
1 //读取会话消息Vue代码 2 function fnInitData(){ 3 vue = new Vue({ 4 el: \'#vue\', 5 data: { 6 messages: [], 7 currentLocalConversationId: \'\', 8 loop: \'\' 9 }, 10 beforeCreate: function() { 11 let that = this; 12 let userInfo = api.getPrefs({ 13 key: \'userInfo\', 14 sync: true 15 }); 16 17 userInfo = JSON.parse(userInfo); 18 UIEaseChat = api.require(\'easeChat\'); 19 UIEaseChat.login({ 20 username: userInfo.username, 21 password: window.cfg.easePassword, 22 autoLogin: false 23 },function(ret, err) { 24 if (ret.status || err.code == 200) { 25 //从本地缓存加载 26 fnInitDB(); 27 fnGetConversation(userInfo.id, 0, 50, function(ret, err){ 28 if (ret.status) { 29 let data = ret.data; 30 31 for(let index in data){ 32 if(index == 0){ 33 //设置当前本地缓存的最大朋友圈消息Id 34 that.currentLocalConversationId = data[index].uid; 35 } 36 that.messages.push(JSON.parse(data[index].content)); 37 } 38 }else{ 39 console.log(JSON.stringify(err)); 40 } 41 }); 42 43 // 添加消息监听 44 UIEaseChat.addMessageListener({ 45 name: \'receive\' 46 }, function(ret) { 47 updateConversationList(ret[\'messages\']); 48 //广播出去,聊天页面做数据更新 49 api.sendEvent({ 50 name: \'messageReceived\', 51 extra: { 52 messages: ret[\'messages\'] 53 } 54 }); 55 }); 56 57 that.syncConversation(); 58 } else { 59 console.log(JSON.stringify(err)); 60 api.alert({ 61 msg: \'网络不好,退出重试\' 62 }); 63 } 64 }); 65 }, 66 methods: { 67 syncConversation: function(){ 68 let that = this; 69 let userInfo = api.getPrefs({ 70 key: \'userInfo\', 71 sync: true 72 }); 73 74 userInfo = JSON.parse(userInfo); 75 UIEaseChat = api.require(\'easeChat\'); 76 77 UIEaseChat.getAllConversations(function(ret) { 78 let conversations = ret.conversations; 79 let length = conversations.length; 80 81 // 按照最新一条消息接收时间排序 82 for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { 83 for (j = i + 1; j < length; j++) { 84 if (parseInt(conversations[i][\'latestMessage\'][\'timestamp\'], 10) < parseInt(conversations[j][\'latestMessage\'][\'timestamp\'], 10)) { 85 tmp = conversations[i]; 86 conversations[i] = conversations[j]; 87 conversations[j] = tmp; 88 } 89 } 90 } 91 92 // 加载会话的头像、昵称、汇总总未读消息数量 93 showList(conversations); 94 that.messages = listData; 95 96 //保存到本地缓存 97 if(listData.length > 0){ 98 fnInitDB(); 99 fnAddConversation(userInfo.id, listData, function(ret, err){ 100 if (ret.status) { 101 //console.log(\'add Conversation success\'); 102 let latestMessageConversation = conversations[0]; 103 that.currentLocalConversationId = latestMessageConversation.conversationId; 104 //console.log(that.currentLocalConversationId); 105 }else{ 106 console.log(JSON.stringify(err)); 107 } 108 }); 109 } 110 111 // 缓存所有的聊天对象的头像 112 window.cacheConversationsAvatar(function () { 113 refreshAvartars(); 114 }); 115 }); 116 } 117 } 118 }); 119 }

1 function fnInitListData(callback) { 2 let data = api.getPrefs({ 3 key: \'friends\', 4 sync: true 5 }); 6 window.cacheConversationsAvatar(function(){}); 7 if (data == "") { 8 setTimeout(function () { 9 api.sendEvent({ 10 name: \'tabviewappear1\' 11 }); 12 }, 400); 13 return; 14 } 15 data = JSON.parse(data); 16 let chat = data[\'chat\']; // 好友 17 let groups = data[\'groupChat\']; // 群组 18 let rooms = data[\'chatRoom\']; // 聊天室 19 let ret = {}; 20 for (let i=0; i<chat.length; i++) { 21 let key = window.getPy(chat[i][\'nickname\']); 22 if (ret.hasOwnProperty(key)) { 23 ret[key].push({ 24 placeholderImg: \'widget://image/error-img.png\', 25 img: chat[i][\'avatar\'], 26 title: chat[i][\'nickname\'], 27 titleSize: 16, 28 username: