
时间:2022-01-27 01:13:22
sub foo {[$#{$_[!$||$|]}*@{$_[!!$_^!$_]}?@{$_[!$..!!$.]}[$_[@--@+]%

update: I thought the word "puzzle" would imply this, but: I know what it does - I wrote it. If the puzzle doesn't interest you, please don't waste any time on it.

更新:我认为“拼图”这个词会暗示这一点,但是:我知道它的作用 - 我写了它。如果拼图不感兴趣,请不要浪费任何时间。

3 个解决方案



Here is how you figure out how to de-obfuscate this subroutine.

Sorry for the length


First let's tidy up the code, and add useful comments.


sub foo {
      # ($#{$_[1]})
          ! ( $| | $| )
          # $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH === $|
          # $| is usually 0
          # ! ( $| | $| )
          # ! (  0 |  0 )
          # ! (  0 )
          # 1


      # @{$_[1]}
          !!$_ ^ !$_

          # !! 1 ^ ! 1
          # !  0 ^   0
          #    1 ^   0
          # 1

          # !! 0 ^ ! 0
          # !  1 ^   1
          #    0 ^   1
          # 1


    # @{$_[1]}
        !$. . !!$.
        # $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER === $.
        # $. starts at 1
        # !$. . !!$.
        # ! 1 . !! 1
        #   0 . ! 0
        #   0 . 1
        #   01

      # $_[0]
        # 0
        @- - @+


      # @{$_[1]}
          $= =~ /(?=)/ / !$` #( fix highlighting )`/
          # $= is usually 60
          # /(?=)/ will match, returns 1
          # $` will be ''
          # 1 / ! ''
          # 1 / ! 0
          # 1 / 1
          # 1


      # $#{$_[1]}
          $? ? !!$? : !$?

          # $CHILD_ERROR === $?
          # $? ? !!$? : !$?

          #  0 ? !! 0 : ! 0
          #  0 ?    0 :   1
          # 1

          #  1 ? !! 1 : ! 1
          #  1 ?    1 :   0
          # 1


      # ( 0 )
        $) ? !$) : !!$)

        # $EFFECTIVE_GROUP_ID === $)

        # $) ? !$) : !!$)

        #  0 ? ! 0 : !! 0
        #  0 ?   1 :    0
        # 0

        #  1 ? ! 1 : !! 1
        #  1 ?   0 :    1
        # 0


      # $_[0]
        $- - $- # 0

        # $LAST_PAREN_MATCH = $-

        # 1 - 1 == 0
        # 5 - 5 == 0


      # @{$_[1]}
          $] / $]
          # $] === The version + patchlevel / 1000 of the Perl interpreter.

          # 1 / 1 == 1
          # 5 / 5 == 1


      # ( 1 )
        !!$+ + !$+

        # !! 1 + ! 1
        # !  0 + 0
        #    1 + 0
        # 1


    # @{$_[1]}
        !!$^^ ^ !$^^

        # !! 1 ^ ! 1
        # !  0 ^   0
        #    1 ^   0
        # 1

        # !! 0 ^ ! 0
        # !  1 ^ 1
        #    0 ^ 1
        # 1

Now let's remove some of the obfuscation.


sub foo{
      $#{$_[1]} * @{$_[1]}


      ( $_[0] % @{$_[1]} ) .. $#{$_[1]}


      0 .. ( $_[0] % @{$_[1]} - 1 )



Now that we have some idea of what is going on, let's name the variables.


sub foo{
  my( $item_0, $arr_1 ) = @_;
  my $len_1  = @$arr_1;

      # This essentially just checks that the length of $arr_1 is greater than 1
      ( ( $len_1 -1 ) * $len_1 )
      # ( ( $len_1 -1 ) * $len_1 )
      # ( (      5 -1 ) *      5 )
      #             4   *      5
      # 20
      # 20 ? 1 : 0 == 1

      # ( ( $len_1 -1 ) * $len_1 )
      # ( (      2 -1 ) *      2 )
      #             1   *      2
      # 2
      # 2 ? 1 : 0 == 1

      # ( ( $len_1 -1 ) * $len_1 )
      # ( (      1 -1 ) *      1 )
      #             0   *      1
      # 0
      # 0 ? 1 : 0 == 0

      # ( ( $len_1 -1 ) * $len_1 )
      # ( (      0 -1 ) *      0 )
      #            -1   *      0
      # 0
      # 0 ? 1 : 0 == 0


