
时间:2022-06-14 01:41:22

I have an array


data = [ '2016-12-12 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-12 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-12 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-13 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-14 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-14 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-14 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-15 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-16 fail [fail]' ]

I tried and thought a lot of ways to accomplish using various function but couldn't find out how to achieve this format:


2016-12-12 pass:2 fail: 1
2016-12-13 pass:0 fail: 1
2016-12-14 pass:2 fail: 1
2016-12-15 pass:1 fail: 0
2016-12-16 pass:0 fail: 1

3 个解决方案



You can use reduce() and return array of objects.


var data = [ '2016-12-12 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-12 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-12 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-13 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-14 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-14 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-14 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-15 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-16 fail [fail]' ]
var result = Object.values(data.reduce(function(r, e) {
  var arr = e.split(' ')
  if(!r[arr[0]]) r[arr[0]] = {date: arr[0], pass: 0, fail: 0} 
  return r;
}, {}))


If you can't use Object.values() you can just use map on object in the end.

如果不能使用object .values(),最后也可以使用map on object。

var data = [ '2016-12-12 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-12 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-12 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-13 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-14 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-14 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-14 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-15 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-16 fail [fail]' ]
var result = data.reduce(function(r, e) {
  var arr = e.split(' ')
  if(!r[arr[0]]) r[arr[0]] = {date: arr[0], pass: 0, fail: 0} 
  return r;
}, {})

result = Object.keys(result).map(e => result[e])




Here's one way:


const data = [
  '2016-12-12 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-12 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-12 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-13 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-14 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-14 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-14 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-15 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-16 fail [fail]',

const result = {};

data.forEach(item => {
  const [date, passFail] = item.split(' ');
  if (!(date in result)) {
    result[date] = { pass: 0, fail: 0 };
  result[date][passFail] += 1;


As you can see in the output, this returns an object whose property names are dates and whose values are objects with the properties pass and fail.


Note that you could use reduce instead of forEach to save a line, but reduce is sort of pointless if you're mutating the object anyway, so I've used forEach for simplicity.


Note also that although in practice (i.e. in current JS engines) objects retain their properties' insertion order, strictly speaking JavaScript object properties are unordered. If you want to be strict about order, you'll need to use an array, in which case the simplest solution would be an after-the-fact transformation like the following:


const result = {
  "2016-12-12": { pass: 2, fail: 1 },
  "2016-12-13": { pass: 0, fail: 1 },
  "2016-12-14": { pass: 2, fail: 1 },
  "2016-12-15": { pass: 1, fail: 0 },
  "2016-12-16": { pass: 0, fail: 1 },

const resultArray = Object.keys(result).sort()
                      .map(key => [ key, result[key] ]);




You can use reduce to hash the dates into an object like this: (note the output is an object of object)


function group(arr) {
  return arr.reduce(function(hash, e) {      // for each element e in the array arr
    var parts = e.split(' ');                // split the element e by space
    if(hash[parts[0]]) {                     // if the date (part 0) is already hashed
      hash[parts[0]][parts[1]]++;            // then increment the equivalent pass or fail (part 1)
    else {                                   // if not
      hash[parts[0]] = {pass: 0, fail: 0};   // create a new object for the date
      hash[parts[0]][parts[1]]++;            // increment its pass or fail value
    return hash;
  }, {});

var array = ['2016-12-12 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-12 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-12 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-13 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-14 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-14 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-14 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-15 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-16 fail [fail]'




You can use reduce() and return array of objects.


var data = [ '2016-12-12 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-12 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-12 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-13 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-14 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-14 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-14 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-15 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-16 fail [fail]' ]
var result = Object.values(data.reduce(function(r, e) {
  var arr = e.split(' ')
  if(!r[arr[0]]) r[arr[0]] = {date: arr[0], pass: 0, fail: 0} 
  return r;
}, {}))


If you can't use Object.values() you can just use map on object in the end.

如果不能使用object .values(),最后也可以使用map on object。

var data = [ '2016-12-12 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-12 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-12 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-13 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-14 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-14 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-14 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-15 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-16 fail [fail]' ]
var result = data.reduce(function(r, e) {
  var arr = e.split(' ')
  if(!r[arr[0]]) r[arr[0]] = {date: arr[0], pass: 0, fail: 0} 
  return r;
}, {})

result = Object.keys(result).map(e => result[e])




Here's one way:


const data = [
  '2016-12-12 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-12 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-12 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-13 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-14 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-14 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-14 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-15 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-16 fail [fail]',

const result = {};

data.forEach(item => {
  const [date, passFail] = item.split(' ');
  if (!(date in result)) {
    result[date] = { pass: 0, fail: 0 };
  result[date][passFail] += 1;


As you can see in the output, this returns an object whose property names are dates and whose values are objects with the properties pass and fail.


Note that you could use reduce instead of forEach to save a line, but reduce is sort of pointless if you're mutating the object anyway, so I've used forEach for simplicity.


Note also that although in practice (i.e. in current JS engines) objects retain their properties' insertion order, strictly speaking JavaScript object properties are unordered. If you want to be strict about order, you'll need to use an array, in which case the simplest solution would be an after-the-fact transformation like the following:


const result = {
  "2016-12-12": { pass: 2, fail: 1 },
  "2016-12-13": { pass: 0, fail: 1 },
  "2016-12-14": { pass: 2, fail: 1 },
  "2016-12-15": { pass: 1, fail: 0 },
  "2016-12-16": { pass: 0, fail: 1 },

const resultArray = Object.keys(result).sort()
                      .map(key => [ key, result[key] ]);




You can use reduce to hash the dates into an object like this: (note the output is an object of object)


function group(arr) {
  return arr.reduce(function(hash, e) {      // for each element e in the array arr
    var parts = e.split(' ');                // split the element e by space
    if(hash[parts[0]]) {                     // if the date (part 0) is already hashed
      hash[parts[0]][parts[1]]++;            // then increment the equivalent pass or fail (part 1)
    else {                                   // if not
      hash[parts[0]] = {pass: 0, fail: 0};   // create a new object for the date
      hash[parts[0]][parts[1]]++;            // increment its pass or fail value
    return hash;
  }, {});

var array = ['2016-12-12 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-12 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-12 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-13 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-14 fail [fail]',
  '2016-12-14 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-14 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-15 pass [pass]',
  '2016-12-16 fail [fail]'
