1 // --------------------------------------------------------------- 2 // 名称: InsertShapeAt 3 // 功能: 从指定位置插入一个图元 4 // 变量: [in] index -- 指定位置索引 5 // [in] shape -- 要插入的图元指针 6 // 返回: 无 7 // 编写: 角落,20150407 8 // --------------------------------------------------------------- 9 void Layer::InsertShapeAt(int index,Shape *shape) 10 { 11 }
1 Imports System 2 Imports EnvDTE 3 Imports EnvDTE80 4 Imports EnvDTE90 5 Imports EnvDTE90a 6 Imports EnvDTE100 7 Imports System.Diagnostics 8 Imports System.Text 9 Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions 10 Imports System.IO 11 Imports System.Collections.Specialized 12 13 Public Module ModuleAddText \'这里要与保存的Module名保持一致,不然无法调用宏 14 Sub FunctionSign() 15 \'DESCRIPTION 文件签名 16 Dim obj 17 obj = Now() 18 Dim mo As Integer 19 Dim da As Integer 20 Dim funct As String \'保存选择的行 21 Dim ret As String 22 Dim func As String \'去除空格后的整个函数原型 23 Dim fName As String \'函数名 24 Dim fPara As String \'函数参数字符串 25 Dim paras() As String 26 Dim temps() As String 27 Dim flag1, flag2, flag3 As Integer 28 Dim DocSel As EnvDTE.TextSelection 29 DocSel = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection 30 DocSel.SelectLine() 31 If DocSel.Text = "" Then 32 Exit Sub 33 End If 34 funct = DocSel.Text 35 func = Trim(DocSel.Text) 36 flag1 = InStr(func, " ") 37 ret = Left(func, flag1 - 1) 38 flag1 = InStr(func, "::") 39 If flag1 = 0 Then 40 flag1 = InStr(func, " ") 41 func = Right(func, Len(func) - flag1) 42 Else 43 func = Right(func, Len(func) - flag1 - 1) 44 End If 45 flag2 = InStr(func, "(") 46 fName = Left(func, flag2 - 1) 47 func = Right(func, Len(func) - flag2) 48 flag3 = InStr(func, ")") 49 fPara = Left(func, flag3 - 1) 50 paras = Split(fPara, ",") 51 For i As Integer = 0 To paras.Length - 1 52 paras(i) = Trim(paras(i)) 53 temps = Split(paras(i)) 54 paras(i) = temps(temps.Length - 1) 55 Next 56 DocSel.NewLine() 57 DocSel.Text = "// ---------------------------------------------------------------" 58 DocSel.NewLine() 59 DocSel.Text = "// 名称: " + fName 60 DocSel.NewLine() 61 DocSel.Text = "// 功能: " 62 DocSel.NewLine() 63 DocSel.Text = "// 变量: " 64 If paras.Length = 0 Then 65 DocSel.Text = "无" 66 ElseIf paras.Length = 1 And paras(0) = "" Then 67 DocSel.Text = "无" 68 Else 69 DocSel.Text = "[in] " + paras(0) + " -- " 70 For j As Integer = 1 To paras.Length - 1 71 DocSel.NewLine() 72 DocSel.Text = "// [in] " + paras(j) + " -- " 73 Next 74 End If 75 DocSel.NewLine() 76 DocSel.Text = "// 返回: " 77 If ret = "void" Then 78 DocSel.Text = "无" 79 End If 80 DocSel.NewLine() 81 DocSel.Text = "// 编写: 角落," + CStr(Year(obj)) 82 mo = Month(obj) 83 da = Day(obj) 84 If mo < 10 Then 85 DocSel.Text = "0" + CStr(mo) 86 Else 87 DocSel.Text = CStr(mo) 88 End If 89 If da < 10 Then 90 DocSel.Text = "0" + CStr(da) 91 Else 92 DocSel.Text = CStr(da) 93 End If 94 DocSel.NewLine() 95 DocSel.Text = "// ---------------------------------------------------------------" 96 DocSel.NewLine() 97 DocSel.Text = funct 98 End Sub 99 End Module
对于所有受影响的 Visual Studio 版本,配置文件的修改过程均相同。需要在 <runtime> 部分中添加 AllowDComReflection 开关,如下所示:
<AllowDComReflection enabled="1"/>