        ( $item_0 % $len_1 ) .. ( $len_1 -1 ),
        0 .. ( $item_0 % $len_1 - 1 )


      # If we get here, @$arr_1 is either empty or has only one element

Let's refactor the code to make it a little bit more readable.


sub foo{
  my( $item_0, $arr_1 ) = @_;
  my $len_1  = @$arr_1;

  if( $len_1 > 1 ){
    return [
        ( $item_0 % $len_1 ) .. ( $len_1 -1 ),
        0 .. ( $item_0 % $len_1 - 1 )
  }elsif( $len_1 ){
    return [ @$arr_1 ];
    return [];



I found this command helpful, when working on my other answer.


perl -MO=Concise,foo,-terse,-compact obpuz.pl > obpuz.out

perl -MO = Concise,foo,-terse,-compact obpuz.pl> obpuz.out




It takes two arrayrefs and returns a new arrayref with the contents of the second array rearranged such that the second part comes before the first part, split at a point based on the memory location of the first array. When the second array is empty or contains one item, just returns a copy of the second array. Equivalent to the following:


sub foo {
    my ($list1, $list2) = @_;
    my @output;
    if (@$list2 > 0) {
        my $split = $list1 % @$list2;
        @output = @$list2[$split .. $#$list2, 0 .. ($split - 1)];
    } else {
        @output = @$list2;
    return \@output;

$list1 % @$list2 essentially picks a random place to split the array, based on $list which evaluates to the memory address of $list when evaluated in a numeric context.

$ list1%@ $ list2基本上选择一个随机位置来拆分数组,基于$ list,在数值上下文中计算时,它会计算$ list的内存地址。

The original mostly uses a lot of tautologies involving punctuation variables to obfuscate. e.g.


  • !$| | $| is always 1
  • !$ | | $ |永远是1

  • @- - @+ is always 0
  • @ - - @ +始终为0

Updated to note that perltidy was very helpful deciphering here, but it choked on !!$^^^!$^^, which it reformats to !!$^ ^ ^ !$^ ^, which is invalid Perl; it should be !!$^^ ^ !$^^. This might be the cause of RWendi's compile error.

更新后注意perltidy在这里解密是非常有用的,但它窒息!! $ ^^^!$ ^^,它重新格式化为!! $ ^ ^ ^!$ ^ ^,这是无效的Perl;它应该是!! $ ^^ ^!$ ^^。这可能是RWendi编译错误的原因。



Here is how you figure out how to de-obfuscate this subroutine.

Sorry for the length


First let's tidy up the code, and add useful comments.


sub foo {
      # ($#{$_[1]})
          ! ( $| | $| )
          # $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH === $|
          # $| is usually 0
          # ! ( $| | $| )
          # ! (  0 |  0 )
          # ! (  0 )
          # 1


      # @{$_[1]}
          !!$_ ^ !$_

          # !! 1 ^ ! 1
          # !  0 ^   0
          #    1 ^   0
          # 1

          # !! 0 ^ ! 0
          # !  1 ^   1
          #    0 ^   1
          # 1


    # @{$_[1]}
        !$. . !!$.
        # $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER === $.
        # $. starts at 1
        # !$. . !!$.
        # ! 1 . !! 1
        #   0 . ! 0
        #   0 . 1
        #   01

      # $_[0]
        # 0
        @- - @+


      # @{$_[1]}
          $= =~ /(?=)/ / !$` #( fix highlighting )`/
          # $= is usually 60
          # /(?=)/ will match, returns 1
          # $` will be ''
          # 1 / ! ''
          # 1 / ! 0
          # 1 / 1
          # 1