chat[i][\'username\'], 29 id: chat[i][\'id\'] 30 }); 31 } else { 32 ret[key] = [ 33 { 34 placeholderImg: \'widget://image/error-img.png\', 35 img: chat[i][\'avatar\'], 36 title: chat[i][\'nickname\'], 37 titleSize: 16, 38 username: chat[i][\'username\'], 39 id: chat[i][\'id\'] 40 } 41 ]; 42 } 43 } 44 // 排序 45 let newKey = Object.keys(ret).sort(); 46 let newObj = { 47 common: [ 48 { 49 img: \'widget://image/icons/new-friends.png\', 50 title: \'新的朋友\', 51 titleSize: 16 52 }, { 53 img: \'widget://image/icons/group.png\', 54 title: \'群聊\', 55 titleSize: 16 56 } 57 ] 58 }; 59 //为了把公共选项放在前面,不用重新复制数据吧 60 for (let i=0; i<newKey.length; i++) { 61 newObj[newKey[i]] = ret[newKey[i]]; 62 } 63 64 callback(newObj); 65 }

1 function fnInitData(){ 2 let userInfo = window.getUserInfo(); 3 4 //从本地加载缓存 5 fnInitDB(); 6 fnGetFriendsCircle(userInfo.id, 0, 1, function(ret, err) { 7 if (ret.status) { 8 currentLocalMaxMessageId = ret.data[0].messageId; 9 10 //此处用同步接口,加载本地未缓存的朋友圈数据 11 window.Ajax({ 12 url: \'moments/sync\', 13 params: { 14 currentLocalMaxMessageId: currentLocalMaxMessageId 15 } 16 }, function(data) { 17 if (data.length > 0) { 18 //反向读取朋友圈数据,插入已存在的数组 19 let currentServerMaxMessageId = data[data.length-1].id; 20 21 //同步朋友圈时,新消息存入本地缓存 22 fnAddFriendsCircles(userInfo.id, data, function(ret, err) { 23 if (ret.status) { 24 currentLocalMaxMessageId = currentServerMaxMessageId; 25 26 api.sendEvent({ 27 name: \'syncFirendsCircle\', 28 extra: { 29 datas: data 30 } 31 }); 32 }else{ 33 console.log(JSON.stringify(err)); 34 } 35 }); 36 } 37 }); 38 }else{ 39 console.log(JSON.stringify(err)); 40 } 41 }); 42 }

1 function fnInitData(){ 2 vue = new Vue({ 3 el: \'#vue\', 4 data: { 5 nickname: \'\', 6 username: \'\' 7 }, 8 beforeCreate: function() {}, 9 updated: function() {}, 10 mounted: function() { 11 let userInfo = window.getUserInfo(); 12 let nickname = userInfo.nickname; 13 let username = userInfo.username; 14 this.username = username; 15 this.nickname = nickname; 16 let avatar = userInfo.avatar; 17 this.localPic(avatar, \'pictor\'); 18 }, 19 methods: { 20 localPic: function(url, dom) { 21 api.imageCache({ 22 url: url, 23 policy: \'cache_only\', 24 thumbnail: false 25 }, function(ret, err) { 26 let localPath = ret.url; 27 $api.attr($api.byId(dom), \'src\', localPath); 28 }); 29 }, 30 changeAvatar: function (type, dom) { 31 window.getPicture(function(url) { 32 window.Ajax({ 33 url: \'user/changeAvatar\', 34 method: \'post\', 35 params: { 36 path: url, 37 type: type 38 } 39 }, function(res) { 40 vue.localPic(url, dom); 41 window.refreshLogin(); 42 }); 43 }); 44 }, 45 toQrcode: function (type) { 46 api.openWin({ 47 name: \'qrcode-\' + type, 48 url: \'../win.html\', 49 pageParam: { 50 title: \'个人二维码\', 51 url: \'./set/qrcode.html\', 52 params: { 53 value: type, 54 text: \'扫一扫加好友\' 55 } 56 } 57 }); 58 }, 59 changeName: function () { 60 let that = this; 61 api.prompt({ 62 title: \'修改昵称\', 63 type: \'text\', 64 buttons: [\'确定\', \'取消\'] 65 }, function(ret, err) { 66 var index = ret.buttonIndex; 67 var text = ret.text; 68 69 if (index == 1){ 70 if (!text) { 71 api.alert({ 72 title: \'提示\', 73 msg: \'不能为空\', 74 }, function(ret, err){}); 75 return; 76 }; 77 if (text.length > 20) { 78 api.alert({ 79 title: \'提示\', 80 msg: \'最多20个字哟\', 81 }, function(ret, err){}); 82 return; 83 } 84 api.showProgress({ 85 style: \'default\', 86 animationType: \'fade\', 87 title: \'修改中...\', 88 text: \'请稍候...\', 89 modal: false 90 }); 91 92 // 修改昵称 93 window.Ajax({ 94 url: \'user/changeUserInfo\', 95 params: { 96 key: \'nickname\', 97 value: text 98 } 99 }, function (data) { 100 api.hideProgress(); 101 api.toast({ 102 msg: \'修改成功\', 103 duration: 2000, 104 location: \'bottom\' 105 }); 106 that.nickname = text; 107 window.refreshLogin(); 108 }); 109 } 110 }); 111 } 112 } 113 }); 114 }

