform."));


        return vec_array;

     // Empty columns
     } else {
        npy_intp dims[2] = {vec.size(), 0};
        return (PyArrayObject*) PyArray_ZEROS(2, dims, PyArray_FLOAT, 0);

   // no data at all
   } else {
      npy_intp dims[2] = {0, 0};
      return (PyArrayObject*) PyArray_ZEROS(2, dims, PyArray_FLOAT, 0);


/** Convert a c++ vector into a numpy array
 * @param const vector<T>& vec : 1D vector data
 * @return PyArrayObject* array : converted numpy array
 * Transforms an arbitrary C++ vector into a numpy array. Throws in case of
 * unregular shape. The array may contain empty columns or something else, as
 * long as it's shape is square.
 * Warning this routine makes a copy of the memory!
template<typename T>
static PyArrayObject* vector_to_nparray(const vector<T>& vec, int type_num = PyArray_FLOAT){

   // rows not empty
   if( !vec.empty() ){

       size_t nRows = vec.size();
       npy_intp dims[1] = {nRows};

       PyArrayObject* vec_array = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1, dims, type_num);
       T *vec_array_pointer = (T*) PyArray_DATA(vec_array);

       return vec_array;

   // no data at all
   } else {
      npy_intp dims[1] = {0};
      return (PyArrayObject*) PyArray_ZEROS(1, dims, PyArray_FLOAT, 0);




I came across your post when trying to do something very similar. I was able to cobble together a solution, the entirety of which is on my Github. It makes two C++ vectors, converts them to Python tuples, passes them to Python, converts them to NumPy arrays, then plots them using Matplotlib.


Much of this code is from the Python Documentation.


Here are some of the important bits from the .cpp file :


 //Make some vectors containing the data
 static const double xarr[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14};
 std::vector<double> xvec (xarr, xarr + sizeof(xarr) / sizeof(xarr[0]) );
 static const double yarr[] = {0,0,1,1,0,0,2,2,0,0,1,1,0,0};
 std::vector<double> yvec (yarr, yarr + sizeof(yarr) / sizeof(yarr[0]) );

 //Transfer the C++ vector to a python tuple
 pXVec = PyTuple_New(xvec.size()); 
 for (i = 0; i < xvec.size(); ++i) {
      pValue = PyFloat_FromDouble(xvec[i]);
      if (!pValue) {
           fprintf(stderr, "Cannot convert array value\n");
           return 1;
      PyTuple_SetItem(pXVec, i, pValue);

 //Transfer the other C++ vector to a python tuple
 pYVec = PyTuple_New(yvec.size()); 
 for (i = 0; i < yvec.size(); ++i) {
      pValue = PyFloat_FromDouble(yvec[i]);
      if (!pValue) {
           fprintf(stderr, "Cannot convert array value\n");
           return 1;
      PyTuple_SetItem(pYVec, i, pValue); //

 //Set the argument tuple to contain the two input tuples
 PyTuple_SetItem(pArgTuple, 0, pXVec);
 PyTuple_SetItem(pArgTuple, 1, pYVec);

 //Call the python function
 pValue = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, pArgTuple);

And the Python code:


def plotStdVectors(x, y):
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    print "Printing from Python in plotStdVectors()"
    print x
    print y
    x = np.fromiter(x, dtype = np.float)
    y = np.fromiter(y, dtype = np.float)
    print x
    print y
    plt.plot(x, y)
    return 0

Which results in the plot that I can't post here due to my reputation, but is posted on my blog post here.




  _import_array(); //this is required for numpy to create an array correctly

Note: In Numpy's extension guide they use import_array() to accomplish the same goal that I used _import_array() for. When I tried using import_array(), on a mac I got an error. So you may need to try both commands and see which one works.


By the way you can use C++ std::vector in the call to PyArray_SimpleNewFromData. If your std::vector is my_vector, replace fArraywith &my_vector[0]. &my_vector[0] allows you to access the pointer that stores the data in my_vector.

顺便说一下,您可以在调用PyArray_SimpleNewFromData时使用c++ std:::vector。如果你的std::vector是my_vector,用&my_vector[0]替换fArraywith。my_vector[0]允许您访问在my_vector中存储数据的指针。



Since there is no answer to this that is actually helpful for people that might be looking for this sort of thing I figured I'd put an easy solution.


First you will need to create a python extension module in C++, this is easy enough to do and is all in the python c-api documentation so i'm not going to go into that.

