目前自主爬虫的获取方式已经基本失效,google自定义的方式获得的资源质量也不是太高,当前最省事,简洁的 方式可以采用直接调用接口
#coding: utf8 """ author:haoning create time: 2015-8-15 """ import re #正则表达式模块 import urllib2 #获取URLs的组件 import time from Queue import Queue import threading, errno, datetime import json import requests #Requests is an Apache2 Licensed HTTP library import MySQLdb as mdb DB_HOST = \'\' DB_USER = \'root\' DB_PASS = \'\' #以下是正则匹配规则 re_start = re.compile(r\'start=(\d+)\') #\d 表示0-9 任意一个数字 后面有+号 说明这个0-9单个数位出现一到多次 比如21312314 re_uid = re.compile(r\'query_uk=(\d+)\') #查询编号 re_urlid = re.compile(r\'&urlid=(\d+)\') #url编号 ONEPAGE = 20 #一页数据量 ONESHAREPAGE = 20 #一页分享连接量 #缺少专辑列表 URL_SHARE = \'http://yun.baidu.com/pcloud/feed/getsharelist?auth_type=1&start={start}&limit=20&query_uk={uk}&urlid={id}\' #获得分享列表 """ {"feed_type":"share","category":6,"public":"1","shareid":"1541924625","data_id":"2418757107690953697","title":"\u5723\u8bde\u58c1\u7eb8\u5927\u6d3e\u9001","third":0,"clienttype":0,"filecount":1,"uk":1798788396,"username":"SONYcity03","feed_time":1418986714000,"desc":"","avatar_url":"http:\/\/himg.bdimg.com\/sys\/portrait\/item\/1b6bf333.jpg","dir_cnt":1,"filelist":[{"server_filename":"\u5723\u8bde\u58c1\u7eb8\u5927\u6d3e\u9001","category":6,"isdir":1,"size":1024,"fs_id":870907642649299,"path":"%2F%E5%9C%A3%E8%AF%9E%E5%A3%81%E7%BA%B8%E5%A4%A7%E6%B4%BE%E9%80%81","md5":"0","sign":"1221d7d56438970225926ad552423ff6a5d3dd33","time_stamp":1439542024}],"source_uid":"871590683","source_id":"1541924625","shorturl":"1dDndV6T","vCnt":34296,"dCnt":7527,"tCnt":5056,"like_status":0,"like_count":60,"comment_count":19}, public:公开分享 title:文件名称 uk:用户编号 """ URL_FOLLOW = \'http://yun.baidu.com/pcloud/friend/getfollowlist?query_uk={uk}&limit=20&start={start}&urlid={id}\' #获得订阅列表 """ {"type":-1,"follow_uname":"\u597d\u55e8\u597d\u55e8\u554a","avatar_url":"http:\/\/himg.bdimg.com\/sys\/portrait\/item\/979b832f.jpg","intro":"\u9700\u8981\u597d\u8d44\u6599\u52a0994798392","user_type":0,"is_vip":0,"follow_count":2,"fans_count":2276,"follow_time":1415614418,"pubshare_count":36,"follow_uk":2603342172,"album_count":0}, follow_uname:订阅名称 fans_count:粉丝数 """ URL_FANS = \'http://yun.baidu.com/pcloud/friend/getfanslist?query_uk={uk}&limit=20&start={start}&urlid={id}\' # 获取关注列表 """ {"type":-1,"fans_uname":"\u62e8\u52a8\u795e\u7684\u5fc3\u7eea","avatar_url":"http:\/\/himg.bdimg.com\/sys\/portrait\/item\/d5119a2b.jpg","intro":"","user_type":0,"is_vip":0,"follow_count":8,"fans_count":39,"follow_time":1439541512,"pubshare_count":15,"fans_uk":288332613,"album_count":0} avatar_url:头像 fans_uname:用户名 """ QNUM = 1000 hc_q = Queue(20) #请求队列 hc_r = Queue(QNUM) #接收队列 success = 0 failed = 0 def req_worker(inx): #请求 s = requests.Session() #请求对象 while True: req_item = hc_q.get() #获得请求项 req_type = req_item[0] #请求类型,分享?订阅?