Android Studio无法启动git,虽然实际上可以

时间:2021-11-22 00:20:20

My Android Studio is complaining about

我的Android Studio正在抱怨

Can't start Git: /usr/bin/git

无法启动Git:/ usr / bin / git

Probably the path to Git executable is not valid


although I can actually use git in android studio, and /usr/bin/git works in terminal.

虽然我实际上可以在android studio中使用git,而/ usr / bin / git在终端中工作。

How do I get rid of this false error


Here is my ~/.bash_profile

这是我的〜/ .bash_profile

export PATH=/usr/bin/git:$PATH

7 个解决方案


It is probably a permission issue on AS side. You could try to symlink /usr/bin/git to /user/local/bin/git and make AS pointing to the symlink.

这可能是AS方面的许可问题。您可以尝试将/ usr / bin / git符号链接到/ user / local / bin / git,并使AS指向符号链接。


If you're on Mac OSX, run sudo xcodebuild -license in the Terminal. It will show a wall of text. Carefully read the license ;) and keep pressing Space until you reach the end and then simply type agree and hit enter. This fixed the above error for me on Android Studio.

如果您使用的是Mac OSX,请在终端中运行sudo xcodebuild -license。它将显示一面文字。仔细阅读许可证;)并按住空格直到你到达终点然后只需键入agree并按Enter键。这在Android Studio上为我修复了上述错误。

On some occasions even that might not fix this issue. Try running the following command in the Terminal and restart Android Studio.

在某些情况下甚至可能无法解决这个问题。尝试在终端中运行以下命令并重新启动Android Studio。

sudo /usr/bin/git


Fixed it.. There was no Xcode installed on my mac.


Installed it from command line


xcode-select --install

It will ask for prompt to install accept and install


Then try

git --version


After update Xcode to 7.0 my Android Studio complained about Git and the solution for me was go to terminal and type

在将Xcode更新到7.0后,我的Android Studio抱怨Git,我的解决方案是转到终端并输入

 sudo /usr/bin/git


sudo git --version

This will show you this message:


You have not agreed to the Xcode license agreements.You must agree to both license agreements below in order to use Xcode.


at the final you have to agree the license


By typing 'agree' you are agreeing to the terms of the software license agreements.



In order to find the git path:


which git


First you need to accept the license


xcodebuild -license accept


In my case i downloaded an update of Xcode and didn't remember to Accept the New License Agreement/Terms and Conditions. So i just started the Xcode and Agreed to New License Agreement and it started working.



It is probably a permission issue on AS side. You could try to symlink /usr/bin/git to /user/local/bin/git and make AS pointing to the symlink.

这可能是AS方面的许可问题。您可以尝试将/ usr / bin / git符号链接到/ user / local / bin / git,并使AS指向符号链接。


If you're on Mac OSX, run sudo xcodebuild -license in the Terminal. It will show a wall of text. Carefully read the license ;) and keep pressing Space until you reach the end and then simply type agree and hit enter. This fixed the above error for me on Android Studio.

如果您使用的是Mac OSX,请在终端中运行sudo xcodebuild -license。它将显示一面文字。仔细阅读许可证;)并按住空格直到你到达终点然后只需键入agree并按Enter键。这在Android Studio上为我修复了上述错误。

On some occasions even that might not fix this issue. Try running the following command in the Terminal and restart Android Studio.

在某些情况下甚至可能无法解决这个问题。尝试在终端中运行以下命令并重新启动Android Studio。

sudo /usr/bin/git


Fixed it.. There was no Xcode installed on my mac.


Installed it from command line


xcode-select --install

It will ask for prompt to install accept and install


Then try

git --version


After update Xcode to 7.0 my Android Studio complained about Git and the solution for me was go to terminal and type

在将Xcode更新到7.0后,我的Android Studio抱怨Git,我的解决方案是转到终端并输入

 sudo /usr/bin/git


sudo git --version

This will show you this message:


You have not agreed to the Xcode license agreements.You must agree to both license agreements below in order to use Xcode.


at the final you have to agree the license


By typing 'agree' you are agreeing to the terms of the software license agreements.



In order to find the git path:


which git


First you need to accept the license


xcodebuild -license accept


In my case i downloaded an update of Xcode and didn't remember to Accept the New License Agreement/Terms and Conditions. So i just started the Xcode and Agreed to New License Agreement and it started working.