1 function fnInitData(){ 2 vue = new Vue({ 3 el: \'#vue\', 4 data: { 5 messages: [], 6 isOwner: false, 7 owner: \'\', 8 firstLoad: true, 9 emotionData: [], 10 conversationId: api.pageParam.params.conversationId, 11 chatType: api.pageParam.params.chatType, 12 userInfo: window.getUserInfo(), 13 bonus: { 14 show: false, 15 name: \'\', 16 avatar: \'\', 17 msg: \'\', 18 message: \'\', // 消息原始数据 19 }, 20 currentLocalMaxMessageId: \'\', 21 page: 0, 22 pageSize: 10 23 }, 24 beforeCreate: function() { 25 UIPhotoViewer = api.require(\'UIPhotoViewer\'); 26 }, 27 updated: function() { 28 if (this.firstLoad) { 29 let that = this; 30 this.firstLoad = false; 31 setTimeout(function() { 32 that.scrollToBottom(); 33 }, 100); 34 } 35 }, 36 beforeDestroy: function () { 37 api.removeEventListener({ 38 name: \'messageReceived\' 39 }); 40 }, 41 mounted: function() { 42 //监听新消息事件 43 let that = this; 44 45 //获取最近的聊天记录 46 that.syncServiceMessageToLocal(); 47 48 //收到消息后响应方法 49 api.addEventListener({ 50 name: \'messageReceived\' 51 }, function(ret, err) { 52 let msgs = ret.value.messages; 53 let flag = false; 54 for (let i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++) { 55 if (msgs[i].conversationId == api.pageParam.params.conversationId) { 56 flag = true; 57 msgs[i][\'showHeader\'] = true; 58 if (that.messages.length && 59 msgs[i].timestamp - that.messages[that.messages.length - 1]. timestamp < 5 * 60 * 1000) { 60 msgs[i][\'showHeader\'] = false; 61 } 62 that.messages.push(msgs[i]); 63 setTimeout(function() { 64 //滚动聊天区域到底部 65 that.scrollToBottom(); 66 }, 100); 67 68 // 如果不是语音且不是红包,则标记已读 69 if (msgs[i].body.type != \'voice\' && !that.isBonus(msgs[i])) { 70 // 标记已读 71 UIEaseChat.markMessageAsRead({ 72 conversationId: api.pageParam.params.conversationId, 73 type: api.pageParam.params.chatType, 74 messageId: msgs[i][\'messageId\'] 75 },function(ret,err) {}); 76 } 77 78 } 79 } 80 // 更新主页的数据 81 if (flag) { 82 api.sendEvent({ 83 name: \'messageReaded\', 84 extra: { 85 conversationId: api.pageParam.params.conversationId 86 } 87 }); 88 } 89 }); 90 91 //注释原因:不使用UIeaseChat输入框,不需要初始化底部的输入框 92 //that.initChatBox(); 93 94 //注释原因:不使用UIeaseChat输入框,获取emotion的所有路径 95 //that.initEmotionData(); 96 }, 97 methods: { 98 loadMessageFromLocal: function() { 99 let that = this; 100 let userInfo = window.getUserInfo(); 101 102 that.page = that.page + 1; 103 104 fnGetFriendsChat(userInfo.id, 105 api.pageParam.params.conversationId, 106 that.currentLocalMaxMessageId, 107 that.page, 108 that.pageSize, 109 function(ret, err){ 110 if (ret.status) { 111 let data = ret.data; 112 // console.log(that.currentLocalMaxMessageId); 113 // console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); 114 for(let index in data){ 115 //console.log(\'data array index:\'+index); 116 if(index == 0){ 117 //设置当前本地缓存的最大朋友圈消息Id 118 that.currentLocalMaxMessageId = data[index].messageId; 119 } 120 121 vue.messages.splice(0, 0, JSON.parse(data[index].content)); 122 } 123 124 mescroll.endSuccess(); 125 }else{ 126 console.log(JSON.stringify(err)); 127 } 128 }); 129 }, 130 syncServiceMessageToLocal: function() { 131 let that = this; 132 133 UIEaseChat = api.require(\'easeChat\'); 134 UIEaseChat.loadMessageFromDB({ 