首先,您需要在c++中创建一个python扩展模块,这很容易做到,并且都在python C -api文档中,所以我不打算详细介绍。

Now to convert a c++ std::vector to a numpy array is extremely simple. You first need to import the numpy array header

现在要将c++ std::vector转换为numpy数组非常简单。首先需要导入numpy数组头

#include <numpy/arrayobject.h>

and in your intialising function you need to import_array()


   (void) Py_InitModule("testFunction". testFunctionMethods);

now you can use the numpy array functions that are provided. The one that you will want for this is as the OP said a few years back PyArray_SimpleNewFromData, it's stupidly simple to use. All you need is an array of type npy_intp, this is the shape of the array to be created. make sure it is the same as your vector using testVector.size(), (and for multiple dimensions do testVector[0].size(), testVector[0][0].size() ect. vectors are guaranteed to be continuous in c++11 unless it's a bool).

现在可以使用提供的numpy数组函数。正如OP几年前的PyArray_SimpleNewFromData所言,您需要的就是这样,使用它非常简单。您只需要一个npy_intp类型的数组,这是要创建的数组的形状。确保它与使用testVector.size()的向量相同,(对于多个维,testVector[0].size(), testVector[0].size()等)。向量在c++11中保证是连续的,除非它是一个bool。

//create testVector with data initialised to 0
std::vector<std::vector<uint16_t>> testVector;
testVector.resize(width, std::vector<uint16_t>(height, 0);
//create shape for numpy array
npy_intp dims[2] = {width, height}
//convert testVector to a numpy array
PyArrayObject* numpyArray = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(2, dims, NPY_UINT16, (uint16_t*)testVector.data());

To go through the paramaters. First you need to cast it to a PyArrayObject, otherwise it will be a PyObject and when returned to python won't be a numpy array. The 2, is the number of dimensions in the array. dims, is the shape of the array. This has to be of type npy_intp NPY_UINT16 is the data type that the array will be in python. you then use testVector.data() to get the data of the array, cast this to either void* or a pointer of the same data type as your vector.

要穿过这些护理员。首先需要将它转换为PyArrayObject,否则它将是PyObject,返回到python时不会是numpy数组。2是数组中的维数。dims,是数组的形状。这必须是npy_intp NPY_UINT16类型,它是数组在python中的数据类型。然后使用testVector.data()获取数组的数据,将其转换为void*或与向量具有相同数据类型的指针。

Hope this helps anyone else who may need this.


(Also if you don't need pure speed I would advise avoiding using the C-API, it causes quite a few problems and cython or swig are still probably your best choices. There is also c types which can be quite helpful.




I'm not a cpp-hero ,but wanted to provide my solution with two template functions for 1D and 2D vectors. This is a one liner for usage l8ter and by templating 1D and 2D vectors, the compiler can take the correct version for your vectors shape. Throws a string in case of unregular shape in the case of 2D. The routine copies the data here, but one can easily modify it to take the adress of the first element of the input vector in order to make it just a "representation".


Usage looks like this:


// Random data
vector<float> some_vector_1D(3,1.f); // 3 entries set to 1
vector< vector<float> > some_vector_2D(3,vector<float>(3,1.f)); // 3 subvectors with 1

// Convert vectors to numpy arrays
PyObject* np_vec_1D = (PyObject*) vector_to_nparray(some_vector_1D);
PyObject* np_vec_2D = (PyObject*) vector_to_nparray(some_vector_2D);

You may also change the type of the numpy array by the optional arguments. The template functions are:


/** Convert a c++ 2D vector into a numpy array
 * @param const vector< vector<T> >& vec : 2D vector data
 * @return PyArrayObject* array : converted numpy array
 * Transforms an arbitrary 2D C++ vector into a numpy array. Throws in case of
 * unregular shape. The array may contain empty columns or something else, as
 * long as it's shape is square.
 * Warning this routine makes a copy of the memory!
template<typename T>
static PyArrayObject* vector_to_nparray(const vector< vector<T> >& vec, int type_num = PyArray_FLOAT){

   // rows not empty
   if( !vec.empty() ){

      // column not empty
      if( !vec[0].empty() ){

        size_t nRows = vec.size();
        size_t nCols = vec[0].size();
        npy_intp dims[2] = {nRows, nCols};
        PyArrayObject* vec_array = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2, dims, type_num);

        T *vec_array_pointer = (T*) PyArray_DATA(vec_array);

