
时间:2022-01-10 01:05:36

I have found lots of books in java saying switch statement is faster than if else statement. But I didnot find antwhere saying why switch is faster than if.

我在java中发现了很多书说switch语句比if else语句要快。但是我没有发现为什么开关比if快。


I have a situation i have to choose any one item out of two i can use either of the following way



case BREAD:
     //eat Bread
    //leave the restaurant


or using if statement like the following


if(item== BREAD){
//eat Bread
//leave the restaurant

considering item and BREAD is constant int value


In the above example which is faster in action and why?


5 个解决方案



Because there are special bytecodes that allow efficient switch statement evaluation when there are a lot of cases.


If implemented with IF-statements you would have a check, a jump to the next clause, a check, a jump to the next clause and so on. With switch the JVM loads the value to compare and iterates through the value table to find a match, which is faster in most cases.

如果使用If语句实现,您将进行检查、跳转到下一个子句、检查、跳转到下一个子句等等。通过switch, JVM加载要比较的值,并在value表中迭代以找到匹配,在大多数情况下,匹配速度更快。



A switch statement is not always faster than an if statement. It scales better than a long list of if-else statements as switch can perform a lookup based on all the values. However, for a short condition it won't be any faster and could be slower.




At the bytecode level, subject variable is loaded only once into processor register from a memory address in the structured .class file loaded by Runtime,and this is in a switch statement; whereas in an if-statement, a different jvm instruction is produced by your code-compiling DE, and this requires that each variable be loaded in to registers although same variable is used as in next preceeding if-statement. If you know of coding in assembly language then this would be commonplace; although java compiled coxes are not bytecode, or direct machine code, the conditional concept hereof is still consistent. Well, I tried to avoid deeper technicality upon explaining. I hope I had made the concept clear and demystified. Thank you.




If you are performing an insane amount of checks like 100+ you may want to consider some abstraction.


You have incoming packets that range from ids 0 through 255. You use maybe 150 of them. You may want to consider something like the below instead of a switch of 150 ids.

有从ids 0到255的传入数据包。你可能用了150个。您可能需要考虑如下内容,而不是使用150个id。

Packets[] packets = new Packets[150];

static {
     packets[0] = new Login();
     packets[2] = new Logout();
     packets[3] = new GetMessage();
     packets[7] = new AddFriend();
     packets[9] = new JoinGroupChat(); // etc... not going to finish.

static final byte[] INDEX_LIST = { 
  0, 2, 3, 7, 9, // etc... Not going to do it, but this will convert packet id to index.

public void handlePacket(IncomingData data)
    int id = data.readByte();


I should also point out that index list isn't really needed and would probably slow the code down anyways. It was merely a suggestion so you don't have empty locations. Also not to mention is this situation you're only losing out of 106 indexes. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe each of these are pointing to null anyways so no real memory issues would be present.




The current JVM has two kinds of switch byte codes: LookupSwitch and TableSwitch.


Each case in a switch statement has an integer offset, if these offsets are contiguous (or mostly contiguous with no large gaps) (case 0: case 1: case 2, etc.), then TableSwitch is used.

switch语句中的每个case都有一个整型偏移量,如果这些偏移量是连续的(或者几乎是连续的,没有大的间隔)(case 0: case 1: case 2,等等),那么就使用汤匙女巫。

If the offsets are spread out with large gaps (case 0: case 400: case 93748:, etc.), then LookupSwitch is used.


The difference, in short, is that TableSwitch is done in constant time because each value within the range of possible values is given a specific byte-code offset. Thus, when you give the statement an offset of 3, it knows to jump ahead 3 to find the correct branch.


Lookup switch uses a binary search to find the correct code branch. This runs in O(log n) time, which is still good, but not the best.

查找开关使用二进制搜索找到正确的代码分支。它在O(log n)时间内运行,仍然很好,但不是最好的。

For more information on this, see here: Difference between JVM's LookupSwitch and TableSwitch?


So as far as which one is fastest, use this approach: If you have 3 or more cases whose values are consecutive or nearly consecutive, always use a switch.


If you have 2 cases, use an if statement.


For any other situation, switch is most likely faster, but it's not guaranteed, since the binary-search in LookupSwitch could hit a bad scenario.