135 conversationId: api.pageParam.params.conversationId, 136 type: api.pageParam.params.chatType, 137 pagesize: that.pageSize 138 }, function(ret) { 139 if(ret.messages.length > 0){ 140 //存在未缓存的消息 141 let messages = ret.messages; 142 let lastIndex = 0; 143 for (let i=0; i<messages.length; i++) { 144 if (i == 0) { 145 messages[i][\'showHeader\'] = true; 146 that.currentLocalMaxMessageId = messages[i][\'messageId\']; 147 } 148 let pre = i - 1 >= 0 ? i - 1 : 0; 149 if (i == messages.lenght - 1 && messages[i].timestamp - messages[pre].timestamp > 5 * 60 * 1000) { 150 messages[i][\'showHeader\'] = true; 151 } 152 if (messages[i].timestamp - messages[lastIndex].timestamp > 30 * 60 * 1000) { 153 messages[i][\'showHeader\'] = true; 154 lastIndex = i; 155 } 156 157 // 如果不是语音且不是红包,则标记已读 158 if (messages[i].body.type != \'voice\' && !that.isBonus(messages[i])) { 159 if (!messages[i].isRead) { 160 // 标记已读 161 UIEaseChat.markMessageAsRead({ 162 conversationId: api.pageParam.params.conversationId, 163 type: api.pageParam.params.chatType, 164 messageId: messages[i][\'messageId\'] 165 },function(ret,err) {}); 166 } 167 } 168 169 } 170 171 that.messages = messages; 172 173 // console.log(JSON.stringify(messages)); 174 175 //当前新消息时,同步消息到本地 176 // if(messages.length > 0){ 177 // let userInfo = window.getUserInfo(); 178 // fnAddFriendsChat(userInfo.id,api.pageParam.params.conversationId,messages, 179 // function(ret, err){ 180 // if(ret.status){ 181 // console.log(\'add message success\'); 182 // }else{ 183 // console.log(JSON.stringify(err)); 184 // } 185 // }); 186 // } 187 } 188 }); 189 } 190 }); 191 }

1 function fnInitData(){ 2 vue = new Vue({ 3 el: \'#vue\', 4 data: { 5 datas: [], 6 page: 0, 7 pageSize: 10, 8 currentLocalMaxMessageId: 0 9 }, 10 beforeCreate: function() {}, 11 updated: function() {}, 12 mounted: function() { 13 let userInfo = window.getUserInfo(); 14 let topBack = userInfo.pyqImg; 15 let avatar = userInfo.avatar; 16 this.localPic(avatar, \'avatar\'); 17 this.localPic(topBack, \'cover\'); 18 19 //从本地缓存加载一页数据 20 // if(this.currentLocalMaxMessageId == 0){ 21 // this.photoSync(); 22 // }else{ 23 this.photoShow(); 24 // } 25 }, 26 methods: { 27 localPic: function(url, dom) { 28 // 缓存图片 29 api.imageCache({ 30 url: url, 31 policy: \'cache_only\', 32 thumbnail: false 33 }, function(ret, err) { 34 let localPath = ret.url; 35 $api.attr($api.byId(dom), \'src\', localPath); 36 }); 37 }, 38 photoSync: function() { 39 // 与服务器同步朋友圈 下拉操作 40 let that = this; 41 42 //此处用同步接口,加载本地未缓存的朋友圈数据 43 window.Ajax({ 44 url: \'moments/sync\', 45 params: { 46 currentLocalMaxMessageId: that.currentLocalMaxMessageId 47 } 48 }, function(data) { 49 let currentServerMaxMessageId = \'\'; 50 51 if (data.length > 0) { 52 //反向读取朋友圈数据,插入已存在的数组 53 for (var i = data.length-1; i >= 0; i--){ 54 that.datas.splice(0, 0, data[i]); 55 56 if(i == 0){ 57 currentServerMaxMessageId = data[i].id; 58 } 59 } 60 61 //同步朋友圈时,新消息存入本地缓存 62 let userInfo = window.getUserInfo(); 63 fnAddFriendsCircles(userInfo.id, data, function(ret, err) { 64 if (ret.status) { 65 // console.log(\'add success\'); 66 67 that.currentLocalMaxMessageId = currentServerMaxMessageId; 68 }else{ 69 console.log(JSON.stringify(err)); 70 } 71 }); 72 73 //从本地加载缓存 74 // fnGetFriendsCircle(userInfo.id, 1, 2, function(ret, err) { 75 // if (ret.status) { 76 // console.log(JSON.stringify(ret)); 77 // }else{ 78 // console.log(JSON.stringify(err)); 79 // } 80 // }); 81 } 82 83 mescroll.endSuccess(); 84 }); 85 } 86 } 87 }); 88 }