粉丝? url = req_item[1] #url r = s.get(url) #通过url获得数据 hc_r.put((r.text, url)) #将获得数据文本和url放入接收队列 print "req_worker#", inx, url #inx 线程编号; url 分析了的 url def response_worker(): #处理工作 dbconn = mdb.connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, \'baiduyun\', charset=\'utf8\') dbcurr = dbconn.cursor() dbcurr.execute(\'SET NAMES utf8\') dbcurr.execute(\'set global wait_timeout=60000\') #以上皆是数据库操作 while True: """ #正则备注 match() 决定 RE 是否在字符串刚开始的位置匹配 search() 扫描字符串,找到这个 RE 匹配的位置 findall() 找到 RE 匹配的所有子串,并把它们作为一个列表返回 finditer() 找到 RE 匹配的所有子串,并把它们作为一个迭代器返回 百度页面链接:http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=3685432306&uk=1798788396&from=hotrec uk 其实用户id值 """ metadata, effective_url = hc_r.get() #获得metadata(也就是前面的r.text)和有效的url #print "response_worker:", effective_url try: tnow = int(time.time()) #获得当前时间 id = re_urlid.findall(effective_url)[0] #获得re_urlid用户编号 start = re_start.findall(effective_url)[0] #获得start用户编号 if True: if \'getfollowlist\' in effective_url: #type = 1,也就是订阅类 follows = json.loads(metadata) #以将文本数据转化成json数据格式返回 uid = re_uid.findall(effective_url)[0] #获得re_uid,查询编号 if "total_count" in follows.keys() and follows["total_count"]>0 and str(start) == "0": #获得订阅数量 for i in range((follows["total_count"]-1)/ONEPAGE): #开始一页一页获取有用信息 try: dbcurr.execute(\'INSERT INTO urlids(uk, start, limited, type, status) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, 1, 0)\' % (uid, str(ONEPAGE*(i+1)), str(ONEPAGE))) #存储url编号,订阅中有用户编号,start表示从多少条数据开始获取,初始status=0为未分析状态 except Exception as ex: print "E1", str(ex) pass if "follow_list" in follows.keys(): #如果订阅者也订阅了,即拥有follow_list for item in follows["follow_list"]: try: dbcurr.execute(\'INSERT INTO user(userid, username, files, status, downloaded, lastaccess) VALUES(%s, "%s", 0, 0, 0, %s)\' % (item[\'follow_uk\'], item[\'follow_uname\'], str(tnow))) #存储订阅这的用户编号,用户名,入库时间 except Exception as ex: print "E13", str(ex) pass else: print "delete 1", uid, start dbcurr.execute(\'delete from urlids where uk=%s and type=1 and start>%s\' % (uid, start)) elif \'getfanslist\' in effective_url: #type = 2,也就是粉丝列表 fans = json.loads(metadata) uid = re_uid.findall(effective_url)[0] if "total_count" in fans.keys() and fans["total_count"]>0 and str(start) == "0": for i in range((fans["total_count"]-1)/ONEPAGE): try: dbcurr.execute(\'INSERT INTO urlids(uk, start, limited, type, status) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, 2, 0)\' % (uid, str(ONEPAGE*(i+1)), str(ONEPAGE))) except Exception as ex: print "E2", str(ex) pass if "fans_list" in fans.keys(): for item in fans["fans_list"]: try: dbcurr.execute(\'INSERT INTO user(userid, username, files, status, downloaded, lastaccess) VALUES(%s, "%s", 0, 0, 0, %s)\' % (item[\'fans_uk\'], item[\'fans_uname\'], str(tnow))) except Exception as ex: print "E23", str(ex) pass else: print "delete 2", uid, start dbcurr.execute(\'delete from urlids where uk=%s and type=2 and start>%s\' % (uid, start)) else: #type=0,也即是分享列表 shares = json.loads(metadata) uid = re_uid.findall(effective_url)[0] if "total_count" in shares.keys() and shares["total_count"]>0 and str(start) == "0": for i in range((shares["total_count"]-1)/ONESHAREPAGE): try: dbcurr.execute(\'INSERT INTO urlids(uk, start, limited, type, status) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, 0, 