Also, keep in mind that the JVM will run JIT optimizations on if statements that will try to place the hottest branch first in the code. This is called "Branch Prediction". For more information on this, see here: https://dzone.com/articles/branch-prediction-in-java


Your experiences may vary. I don't know that the JVM doesn't run a similar optimization on LookupSwitch, but I've learned to trust the JIT optimizations and not try to outsmart the compiler.




Because there are special bytecodes that allow efficient switch statement evaluation when there are a lot of cases.


If implemented with IF-statements you would have a check, a jump to the next clause, a check, a jump to the next clause and so on. With switch the JVM loads the value to compare and iterates through the value table to find a match, which is faster in most cases.

如果使用If语句实现,您将进行检查、跳转到下一个子句、检查、跳转到下一个子句等等。通过switch, JVM加载要比较的值,并在value表中迭代以找到匹配,在大多数情况下,匹配速度更快。



A switch statement is not always faster than an if statement. It scales better than a long list of if-else statements as switch can perform a lookup based on all the values. However, for a short condition it won't be any faster and could be slower.




At the bytecode level, subject variable is loaded only once into processor register from a memory address in the structured .class file loaded by Runtime,and this is in a switch statement; whereas in an if-statement, a different jvm instruction is produced by your code-compiling DE, and this requires that each variable be loaded in to registers although same variable is used as in next preceeding if-statement. If you know of coding in assembly language then this would be commonplace; although java compiled coxes are not bytecode, or direct machine code, the conditional concept hereof is still consistent. Well, I tried to avoid deeper technicality upon explaining. I hope I had made the concept clear and demystified. Thank you.




If you are performing an insane amount of checks like 100+ you may want to consider some abstraction.


You have incoming packets that range from ids 0 through 255. You use maybe 150 of them. You may want to consider something like the below instead of a switch of 150 ids.

有从ids 0到255的传入数据包。你可能用了150个。您可能需要考虑如下内容,而不是使用150个id。

Packets[] packets = new Packets[150];

static {
     packets[0] = new Login();
     packets[2] = new Logout();
     packets[3] = new GetMessage();
     packets[7] = new AddFriend();
     packets[9] = new JoinGroupChat(); // etc... not going to finish.

static final byte[] INDEX_LIST = { 
  0, 2, 3, 7, 9, // etc... Not going to do it, but this will convert packet id to index.

public void handlePacket(IncomingData data)
    int id = data.readByte();


I should also point out that index list isn't really needed and would probably slow the code down anyways. It was merely a suggestion so you don't have empty locations. Also not to mention is this situation you're only losing out of 106 indexes. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe each of these are pointing to null anyways so no real memory issues would be present.




The current JVM has two kinds of switch byte codes: LookupSwitch and TableSwitch.


Each case in a switch statement has an integer offset, if these offsets are contiguous (or mostly contiguous with no large gaps) (case 0: case 1: case 2, etc.), then TableSwitch is used.

switch语句中的每个case都有一个整型偏移量,如果这些偏移量是连续的(或者几乎是连续的,没有大的间隔)(case 0: case 1: case 2,等等),那么就使用汤匙女巫。

If the offsets are spread out with large gaps (case 0: case 400: case 93748:, etc.), then LookupSwitch is used.


The difference, in short, is that TableSwitch is done in constant time because each value within the range of possible values is given a specific byte-code offset. Thus, when you give the statement an offset of 3, it knows to jump ahead 3 to find the correct branch.


Lookup switch uses a binary search to find the correct code branch. This runs in O(log n) time, which is still good, but not the best.

查找开关使用二进制搜索找到正确的代码分支。它在O(log n)时间内运行,仍然很好,但不是最好的。

For more information on this, see here: Difference between JVM's LookupSwitch and TableSwitch?


So as far as which one is fastest, use this approach: If you have 3 or more cases whose values are consecutive or nearly consecutive, always use a switch.


If you have 2 cases, use an if statement.


For any other situation, switch is most likely faster, but it's not guaranteed, since the binary-search in LookupSwitch could hit a bad scenario.


Also, keep in mind that the JVM will run JIT optimizations on if statements that will try to place the hottest branch first in the code. This is called "Branch Prediction". For more information on this, see here: https://dzone.com/articles/branch-prediction-in-java


Your experiences may vary. I don't know that the JVM doesn't run a similar optimization on LookupSwitch, but I've learned to trust the JIT optimizations and not try to outsmart the compiler.