        // copy vector line by line ... maybe could be done at one
        for (size_t iRow=0; iRow < vec.size(); ++iRow){

          if( vec[iRow].size() != nCols){
             Py_DECREF(vec_array); // delete
             throw(string("Can not convert vector<vector<T>> to np.array, since c++ matrix shape is not uniform."));


        return vec_array;

     // Empty columns
     } else {
        npy_intp dims[2] = {vec.size(), 0};
        return (PyArrayObject*) PyArray_ZEROS(2, dims, PyArray_FLOAT, 0);

   // no data at all
   } else {
      npy_intp dims[2] = {0, 0};
      return (PyArrayObject*) PyArray_ZEROS(2, dims, PyArray_FLOAT, 0);


/** Convert a c++ vector into a numpy array
 * @param const vector<T>& vec : 1D vector data
 * @return PyArrayObject* array : converted numpy array
 * Transforms an arbitrary C++ vector into a numpy array. Throws in case of
 * unregular shape. The array may contain empty columns or something else, as
 * long as it's shape is square.
 * Warning this routine makes a copy of the memory!
template<typename T>
static PyArrayObject* vector_to_nparray(const vector<T>& vec, int type_num = PyArray_FLOAT){

   // rows not empty
   if( !vec.empty() ){

       size_t nRows = vec.size();
       npy_intp dims[1] = {nRows};

       PyArrayObject* vec_array = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1, dims, type_num);
       T *vec_array_pointer = (T*) PyArray_DATA(vec_array);

       return vec_array;

   // no data at all
   } else {
      npy_intp dims[1] = {0};
      return (PyArrayObject*) PyArray_ZEROS(1, dims, PyArray_FLOAT, 0);




I came across your post when trying to do something very similar. I was able to cobble together a solution, the entirety of which is on my Github. It makes two C++ vectors, converts them to Python tuples, passes them to Python, converts them to NumPy arrays, then plots them using Matplotlib.


Much of this code is from the Python Documentation.


Here are some of the important bits from the .cpp file :


 //Make some vectors containing the data
 static const double xarr[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14};
 std::vector<double> xvec (xarr, xarr + sizeof(xarr) / sizeof(xarr[0]) );
 static const double yarr[] = {0,0,1,1,0,0,2,2,0,0,1,1,0,0};
 std::vector<double> yvec (yarr, yarr + sizeof(yarr) / sizeof(yarr[0]) );

 //Transfer the C++ vector to a python tuple
 pXVec = PyTuple_New(xvec.size()); 
 for (i = 0; i < xvec.size(); ++i) {
      pValue = PyFloat_FromDouble(xvec[i]);
      if (!pValue) {
           fprintf(stderr, "Cannot convert array value\n");
           return 1;
      PyTuple_SetItem(pXVec, i, pValue);

 //Transfer the other C++ vector to a python tuple
 pYVec = PyTuple_New(yvec.size()); 
 for (i = 0; i < yvec.size(); ++i) {
      pValue = PyFloat_FromDouble(yvec[i]);
      if (!pValue) {
           fprintf(stderr, "Cannot convert array value\n");
           return 1;
      PyTuple_SetItem(pYVec, i, pValue); //

 //Set the argument tuple to contain the two input tuples
 PyTuple_SetItem(pArgTuple, 0, pXVec);
 PyTuple_SetItem(pArgTuple, 1, pYVec);

 //Call the python function
 pValue = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, pArgTuple);

And the Python code:


def plotStdVectors(x, y):
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    print "Printing from Python in plotStdVectors()"
    print x
    print y
    x = np.fromiter(x, dtype = np.float)
    y = np.fromiter(y, dtype = np.float)
    print x
    print y
    plt.plot(x, y)
    return 0

Which results in the plot that I can't post here due to my reputation, but is posted on my blog post here.




  _import_array(); //this is required for numpy to create an array correctly

Note: In Numpy's extension guide they use import_array() to accomplish the same goal that I used _import_array() for. When I tried using import_array(), on a mac I got an error. So you may need to try both commands and see which one works.


By the way you can use C++ std::vector in the call to PyArray_SimpleNewFromData. If your std::vector is my_vector, replace fArraywith &my_vector[0]. &my_vector[0] allows you to access the pointer that stores the data in my_vector.

顺便说一下,您可以在调用PyArray_SimpleNewFromData时使用c++ std:::vector。如果你的std::vector是my_vector,用&my_vector[0]替换fArraywith。my_vector[0]允许您访问在my_vector中存储数据的指针。