
时间:2022-01-20 01:15:54

I'm trying to learn C and I'm currently trying to write a basic stack data structure, but I can't seem to get basic malloc/free right.

我正在尝试学习C语言,目前正在尝试编写一个基本的堆栈数据结构,但是我似乎无法获得基本的malloc/free right。

Here's the code I've been using (I'm just posting a small part here to illustrate a specific problem, not the total code, but the error message was generated just by running this example code in valgrind)


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct Entry {
    struct Entry *previous;
    int value;
} Entry;

void destroyEntry(Entry entry);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    Entry* apple;
    apple = malloc(sizeof(Entry));
    return 0;

void destroyEntry(Entry entry)
    Entry *entry_ptr = &entry;

When I run it through valgrind with --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes, I get the following error:


==20674== Invalid free() / delete / delete[] / realloc()
==20674==    at 0x4028E58: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:427)
==20674==    by 0x80485B2: destroyEntry (testing.c:53)
==20674==    by 0x8048477: main (testing.c:26)
==20674==  Address 0xbecc0070 is on thread 1's stack

I think this error means that the destroyEntry function is not allowed to modify memory allocated explicitly in main. Is that right? Why can't I just free the memory I allocated in main in another function? (and is this behavior somehow specific to main?)


3 个解决方案



Whenever you pass a parameter to a function, a copy is made, and the function works on that copy. So in your case, you are trying to free a copy of the original object, which doesn't make any sense.


You should modify your function to take a pointer, and then you can have it call free directly on that pointer.




This is passing by value, which means that copy is created, thus you try to free the memory, where local variable entry resides. Note that entry is an object with automatic storage duration and memory where it resides will be freed automatically when your program goes out of scope of destroyEntry function.


void destroyEntry(Entry entry)
    Entry *entry_ptr = &entry;

Your function should take a pointer (passing by reference):


void destroyEntry(Entry *entry)

Then instead of destroyEntry(*(apple)); you just call destroyEntry(apple);. Note that if there is no other functionality connected with destroyEntry function, it's redundant and it's better to just directly call free(apple).




The other answers here point out the main problem -- because you dereference your apple when you call destroyEntry in main(), it passes by reference, creating a copy.


Even once you know your problem, it helps to go back to the error and try to connect the text of what you're seeing to the problem, so that the next time it comes up you might be more likely to figure it out quickly. I find C and C++ errors can seem maddeningly ambiguous sometimes.


Generally, when I'm having trouble freeing pointers or deleting objects, I like to print out addresses, especially right when I allocate it and right when I try to free it. valgrind already gave you the address of the bad pointer, but it helps to compare it to a good one.


int main()
  Entry * apple;
  apple = malloc(sizeof(Entry));
  printf("apple's address = %p", apple);  // Prints the address of 'apple'
  free(apple);   // You know this will work

After doing that, you'd notice the printf() statement gave you an address something like 0x8024712 (just making up an address in the right general range), but your valgrind output gave 0x4028E58. You'd notice they're in two very different places (in fact, "0x4..." is on the stack, not the heap where malloc() allocates from, but I'm assuming if you're just starting out that's not a red flag for you yet), so you know you're trying to free memory from the wrong place, hence "invalid free()".

这样做之后,您会注意到printf()语句给出了一个地址,比如0x8024712(只是在正确的一般范围内构造了一个地址),但是您的valgrind输出给出了0x4028E58。你会注意到它们在两个非常不同的地方(事实上,“0 x4…”是在堆栈上,不是malloc()分配的堆,但我假设如果你刚开始,还没有一个红旗),所以你知道你想从错误的地方释放内存,因此“无效的*()”。

So from there you can say to yourself "Okay, somehow my pointer is getting corrupted." You already boiled down your problem to a small, compilable example, so it won't take you long to solve it from there.


TL;DR - when running into pointer-related errors, try printing the addresses or finding them in your favorite debugger. It often at least points you in the right direction.


None of this is to discourage posting your question on Stack Exchange, of course. Hundreds of programmers will likely benefit from your having done so.




Whenever you pass a parameter to a function, a copy is made, and the function works on that copy. So in your case, you are trying to free a copy of the original object, which doesn't make any sense.


You should modify your function to take a pointer, and then you can have it call free directly on that pointer.




This is passing by value, which means that copy is created, thus you try to free the memory, where local variable entry resides. Note that entry is an object with automatic storage duration and memory where it resides will be freed automatically when your program goes out of scope of destroyEntry function.


void destroyEntry(Entry entry)
    Entry *entry_ptr = &entry;

Your function should take a pointer (passing by reference):


void destroyEntry(Entry *entry)

Then instead of destroyEntry(*(apple)); you just call destroyEntry(apple);. Note that if there is no other functionality connected with destroyEntry function, it's redundant and it's better to just directly call free(apple).




The other answers here point out the main problem -- because you dereference your apple when you call destroyEntry in main(), it passes by reference, creating a copy.


Even once you know your problem, it helps to go back to the error and try to connect the text of what you're seeing to the problem, so that the next time it comes up you might be more likely to figure it out quickly. I find C and C++ errors can seem maddeningly ambiguous sometimes.


Generally, when I'm having trouble freeing pointers or deleting objects, I like to print out addresses, especially right when I allocate it and right when I try to free it. valgrind already gave you the address of the bad pointer, but it helps to compare it to a good one.


int main()
  Entry * apple;
  apple = malloc(sizeof(Entry));
  printf("apple's address = %p", apple);  // Prints the address of 'apple'
  free(apple);   // You know this will work

After doing that, you'd notice the printf() statement gave you an address something like 0x8024712 (just making up an address in the right general range), but your valgrind output gave 0x4028E58. You'd notice they're in two very different places (in fact, "0x4..." is on the stack, not the heap where malloc() allocates from, but I'm assuming if you're just starting out that's not a red flag for you yet), so you know you're trying to free memory from the wrong place, hence "invalid free()".

这样做之后,您会注意到printf()语句给出了一个地址,比如0x8024712(只是在正确的一般范围内构造了一个地址),但是您的valgrind输出给出了0x4028E58。你会注意到它们在两个非常不同的地方(事实上,“0 x4…”是在堆栈上,不是malloc()分配的堆,但我假设如果你刚开始,还没有一个红旗),所以你知道你想从错误的地方释放内存,因此“无效的*()”。

So from there you can say to yourself "Okay, somehow my pointer is getting corrupted." You already boiled down your problem to a small, compilable example, so it won't take you long to solve it from there.


TL;DR - when running into pointer-related errors, try printing the addresses or finding them in your favorite debugger. It often at least points you in the right direction.


None of this is to discourage posting your question on Stack Exchange, of course. Hundreds of programmers will likely benefit from your having done so.
