
时间:2024-03-01 13:19:36






select [列名],[列名]... form [表1],[表2] where 条件;


select [列名],[列名] from [表1] join [表2] on 条件;

2.1 示例1:查询许仙同学的成绩




mysql> select* from student,score;


mysql> select* from student, score where id = student_id;


mysql> select* from student, score where student.id =  score.student_id;



mysql> select* from student, score where student.id=score.student_id and student.name = "许仙";


| id | sn    | name | qq_mail       | classes_id | score | student_id | course_id |
|  4 | 00031 | 许仙 | xuxian@qq.com |          1 |  67.0 |          4 |         1 |
|  4 | 00031 | 许仙 | xuxian@qq.com |          1 |  23.0 |          4 |         3 |
|  4 | 00031 | 许仙 | xuxian@qq.com |          1 |  56.0 |          4 |         5 |
|  4 | 00031 | 许仙 | xuxian@qq.com |          1 |  72.0 |          4 |         6 |


mysql> select student.name, score.course_id, score.score from student, score
    -> where student.id = score.student_id and student.name = "许仙";
| name | course_id | score |
| 许仙 |         1 |  67.0 |
| 许仙 |         3 |  23.0 |
| 许仙 |         5 |  56.0 |
| 许仙 |         6 |  72.0 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)



select* from [表名],[表名] where [条件];


select* from [表名] join [表名] on [条件]; 


mysql> select student.name, score.course_id, score.score from
    -> student join score
    -> on student.id = score.student_id and student.name="许仙";

2.2 示例2: 查询所有同学的总成绩,及同学的个人信息




mysql> select* from student,score where student.id = score.student_id;


mysql> select student.name, sum(score.score)from student,score where student.id = score.student_id group by id;
| name       | sum(score.score) |
| 黑旋风李逵 |            300.0 |
| 菩提老祖   |            119.5 |
| 白素贞     |            200.0 |
| 许仙       |            218.0 |
| 不想毕业   |            118.0 |
| 好好说话   |            178.0 |
| tellme     |            172.0 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

2.3 示例3:查询所有同学的科目及各科成绩,及同学的个人信息


mysql> select student.name, course.name, score.score
    -> from student, course, score
    -> where student.id = score.student_id
    -> and score.course_id = course.id;
| name       | name         | score |
| 黑旋风李逵 | Java         |  70.5 |
| 黑旋风李逵 | 计算机原理   |  98.5 |
| 黑旋风李逵 | 高阶数学     |  33.0 |
| 黑旋风李逵 | 英文         |  98.0 |
| 菩提老祖   | Java         |  60.0 |
| 菩提老祖   | 高阶数学     |  59.5 |
| 白素贞     | Java         |  33.0 |
| 白素贞     | 计算机原理   |  68.0 |
| 白素贞     | 高阶数学     |  99.0 |
| 许仙       | Java         |  67.0 |
| 许仙       | 计算机原理   |  23.0 |
| 许仙       | 高阶数学     |  56.0 |
| 许仙       | 英文         |  72.0 |
| 不想毕业   | Java         |  81.0 |
| 不想毕业   | 高阶数学     |  37.0 |
| 好好说话   | 中国传统文化 |  56.0 |
| 好好说话   | 语文         |  43.0 |
| 好好说话   | 英文         |  79.0 |
| tellme     | 中国传统文化 |  80.0 |
| tellme     | 英文         |  92.0 |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)