      # $#{$_[1]}
          $? ? !!$? : !$?

          # $CHILD_ERROR === $?
          # $? ? !!$? : !$?

          #  0 ? !! 0 : ! 0
          #  0 ?    0 :   1
          # 1

          #  1 ? !! 1 : ! 1
          #  1 ?    1 :   0
          # 1


      # ( 0 )
        $) ? !$) : !!$)

        # $EFFECTIVE_GROUP_ID === $)

        # $) ? !$) : !!$)

        #  0 ? ! 0 : !! 0
        #  0 ?   1 :    0
        # 0

        #  1 ? ! 1 : !! 1
        #  1 ?   0 :    1
        # 0


      # $_[0]
        $- - $- # 0

        # $LAST_PAREN_MATCH = $-

        # 1 - 1 == 0
        # 5 - 5 == 0


      # @{$_[1]}
          $] / $]
          # $] === The version + patchlevel / 1000 of the Perl interpreter.

          # 1 / 1 == 1
          # 5 / 5 == 1


      # ( 1 )
        !!$+ + !$+

        # !! 1 + ! 1
        # !  0 + 0
        #    1 + 0
        # 1


    # @{$_[1]}
        !!$^^ ^ !$^^

        # !! 1 ^ ! 1
        # !  0 ^   0
        #    1 ^   0
        # 1

        # !! 0 ^ ! 0
        # !  1 ^ 1
        #    0 ^ 1
        # 1

Now let's remove some of the obfuscation.


sub foo{
      $#{$_[1]} * @{$_[1]}


      ( $_[0] % @{$_[1]} ) .. $#{$_[1]}


      0 .. ( $_[0] % @{$_[1]} - 1 )



Now that we have some idea of what is going on, let's name the variables.


sub foo{
  my( $item_0, $arr_1 ) = @_;
  my $len_1  = @$arr_1;

      # This essentially just checks that the length of $arr_1 is greater than 1
      ( ( $len_1 -1 ) * $len_1 )
      # ( ( $len_1 -1 ) * $len_1 )
      # ( (      5 -1 ) *      5 )
      #             4   *      5
      # 20
      # 20 ? 1 : 0 == 1

      # ( ( $len_1 -1 ) * $len_1 )
      # ( (      2 -1 ) *      2 )
      #             1   *      2
      # 2
      # 2 ? 1 : 0 == 1

      # ( ( $len_1 -1 ) * $len_1 )
      # ( (      1 -1 ) *      1 )
      #             0   *      1
      # 0
      # 0 ? 1 : 0 == 0

      # ( ( $len_1 -1 ) * $len_1 )
      # ( (      0 -1 ) *      0 )
      #            -1   *      0
      # 0
      # 0 ? 1 : 0 == 0


        ( $item_0 % $len_1 ) .. ( $len_1 -1 ),
        0 .. ( $item_0 % $len_1 - 1 )


      # If we get here, @$arr_1 is either empty or has only one element

Let's refactor the code to make it a little bit more readable.


sub foo{
  my( $item_0, $arr_1 ) = @_;
  my $len_1  = @$arr_1;

  if( $len_1 > 1 ){
    return [
        ( $item_0 % $len_1 ) .. ( $len_1 -1 ),
        0 .. ( $item_0 % $len_1 - 1 )
  }elsif( $len_1 ){
    return [ @$arr_1 ];
    return [];



I found this command helpful, when working on my other answer.


perl -MO=Concise,foo,-terse,-compact obpuz.pl > obpuz.out

perl -MO = Concise,foo,-terse,-compact obpuz.pl> obpuz.out




It takes two arrayrefs and returns a new arrayref with the contents of the second array rearranged such that the second part comes before the first part, split at a point based on the memory location of the first array. When the second array is empty or contains one item, just returns a copy of the second array. Equivalent to the following:


sub foo {
    my ($list1, $list2) = @_;
    my @output;
    if (@$list2 > 0) {
        my $split = $list1 % @$list2;
        @output = @$list2[$split .. $#$list2, 0 .. ($split - 1)];
    } else {
        @output = @$list2;
    return \@output;

$list1 % @$list2 essentially picks a random place to split the array, based on $list which evaluates to the memory address of $list when evaluated in a numeric context.

$ list1%@ $ list2基本上选择一个随机位置来拆分数组,基于$ list,在数值上下文中计算时,它会计算$ list的内存地址。

The original mostly uses a lot of tautologies involving punctuation variables to obfuscate. e.g.


  • !$| | $| is always 1
  • !$ | | $ |永远是1

  • @- - @+ is always 0
  • @ - - @ +始终为0

Updated to note that perltidy was very helpful deciphering here, but it choked on !!$^^^!$^^, which it reformats to !!$^ ^ ^ !$^ ^, which is invalid Perl; it should be !!$^^ ^ !$^^. This might be the cause of RWendi's compile error.

更新后注意perltidy在这里解密是非常有用的,但它窒息!! $ ^^^!$ ^^,它重新格式化为!! $ ^ ^ ^!$ ^ ^,这是无效的Perl;它应该是!! $ ^^ ^!$ ^^。这可能是RWendi编译错误的原因。