I'm new to C# (coming from c++). I'm creating a WindowsAplication Form and I use an array (which is filled with a function) through all the program, my question is, Where do I put the function and the array? How do I declare them? I tried declaring them inside my Form1 class but it doesn't work with other forms.
我是C#的新手(来自c ++)。我正在创建一个WindowsAplication表单,我通过所有程序使用一个数组(填充了一个函数),我的问题是,我在哪里放置函数和数组?我如何申报?我尝试在我的Form1类中声明它们,但它不适用于其他表单。
3 个解决方案
You could set it up as a property of the Form, so you could do something like this:
public partial class MyForm:Form
public Integer[] MyArray {get; set;}
public void PopulateArray()
MyArray = ...;
Then, in some other form, you would simply have something like so:
public partial class MyOtherForm:Form
private MyForm myForm;
public MyOtherForm(MyForm sourceForm)
this.myForm = sourceForm
Integer[] array = this.myForm.MyArray;
The above assumes that the form which will contain the array will be passed as a parameter. So essentially, the first form, will initialize the second form and will pass a reference to itself, thus allowing you to access any public fields which MyForm
will expose.
If you will populate this array only once, and will then only read from it, you could use a Helper class to expose the array to all the relevant classes, so you would have something like so:
public static class Helper
public static Integer[] MyArray {get; set;}
Then, in your forms, you would simply do: Helper.MyArray = ...
to populate and Integer[] array = Helper.MyArray
to read.
然后,在您的表单中,您只需执行:Helper.MyArray = ...填充和Integer [] array = Helper.MyArray读取。
You can create a public class in put array and function in it. And Where U want to use array and function, U have to create a object of that class and using object u can access array and function.
You can also create a static class and And Where U want to use array and function, U can directly use them without creating object.
你也可以创建一个静态类和And Where U想要使用数组和函数,U可以直接使用它们而无需创建对象。
You could have this array as a public static member of any class in your program. For example:
class MyClass {
public static int[] MyArray;
Though, preferably, you should use a public static property to access this member.
You then access this variable:
MyClass.MyArray = new int[15];
int myFirstElement = MyClass.MyArray[0];
You could set it up as a property of the Form, so you could do something like this:
public partial class MyForm:Form
public Integer[] MyArray {get; set;}
public void PopulateArray()
MyArray = ...;
Then, in some other form, you would simply have something like so:
public partial class MyOtherForm:Form
private MyForm myForm;
public MyOtherForm(MyForm sourceForm)
this.myForm = sourceForm
Integer[] array = this.myForm.MyArray;
The above assumes that the form which will contain the array will be passed as a parameter. So essentially, the first form, will initialize the second form and will pass a reference to itself, thus allowing you to access any public fields which MyForm
will expose.
If you will populate this array only once, and will then only read from it, you could use a Helper class to expose the array to all the relevant classes, so you would have something like so:
public static class Helper
public static Integer[] MyArray {get; set;}
Then, in your forms, you would simply do: Helper.MyArray = ...
to populate and Integer[] array = Helper.MyArray
to read.
然后,在您的表单中,您只需执行:Helper.MyArray = ...填充和Integer [] array = Helper.MyArray读取。
You can create a public class in put array and function in it. And Where U want to use array and function, U have to create a object of that class and using object u can access array and function.
You can also create a static class and And Where U want to use array and function, U can directly use them without creating object.
你也可以创建一个静态类和And Where U想要使用数组和函数,U可以直接使用它们而无需创建对象。
You could have this array as a public static member of any class in your program. For example:
class MyClass {
public static int[] MyArray;
Though, preferably, you should use a public static property to access this member.
You then access this variable:
MyClass.MyArray = new int[15];
int myFirstElement = MyClass.MyArray[0];