0)\' % (uid, str(ONESHAREPAGE*(i+1)), str(ONESHAREPAGE))) except Exception as ex: print "E3", str(ex) pass if "records" in shares.keys(): for item in shares["records"]: try: dbcurr.execute(\'INSERT INTO share(userid, filename, shareid, status) VALUES(%s, "%s", %s, 0)\' % (uid, item[\'title\'], item[\'shareid\'])) #item[\'title\']恰好是文件名称 #返回的json信息: except Exception as ex: #print "E33", str(ex), item pass else: print "delete 0", uid, start dbcurr.execute(\'delete from urlids where uk=%s and type=0 and start>%s\' % (uid, str(start))) dbcurr.execute(\'delete from urlids where id=%s\' % (id, )) dbconn.commit() except Exception as ex: print "E5", str(ex), id dbcurr.close() dbconn.close() #关闭数据库 def worker(): global success, failed dbconn = mdb.connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, \'baiduyun\', charset=\'utf8\') dbcurr = dbconn.cursor() dbcurr.execute(\'SET NAMES utf8\') dbcurr.execute(\'set global wait_timeout=60000\') #以上是数据库相关设置 while True: #dbcurr.execute(\'select * from urlids where status=0 order by type limit 1\') dbcurr.execute(\'select * from urlids where status=0 and type>0 limit 1\') #type>0,为非分享列表 d = dbcurr.fetchall() #每次取出一条数据出来 #print d if d: #如果数据存在 id = d[0][0] #请求url编号 uk = d[0][1] #用户编号 start = d[0][2] limit = d[0][3] type = d[0][4] #哪种类型 dbcurr.execute(\'update urlids set status=1 where id=%s\' % (str(id),)) #状态更新为1,已经访问过了 url = "" if type == 0: #分享 url = URL_SHARE.format(uk=uk, start=start, id=id).encode(\'utf-8\') #分享列表格式化 #query_uk uk 查询编号 #start #urlid id url编号 elif type == 1: #订阅 url = URL_FOLLOW.format(uk=uk, start=start, id=id).encode(\'utf-8\') #订阅列表格式化 elif type == 2: #粉丝 url = URL_FANS.format(uk=uk, start=start, id=id).encode(\'utf-8\') #关注列表格式化 if url: hc_q.put((type, url)) #如果url存在,则放入请求队列,type表示从哪里获得数据 #通过以上的url就可以获得相应情况下的数据的json数据格式,如分享信息的,订阅信息的,粉丝信息的 #print "processed", url else: #否则从订阅者或者粉丝的引出人中获得信息来存储,这个过程是爬虫树的下一层扩展 dbcurr.execute(\'select * from user where status=0 limit 1000\') d = dbcurr.fetchall() if d: for item in d: try: dbcurr.execute(\'insert into urlids(uk, start, limited, type, status) values("%s", 0, %s, 0, 0)\' % (item[1], str(ONESHAREPAGE))) #uk 查询号,其实是用户编号 #start 从第1条数据出发获取信息 # dbcurr.execute(\'insert into urlids(uk, start, limited, type, status) values("%s", 0, %s, 1, 0)\' % (item[1], str(ONEPAGE))) dbcurr.execute(\'insert into urlids(uk, start, limited, type, status) values("%s", 0, %s, 2, 0)\' % (item[1], str(ONEPAGE))) dbcurr.execute(\'update user set status=1 where userid=%s\' % (item[1],)) #做个标志,该条数据已经访问过了 #跟新了分享,订阅,粉丝三部分数据 except Exception as ex: print "E6", str(ex) else: time.sleep(1) dbconn.commit() dbcurr.close() dbconn.close() def main(): print \'starting at:\',now() for item in range(16): t = threading.Thread(target = req_worker, args = (item,)) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() #请求线程开启,共开启16个线程 s = threading.Thread(target = worker, args = ()) s.setDaemon(True) s.start() #worker线程开启 response_worker() #response_worker开始工作 print \'all Done at:\', now()
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